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Everything posted by Bumpy
Tom, I don't know if these robot models are male or female, but they've got to be smarter than those 'humans' trying to answer BASIC current events/geography questions on the streets of the USA! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3f5_1197391719&p=1
Great! Sounds like a secretary I don't need! 8 months later, no info., wrong info,...and thanks for the inquiry, Tom! Doesn't sound like the same person who 'expressed her views' when all this began! <_<
Truer words were never spoken...and each "individual" member in the way corp.oration had their own little interpretation as to what THAT thought might have meant..in their spiritual search for The Truth! "Some are more equal than others" in the barnyard OR "Never give a sucker an even break", by Antlers in the Treetops.
Thanks Abi, but this was/is more like bumpy! http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?video_id=...=1&border=0
But Rick, don't forget, we're all in this together, right to the end...! So don't buckout on us 12 year olds, after all, what comes later is just... "teenage wasteland"!
But YOUR financial picture would be brilliant...as a picker of STOCKS & not NUTS! http://www.reuters.com/article/businessNew...=23&sp=true ...not to mention deterioration in the squirrelly housing mortgage dept.
WG, Tom's right! McDonald's was up to this kind of business big time back in the '70's!
You obviously never hung out in 'certain' people's basements in the mid '70's inspecting food supplies and rations after "class"! I guess you just had to be one of the "chosen" by the "Directorate"! All of this making more opportunity for barnyard Farm conversation when we finally get back there. Btw., finding lots of very mature worms in rich fertile soil over there lately!
Now it's up to "ALL" you Grease Spotters in the "Closet" to FILL the Christmas List!! Are there any Gay Squirrels in the audience!! Open House Here In France
In the "biblical sense"?
I'm glad someone provided you with that "quote" for an "exit strategy". It appears your Way Corps Training has served you well!! You must tell me what rank you held on THE FARM before you resigned your commission? :) I'll be looking forward to your next...'figure' of speech! Monsieur, Le Bump
Just because I have a small "crush" on you being Canadian and all, wanting to go out on a "ride" with you playing some tunes with a bottle of that Canadian club stuff, the old smoked bacon...thought you might like this one too! http://www.biertijd.com/mediaplayer/?itemid=4262%20
Stop that, it huuurts my head!
OMG, Was He a Potato or a Tomato?? Or just a Sour Kraut! Good Thing (for him!) ALL Believing doesn't ALWAYS = Receiving...Even in Der Vey!
"Vegetable Cultivated Music For Creative Cuisine" ...or whatever!
Jonny! Check out some of the Way Magazines just after he died. I'm sure you will find several "on the scene" believers attending the funeral who heard her say those EXACT words! You just have to do a little RESEARCH Jonny. And don't expect anyone from CES to help you out here either!
OK, No Liars Poker, No Famous People?? Well how 'bout another TEXAS BBQ with some NEW neighborhood friends!! http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8...;show_article=1
Plenty of Irish Whiskey, Guinness, a 4 leaf clover, a blarney stone, a leprechaun, your favorite rugby ball, a few books by Joyce and Beckett, and an Irish lass to keep you warm during those long winter nights! :biglaugh: You're Welcome! :)
I was waiting for the right build-up to get to this important moment! It may not have anything to do with "liars poker" or prophesy, but I thought it might just be time to start thinking about "passing the Sunday plate"! http://www.stfonline.org/partnership/index.html Hamm, I think you should be the first to throw in a few nuts...and Belle, a sweet little prayer to bless the offering would be a nice gesture! (and don't forget to read the f i n e print, of but now I see!)
And THIS may be the place to do it! http://www.commontables.org/ Then, a nice friendly round of "poker"
Liars Poker...anyone read the book? Famous People, who's the most famous person you ever met...dead or alive! Saturday Night Question because it's raining in Beaune Beaune, and my wine neighbor refilled the cave!! :) Back to Liars Poker. Take a $$ Bill, Zero's are Aces. You know the numbers you hold, your adversary THE DEVIL holds another note of the same denomination (play on words there, no extra charge!), both notes have the same amount of numbers! You know your numbers, he knows his, but no one knows the truth. Just like poker, you can bet the numbers you have or numbers you don't have, but at the end of the day the numbers of both bills have to add up to the call bet, or the last to bet loses. Someone starts with a wager of one "2" or two "5"s, three "6"'s, whatever. You know your numbers and as the bet increases liars poker begins to take shape. If The Devil calls three "6"'s and you have none, he must hold them all. If you have one 6, he only has to have two, got it? Play a few hands & after a few drinks and get back to me, and I'll finish the story of Liars Poker!
Let me get this straight Herr WW. You want to separate the "messenger" from the message?? How is the Lord going to judge us, later in "The Day", if He can't locate the brilliant child who screamed out his or her nonsense in the first place? Isn't that the whole point of keeping records? Grease Spot is THE ARCHIVE of spiritual child/voice captives, resting in human forms, screaming out their obscenities, in the dark dungeons of twi torture chambers of the past. A cold damp corridor with names on each door, and voices calling out from behind! Names must remain so we can validate the authenticity of their claim, (as well as record their IQ!!).
http://cjcphoto.com/can/ A Bumpy Weekend Surprise :)