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About JoePascha

  • Birthday 10/20/1956

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  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    I live to serve God and help other people. I study Theology, Psychology, and research the Scriptures , cults and the occult.<br />I'm an ordained minister now since 1996.

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  1. JoePascha

    11th Corps

    Hey everone! How ya been? Bless yas! Joe Pasquella
  2. ExCat: Blessing in Christ, You are forgiven. We can be friends if you want. I am still waiting for you to Pm me with who you are, as you said you know my wife and me. It seemed to me that I recognized your voice, but cannot place the name to it. Dmiller, Are you related to Steve Miller who are married to Cindy both of the 6th.Corps?
  3. Dear Beloved Friends in Christ: I was asked to find the Words of A Song that I sang during our Time in the 11th Way Corps, Called, "A Song in the Night". I sang it once very well as a solo, and once not as well with, "Called Out". I didnt have the experience, or enough pratices wiht the band to do the song justice. Anyway, it was a great song, and I cannot remember the words, one of the unfortunate residual effect of having Chronic Lymes Disease. If anyone can help me find these words, It would be a blessing.As a Brother who is ill has asked me to send him the Words. Your Devoted Brother Always,
  4. JoePascha

    Joe Pascha

    Dear Dave: Dont sweat the small stuff brother..no harm done, I didnt see anything you might have said anyway.. Love ya bro.
  5. If you feel you must be against my beliefs, you are free to do so, after all you have freedom of will. I sense you are more against the Catholic Church as a Large International Ministry, that from time to time has sinners that do very bad things. By that measure, you would be against most organized Religions. There is no perfect Church on earth, where humans are part of it. However, unlike the Way, the Catholic Church does not teach that is ok to behave sinfully. We do not Change the Truth, we don't say it is ok to fornicate, to have adultry, to molest Children, to rape teens etc..some of done this and the Church is being purified by this...some bishops tried to cover things up like families have done for years, other denomination do even now. The Way, twisted the Truth and said its sinfullness was not sinfullness but the new Truth to be celebrated, if you can not see that differnce.. that it is because you wish not to. You did bring up some things that are true, but I don't believe that you did so in a respectful manor, nor did you give me an opportunity to finish my explanations.So it was one sided, I could see that you had your mind made up before you asked the questions. So they were more of statements than questions, and only to disrupt others, especially myself. But that is a small price to pay for my Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ, he also was rejected by many of the religious people, it was the wounded the poor, the sick etc, that were attracted to him. Just like today, if someone thinks they have the answers they cannot lean anything. It was easy to sense that you were very hurt by the Way, and now you are attacking others...but hating the Catholic Church, other groups and people will not bring healing to you in your life. You have to forgive as Jesus Said, "forgive us our Trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us..." if you want to be forgiven and healed within. Bitterness will only make your life miserable, and you will never be happy, its like a cancer..it just eats one away. And Please, don't say that you love me when you treat me poorly, when you insult me and my beliefs because you are unhappy, You can disagree with people, without getting personal, but again, It seems that because you've been hurt you can feel justified in hurting others.
  6. Dear Steve: Greetings in Christ. Tell me about your book again? What is the main point that someone would accuse you of heresy? Love in Christ, Dn. Joe Pasquella
  7. Dear Dot, Ex, and all, Thanks for your support and graciousness. I know perhaps some didn't like the beliefs that I hold, I am not offended. When I started my journey of faith after the Way, I would never, in my wildest imagination think that I would be a minister in the Catholic Church. But I worked hard, comparing,what the Way taught me, what Protestant understanding maintains and their reasons,against what the Catholic Church teaches and has always taught for 2000 years. I know that I am where God wants me to be and doing what He wants me to do. I love you all always, Joe
  8. JoePascha

    11th Corps

    Amen Amen Amen, Brother, you got that right!
  9. Hey Ya'll, God Bless. I was blessed that somepeople here had posted and have seen my interview on the EWTN Show,"The Journey Home". I wish I had had more time to have discussed things more specifically..but it was the first time I was being filmed on International TV, so I was not attentive as much as I would like to have been. My Dearest Friend Dot called me when I was on my way to Church to tell me that someone posted the event, and that She and Her Hubby were Listening to the Show on the Radio. I was very impressed with the Protocol not to post my name in regards to the Show without asking. But It is all over the Word Now LOL Please keep me in your prayers, I love you ( youse in NY and NJ ) Yours in Christ, Joe Pasquella
  10. JoePascha

    11th Corps

    I asked Cathy about Kay , yes she remembers her, but has no Idea where she is or how she is doing. Blessings, Joe
  11. JoePascha

    11th Corps

    Yeah the sevens tell me they taught you all well, and your're still.... Oh well, you don't care to know I am sure. They however are very noble and pray for you with compassion and unconditional love..so they tell me. :)
  12. JoePascha

    11th Corps

    I asked my wife, and she said,,Yes size does count. :) ( and she is 7th Corps)
  13. Hey, are any of you truly former 9th Corps? I heard the guys in flying saucers came and took them all away. Now because the use of"user names", and Screen Names is so popular...one cannot be sure that the 9th Corps has been taken away or not. Hummm...I sure Rocky will reply to this ....or is it really Rocky? Live Long and Prosper.
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