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Everything posted by Bumpy
Thanks! Did you like the French pix? Jan. back to Africa for another round, want a ride?
Come on Tom... Bumpy will be Grumpy if there's too much traffic placating my "profile"! It was just a question related to ratings and I just noticed the "sherrifs", ie, mods were all decked out! So please don't overload my system board! Otherwise I may "click" on y o u !
That’s interesting because just the other day, I rode over to the sheriffs dept., the boys that monitor quality control and stuff, and they all got themselves *5* star ratings! Now just a readin’ thru a few of them posts, I was a wonderin’...who’s a ratin’ them sheriff’s postins those *5* stars? them or us civilians?
Dear Lady, It’s soon bedtime for bonzo bumpy ce soir. But before the gs soap for tonight closes, could you please detail for the audience what your personal galatians grievance is against the the ol’ doc ? I mean what did he do to you personally that you hold such a long standing hatred of the man? And do you really think he’s hell bound because 20+ years ago a bunch of kids bought into an ill spent youth of cult adulation? Maybe I missed something in the “get over it” department, but when do people “grow up” and live what’s left of their lives?? <_<
This is my “market research” question... These *star* ratings which appear on our GS profile keep changing? What’s the deal and who are the folks doing the popularity ratings? It isn’t The Way International at HQ voting on our comments by chance? Or are we being “monitored” by Big Brother behind a door marked with an unknown Avatar...Larry can you help me here?
Tom, I just remembered...I've got that extra African beach property, so I'll have to hold off on the Florida deal! But if you want more "bang 4 your investment buck", you might get lucky on the dark continent! Then again, it's not for the faint of heart!
The French lady next to me would like to know if all that French kissing and Oral stuff means ‘they’ will not ‘inherit the kingdom’ either...or is this just an American Cult Translation of the Bible? I give up, but if Dr. Viper is going to hell by failing the ‘test’, what’s in store for the rest of us?
Bump is ready, cash in fist! I guess if you guys can't afford the Euro Chateau here in France we have to go down market with all the gays on Miami Beach!
This might be part of the problem! http://www.reuters.com/article/inDepthNews...=22&sp=true
Back to enjoying my morning tea! Word Wolf, really, I was expecting so much more on this subject from you! I’m sure I remember all this being taught at the “Advanced” class! <_< It’s obvious, that to find ALL the answers, some of you need to go back to your Way syllabuses, put on your name tags, and “Study” to show yourselves approved unto God... Otherwise I don’t see any way of answering this rather ordinary existential question, other than moving to New York City!!
Well Tom, I was in Seattle that Monday night and it of course all came back to "wide right" and another 3 Super Bowl losses for the rust belt crowd. It may be a curse, I don't know, but for me it wasn't fun watching because the fans in Buff are real die hards in the truest sense of the meaning (don't forget how it was in bean town before 2004!). Anyway, you're right about the Patriots, they'll be real hard to beat. But never forget the "injury" question. Buffalo's been hit hard the whole year and one or two bangs on the Brady bunch, things could change fast!
Once upon a time...we were all little children, and like good little children we believed what we were being told. Now though, when the “banking boys” making the millions in bonuses on Wall Street send your fuel bills for heating or look over your shoulder as you fill the little automobile, do you begin to think that maybe the “system” might be rigged?? <_< Credit card consumer debt, M1, M2 non-savings, Chinese $$ reserves & foreign zillions holding your currency & national economy hostage, or maybe just wondering what that old term “inflation” really means? Sub-prime lenders bending your fenders? Chinese toys litter the shelves and you wonder what to buy for Christmas (don’t use that word!)...excuse me, what is US $$ worth? Less than a Loonie in the Canadian boonie! How will the bankers bail out the lenders, and your friends at the Fed will sing you a lullaby of American strong dollar praises? Lions and Tigers and Bears...there’s no recession in sight, right? Good thing those large cap guys have foreign operations! Don’t give up (on tech), it can only get worse! (Don’t mind me, I’m still hung over from shopping the last two months!) Bump http://www.mortgagenewswatch.com/newsviewe...EN%26bfem%5E%21
Not much into "perfect seasons" even if Tom Brady makes the girls a little whet. But the perfect storm could be lake effect and 80 thousand going crazy in Orchard Park!
How hard is it to "tag" a shark?
Bonjour Messieurs Strange et Graucho! Bumpy predicts there could be an upset by my “boys” in Up-State New York for the next Pats game! The odds are ?? and all the football world knows it’s a long shot. But ‘them’ Bills are on a streak and game time is prime time in the world of chicken wings and beef on wick! Had dinner with Marv Levy a few weeks ago which was interesting, and that was when the streak against the Jets began. So who knows the odds for the show, but The Ralph will be a rockin’...too bad I’m back in France! <_<
Bumpy wishes to report rodent “body” parts (sorry Ham!) have been discovered under the family Jaguar in Western, New York…that’s Buffalo Bills Country for the uneducated! Back to France with Zarko on Sunday! Love to all at GSC! Le Bump
Maybe you should have take this route? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070907/ap_on_...Bkj77hSZodvzwcF
Just checked in...to yikes@! check out! This # 71 girl has got my pants down on the highway! I knew that religious video was going to get me in trouble. Something about these Jesus productions always give me flashes like it’s time to go. I just have a hard time sittin’ thru them. Anyway, it was bad timing. Larry could have posted before me. But as the flying “bug” can’t be shot down, I gotta take my medicine! Folks, it’s just a feeling before signing off, but I think anotherdan has a big chance of winning elections around here for best supporting Christian. If there is an end of the year award or video for best listener...it’s got to be him! But, I’d have to have a few drinks with him before voting!
...sorry to interrupt the discussion, but something my lovely secretary came up with...on the lighter side! http://www.oddee.com/item_89227.aspx
Chas, post 124 was for you. Somehow didn't connect. Anyway, my (travel) used to be much much worse, or better, way better before 9/11, but I guess keeping the "wolf from the door" is part of the deal! Plus I'm shipping an old Merk from 1981 to NYC which needs to feel the road. (Now Herr WW, that was no attempt on my part, talkin' about a simple Wolf...that's all!) Gotta be careful around here!
Hey, these posts get too complicated, at least for my 1800 brain time! Sometimes it's such a laugh what I do, communicating with people here, LA, Europe, really all over the place! I'm sure whatever you felt or said was right. I'm bowing out of the race. But still have a few days left. What's the weather like wherever it is you live? It's the "vendanges" grape moving time here in Burgundy. Lots of tractors everywhere. It's going to be a crappy harvest all over France. I'm putting that down in my world famous future wine book that will never be written! But don't quote me.
Hey, wait, didn't we meet at the Fineman barmitzvah? Something about going for a drive and a bottle of Bourbon? Anyway, I liked your postings. Fresh Canadian air...along with that smoked bacon! Great Stuff!
Herr Word Wolf - Wie geht’s? How do you ever find the time to put all those L O N G opinions of yours together? WOW...! Anyway, thanks for visiting bumpy’s wipe out thread...bad idea, eh? Oh well, let’s hope they don’t ever push that “red” delete button, because only YOU could string it all back together! I’ll be in mid-town Manhattan for this Sunday brunch if you’re interested in a little eggs benedict and champagne! I'm sure we can find something to talk about... :)
OK, my mistake it’s NOT a CULT...geeez, I’m having a real bad day, and on my own little thread as well...(laugh) BUT, you have to admit gs did morph from a cult, so there has to be some guilt by association!, right? Ouch, (looking under the table) I think I was just done bit by eh Ro-dent...(Jethro, stop touchin’ Ellie May thar). On a quiet night, when I really FEEEL the moment (like the stock market today!) I will write about my next location, the Casamance. Civil war the last 25+ years, land mines, the usual bang bang stuff. Great for adventure tourism!
I'm sorry to maybe go against what I just might have said haha, so (steve martin) E X C U S E ME! But please (and I did say please!) can't you do something about that jumping rodent creature? (And no, I don't think Mr. Lingo is too interested in compromising his position. But...I could be wrong! )