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Everything posted by Bumpy
ChasUFarley, Bumpy never said this forum is offensive, point one. Point 2, I’m not trying nor have I, the slightest interest in “proving or gaining” ANYTHING here at Grease Spot. I do however think that maybe a few interesting social interactions, and as I said before, a laugh or two would be fun. I hope that is clear? (again) You make a few false claims in you “opinions” section...I am NOT of the “opinion” there is “nothing NEW here” OR that “this isn’t really helping the innies”... Please do not put words in my mouth that do not exist. You can support your cause but try using arguments which are relevant. Everyone has their OPINION...even you, it all goes without saying. My discovery of this channel was completely accidental, and to the relief of many, I won’t be posting much longer. I have found it informative as to what happened to The Way. But, beyond gossip and conjecture, who knows that what lurks in cyberspace listening to GS postings, is of major importance? You and others might be here as a refuge from twi, to vent your emotions, etc. It was never that for me. ( I might not be able to see you...but I can hear you, and you can take that on face-value!) Rick, just saw your posting! It was never meant "to be or not to be" insulting...just sometimes mixed with a little French wine...let's say, a little "entertaining"...After all we are all individuals of the BOD, right? So I guess there's enough space left here to say "SORRY"! To one and all... Delivery...I'll work on that! Thanks Rick, nice finally meeting you... :)
That was some post! Can I offer you a cup of coffee or a Scotch? I really have no idea who you’re talking to or what your point really is...but I’m sure you covered all the bases. Certainly no one is inhibiting your freedom of speech, and I don’t think anyone one else is lacking an opinion here either. I just wish the old leadership guys like Craig & Chris were around to give us a little guidance!!
I’m going to saw myself off on another limb (haha), but since my voice over here is so small anyway...(psst. no one might hear,sshhh). I liked learning how to open that dust covered Bible and learn some of the things that were written and get to the point of Rom. 10:9,10. I had some fun with people I met, even the party bosses with the cute name tags. Honestly, I didn’t take it that seriously but I can see how some did. I know that sounds really stupid and remedial, but for me it was something I look back at as apart of what education was all about during school time. PFAL was kind of like “ShowTime”. Amazing how long the show lasted! Reminds me of this place.
Dooj, your clip on Wipe Out reminds me this morning of one of my favorite funk drummers...Mr. Steve Garibaldi. His wife Peggy and another very attractive way corps girl, got me to twig and into pfal! 32+ years ago...Yikes! It's still early...David...sorry! But it has been a long time!
Dear Madam Highway, My morning tea and toast with homemade fig & cinnamon jam are sitting happily next to me. Sounds like from your response, we are going to be....friends? So let’s play a game. You take the high road, and I’ll take the low road, and let’s see who can hitch hike back to Emporia the fastest! Honestly, I was expecting more from you in your response. Just not enough blood in the water to get too excited about. Take away all the sarcastic remarks, and your foundational assumption that I “hate the way corps”, and there is really nothing left except your personal attack on Bumpy the Troll! I know trying to change your perception of me is not possible. Not even if I tell you a morning joke about za French...ah oui? But I’ll bet I get back to Emporia before ya! ...hahaha, yes you are! Did you like your little "present"??
“Little Bo - Peep has lost her sheep, and can’t tell where to find them; Leave them alone, and they’ll come home, wagging their tales behind them!” “Bumpy likes to stir things up”...Really? Or maybe just have a little laugh at how a contrary idea is attacked in the same old Way Brain fashion I used to know...Troll like questions...are we regressing back to childhood here? “This is not a cult”, you’ve got to be kidding? <_< This IS a MIDDLE AGED WAY CORPS CULT under the guise of “moving on”. You haven’t moved onto anything except the Internet. (this little thread of a Wipe Out is just one example) And here behind your avatars, you can sling the bs even further than when you were wearing your “official badges”!! Madam Highway, I did not live my life in a way corps wash closet and then come out to regret it. I’m sorry that you and all the angry others like you, still live in that “attack mode” wc mold. You only fool yourselves into thinking you have moved beyond your “waybrain” past when the supposed pot is so easily stirred. Some might disagree whether this site is going to help or harm, I reserve judgement. But everyone has to take their lumps in life, the question is do they have any “style” in the process? My take is very simple, I spend about 8 months per year in a very difficult part of the world. During the remainder, I must raise enough capital to start the program all over, recharge the batteries and relax. If people like you think your life is too difficult, please do some comparative shopping in my world. It may in fact cure you of your past ailments better than an Internet site...and then YOU can "get over it"! I'm sorry but I don't have anything to...get over. I’ll look forward to my exciting post “pot stirring” results in the news as usual a demain. Bumpy the Troll
The law of believing-NO GOD NEEDED
Bumpy replied to nyunknown's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I give up, but I'll bet if you as Herr Word Wolf...he vill have an answer! -
The law of believing-NO GOD NEEDED
Bumpy replied to nyunknown's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Oldiesman, "if a fool & his $$" are soon parted, I will bet you the house that your last prophetic words here...will be to say the least...shot down from more gun placements than you can imagine!! -
And what was on za menu might I ask? And did you have your Irish Coffee at the Buena Vista on the Wharf at the corner of Hyde & Front St.??
The law of believing-NO GOD NEEDED
Bumpy replied to nyunknown's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Sorry...but I'm not sure that's the EXACT translation! -
The law of believing-NO GOD NEEDED
Bumpy replied to nyunknown's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
What I really like about Grease Spot is that everyone took the same PFAL class and came to the SAME conclusion! That’s what I call...UNITY of PURPOSE, being of ONE MIND, having the SAME THINGS IN COMMON... <_< Man, Isn’t it just great to be a part of the Body of Christ! I’m sure GOD is really thankful he spent time putting that “Christ in You” together...Oh yea! How do you say that in Spanish? -
The law of believing-NO GOD NEEDED
Bumpy replied to nyunknown's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
...and the meek shall inherit the earth... -
The law of believing-NO GOD NEEDED
Bumpy replied to nyunknown's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I love "preaching" the Bible! I Corinthians 1: 20-30. But I leave it mostly to the experts! -
This is a present for you, Jonny & Rhino...and maybe ~Exie~if she's speaking...? No Peeking Toms! http://www.hbovoyeur.com/
http://www.youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=5zdf...e7FvcXuWi8ZwAoI This is dedicated to ~Ex~ and "The Spots" From Bumpy the Troll :biglaugh:
Abi, even though it is a bit late over here...that was great! The pooh stain has been wiped clean. Thanks for the laugh, Bump
Dear Children, I am sure when God looks down upon all your wonderful postings here, His name will be magnified in your knowledge of Him! (forget that idea to delete after all, it’s too important for HIM to miss this wonderful work in progress!) ....And IF “every word shall be judged which proceeds from your little mouths”, at least the heavens won’t need lawyers, it will all be down on black and white. <_< Abi, don’t forget your little poo stain in the soap section dear. Dooj, forget cooking, you would make a wonderful secretary for a psycho ward. And isn’t it nice that smart people like Larry are around for all the grease spots to read and get excited over? After all, without new blood in the shark tank, you might all die for lack of oxygen! I mean boredom. You can now go back to that never ending...”healing process” ... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6976183.stm
So, my little friends are back. At least when they show their teeth, it’s not their breath that kills you. Be careful of meathead goats in sheep clothing, serving lousy meals. It can be bad for the image of a cult-counter-cult website. That is, if image is important to the outside cult viewer? <_< In any case, I never wanted to unwind the reel, no matter how surreal. It was just for fun, to start your day. But a little sad to see such a tough reaction when no ill will was intended. But just maybe another example of how certain folks have staked their territory of entitlement...in the land of the grease spot. <_<
Dear Jim, First, please educate me as to the meaning of the term “troll”?? Did God inspire you to call both Larry and myself...”Trolls”, as I presume it’s not really something very nice? Was I a “troll” the last time we met as well? When you read my thread opener, did I ever say I wanted to delete anything, or was I merely proposing an idea? Does it ever occur to some posters here, how they might be over-reacting to maybe just a simple conversational idea? Because, believe it or not, no malice was intended when I wrote it this morning! It was just something I thought was an interesting idea. But if there is a point worth taking away from all of your responses, it might be how emotionally protective you are of “perceived threats” to Grease Spot. A certain measure of actual paranoia might be included in that equation. I am sorry if talking about possibilities upset some of you. That was never intended. Now, please clue me in...what is a “troll”?
..."a tempest in a teacup", ..."but it's OUR coffee mug", Doojable, can you please explain the meaning of OUR?? What kind of coffee mug are you holding? Is it just for your friends, or people you like? Or are you saying something about schoolyard politics....please be more specific. I'm sure a lot of people might be interested to hear your understanding of gs as "our" coffee mug and what tempests "we will weather". Sound a bit "cultish" does it not? :unsure:
Right, I can see that most of you think you’re saving Pvt. Leaf from twi in some way, shape or form. And that stored information in the gs vaults is invaluable as an anti-twi vaccination. And, there are a few leaves falling from the way tree making it to gs, one way or another. But when you look at 90% of the “discussions”, what percentage is really relevant to achieving that end and how much is bs ?? Do you really think gs is a “threat” to the way? I’m sure Herr WW does, because it’s written in all the labour of his communication. But if you kept 10% and deleted the rest, how much would you really lose?
Thanks RG, sweet of you to say so! ((((((RG)))))) Bumpy
I don't know about San Fran., but I do know there are some cousins hanging around Norway! http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article1622375.ece
Looks like GREAT STUFF for the Soap Opera section Herr WW! Did anyone ever solve the mystery??
Here’s an idea for the 1st of the the month...? How ‘bout if the “powers that be” were to DELETE ALL previous GS posts from time immortal until today? That’s right, what would happen if we started all over, right from the beginning, fresh with no previous topics, threads, nothing? How would we start? New guide lines for a new time? No previous garbage to read through. A NEW Grease Spot, maybe all new avatars? Rewrite the constitution, set term limits...a new club. What would be the result and who would be interested??