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Everything posted by Bumpy
From za Fuehrer Fortress of finely forecasted fortune 500 facts (not to be confused with bird turds from above), it is true wat Tom has 'spoken', gas futures are up, but sqvirrel nuts...nobody knows, ve have never had qvestions about zis before! :blink: Going to za bank maybe considered profitically speaking, a very stressed situvation as nobody trusts za banks or veather suffering & za truth are to be considered favorable if zer are no vitnessessess! :unsure: NO VITNEESSESSES NO VALLIDITTTY vitch is not very very wunderbar ven verrrifyying za future Facts! Zis prophecying, oy vey!
It doesn't LOOK like a Turkey!
...besides "fiddlesticks" (what are fiddlesticks anyway?) The shark lady has a special kind of headache, something related to "turds"? Are those 'bird turds' or prophetic word turds?? I have another idea...(oh no! not again!) Why don't we start a "Prophecy Thread", where everyone makes some kind of conjecture as to what they think is going to happen today, tomorrow, Christmas Day, what the presents are going to be...etc., etc. Or like what's going on for cocktails later, when is Jesus coming, how long twi is going to be in business or which "angel" is coming for dinner? You know, if ces can do it...why not GS? We can all be Prophets (esses) & What or WHY isn't really important if you're a Real Prophet! To prove the point I will begin... I can personally prophesy that very soon I will open up the fridge and in there will be a bottle of Champagne, and then there will be a lovely guinea fowl (turds have been previously removed) which will magically fly into the oven all stuffed with foie gras, bread, rasins, apple, squirrel nuts, Cognac, etc. See, it's easy! (PS, This was ALL Hobbe's Idea!!)
aaaahh! P R E S E N T A T I O N !!! Like in packaging?... And un-Wrapping the Packing? Can we play with this idea a little more in that CF&Sex thread?? Might help to get people's minds off the subject of Proof / No Proof / Alcohol Proof / And Pooof goes the magic Champagne cork for Christmas! Besides, my new friend in the corner has a very low tolerance for boring holiday conversation which everyone knows, will go no where...
Oh give me a home, where the Rhinos doth roam...How does a rhino jump anyway? "it's not unusual to see phallic symbols around", I love that! Are you SURE you're living on a "farm"! "trees might have to do with sex"...I give up, are you living a secret life with a squirrel?? "reproduction is what it's all about..." Exactly how many squirrels do you live with?? From the Way Farm to Grandpa's Farm...I definitely know which farm I would pick...move over!! What's for breakfast??
To make you into a SWEEEEEET POTATO!! :) :) Honey, it's almost Christmas! Buy a bottle of something, turn up the music, have some friends over for a party! Enjoy LIFE!!
You're Right, It's not the real point here! Besides, you've been a squirrel for so long, I suppose anything you say here would be appreciated as long as it didn't sound too "nuttified"...whatever that is!
Mr. Squirrel, I know you're a nice "sciurus" rodent creature... Like all the children sexually abused by the priests of the church, it took years of investigations and hundreds of complaints backed by the same methodical legal enquiries as to 'what happened' to ESTABLISH the case and eventually prosecute it. No One wanted to believe that little Johnny Jump Up's Peter Meter was actually being played with. What Der Vey got away with, besides all the money, was a LONG day in court that never would have ended. The reasons being varied and intertwined with excuses, the Allens were the only ones, (as far as I know) to succeed in their legal claims. It cost the guy stocking shelves in Ohio somewhere, his holy grail furry mantle. Too little too late, now it's just trivial pursuits of complaints by the supposed injured. No place to go with that except gs and to dream about what justice might have been?
Hamm, just from a squirrels perspective, WAY HIGH UP in the WAY TREE, Every time you come up with this stuff...it's only more of the same, hearsay! It's only gossip, until someone takes it to court and wins the case! If you 'knew' so much, WHY didn't you come down from your tree and do something about it?
...hmmmm. HQ calling Kansas, HQ calling Kansas, come in Kansas! Dorothy, Dorothy, are you OK? Have you discovered the Ruby Slippers? Where's the Vicster?? Strange series of events to report unfolding in WOW Dept. Life Changing Events. People & Rodents in Open Corps. Rebellion! Accusations of false Identity. Over. Meanwhile...back at "the Farm" all the good little corps housewives were all dressed up, waiting for their husbands to come home for Christmas dinner... WHEN Suddenly from behind a large snowdrift, a BIG, BAD WOLF appears heading for the forest...a v e r y Special Forest! Todo, Todo, Don't go in there..climb down from that tree. Eeeeewwwww Todo you're covered in white creamy Geeeeeewww@#$% Now where were you on the night of the 13th? Did you see the dark haired VIXXXEN leaving her apartment before getting into the getaway car? Your reluctance to answer any of these questions will qualify you for 30 days confinement in a rodent infested prison. Oh my god...don't go in there!
Well (waysider) maybe this was what the ol' doc was referring to in the forest of LOVE? I mean, sex in Africa, American style manipulation, recommended reading & waitin' at home for hubby... and THAT "ALL" important female gs cult question of "R e s p e c t", Aretha 1967. Is it LUV O' is dat just a banana in y o pants ? http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=14804
Catching up on the overnight war news... DWBH...Me oh My, do you rattle off those ??????? Questions ????????? You must have a case of "itchy ears"! Or a slippery tongue! Or are you a mild mannered Clark Kent disguised as Super Cult reporter Carl Bernstein of the Knoxville Daily News? Make one mistake in answering...and presto, out come the quotations..."and you a$$ is a gra$$". :P Gotta be careful around here! Especially when cman comes after you for your Christmas dues! *Wishing EveryOne Christmas Holiday Peace*
Well...at least you can be thankful that on this Sunday, there are 2 other points which agree and are undeniably "TRUE"... God in 3 persons, and 3 in 1 oil! And that... It "fits, like a glove in a hand"!
As my Mamma would say..."there's his side of the story, her side of the story"...AND THEN...there's "The Truth"!
Herr Wolf, mein alter Freund! Do you remember where we met? How do all the window decorations in Manhattan look this year, and the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center?
Potato, Patato, what art thou prophesying about...backbiting PM's?? Please, grow up and be a big potato if you have to be one at all. I am not 'hanging around harassing women'... I just get tired after miles and miles of the SAME cry baby twi trials, coming from the same middle aged females who no longer have any happy smiles!! :) Maybe if you took all that tragic, painful life you had and went to work in a hospital, who knows, you and the rodent might make a positive difference? ...If you could just stop talking about yourselves!
Rascal, like I said, speak for yourself. I see the never ending POINT of the same never ending PAIN of the same never ending "conversation" as you call it. But it's not a conversation. You are conversing with no one but yourself and people who agree with all your endless painful suffering! My "lack of appreciation..."? MY "constant...carping"...etc, etc. Sorry my little rodent friend, your waybrain twi 5 year old argumentation belongs back in a syllabus of way days long, long ago. Your life still belongs to the cult. You just don't know it!
Honey, first of all, it's BEST to just speak for YOURSELF, OK? My posting that you quoted had nothing to do with what people want to say. If you get kicks out of debating your REALLY pitifully sad (TWI) life with people who aren't listening, be my guest. But like the guy at the party, it gets REALLY BORING!! I realized long ago, your endless baaabbbling repetition will NEVER stop. It's not possible. You are obsessed with yourself & the conviction that YOU have some corner stone of healing that EVERYONE needs to hear...ALL the time! THAT'S WHY MISERY LOVE COMPANY! (And why twi party people were so depressing). They didn't need a 2 drink limit, THEY needed a LIFE!
Hi WaySider, It really wasn't you I was addressing. I understand what you're saying...and I think everybody understands by now. And everybody has their old scars. My question is, why waste time debating over and over, your pain with people you will NEVER meet and who you KNOW are NEVER going to understand how you feel, ON THE INTERNET? My personal scars in life I carry with a sense of pride, I don't need to display them. It's part of what I am. My mistakes are my own. Either I learn from them or I just join the next 'need to belong' cult corporation out of emotional stupidity! Listening to more of the same pass the plate Bible speak pick me up service, of how God saved another poor middle aged bible presenter from the temptation of decking some a$$hole who stole his car/wife/$$, etc. Pick a verse...prove a point. Tell me something I haven't heard.
Misery Love Company! People, don't you get TIRED? ...If 'you' don't believe 'MY' miserable TWI Life, Experiences, Stories, and Personal Sacrifice!!!...And IF, YOU don't believe HOW Miserable I Feel Today, having stupidly WASTED my TIME, Life, $$$ and YOUTH, and IF You doubt ANY of my (un)documented terrible Cult life experiences...blame ANYBODY, but NOT ME, I was just SERVIN' The Lord...OR my wife beating husband! I'm NOT Responsible for what happened? Right! So, Just...Please Go Away and don't disagree with me! (because my self-pity will never end!) Reminds me of a formal dinner party I went to years ago with some idiot corps. guy I STUPIDLY invited! BIG MISTAKE!! One guy who just couldn't shut up about about TWI and da Class! Ruined the Party! PS, it's just my loose change too!
Come on Mr. Squirrel..."same limb guy" over and over...? What were his job qualifications anyway? And was this a class you had to apply for, to get the teaching assignment for the evening? First Hand...eh?
So did it work? I mean, did you get THE DIIMAND! What if the wc girl was just a lousy "screw"? What then? Does she still have to go into the kitchen and play housewife?? And wurst case scenerio...what if that little priceless princess...Can't even COOK??
So...the 'tree' is a penis (erectus?), amongst other 'trees'? like in a forest? (big trees / small trees??) So then there would be lots of "penis trees" (is it windy?) "blowing" in the wind, on a windy day...with 'tree fruit' (on the ground I presume?) 'like' genitalia...try and bear with me here in the forest...Genilalia, are they fluffy little plants, like ferns or ivy, which sort of crawl up the tree...when it starts to RAIN! When you folks were "swallowing" all this stuff, along with all the other Weirwellian based cult material, didn't some of it just sort of...stick out just a little too far? I mean, seriously, did the rubber ever really make it to the road??
Deadicated to "all" those who thought life in the corps. or twi was a rough ride! <_< http://www.laweekly.com/news/news/la-gangs...g/17861/?page=1