Cherished Child
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Everything posted by Cherished Child
Yup, TWI has got a lot of 'xplain' to do in court once the the SST are admitted into evidence. Let's see Rosi-lie sputter in a southern accent
I don't believe they ever taught that The Holy Spirit (God) and Mary literally had sex! I DO remember being taught that that would have been impossible because God is Spirit, and Mary was flesh, and spirit cannot have sex with flesh. You know, "spirit is spirit and flesh is flesh" (anyone remember hearing that?) Rather, they said, God "created" seed, pure, undefiled and free of sin-nature seed (sperm), and caused it to fertilize Mary's egg, thereby resulting in the conception of J.C. So it always struck me as, well....JUST PLAIN WRONG when LCM insisted that Eve (who was flesh) could have literally had sex with The Devil (who was spirit).
My naive belief that ANY GROUP has the ability to truly speak for God. My trust button has been TOTALLY busticated!
Could this be used to teach about the Way?
Cherished Child replied to year2027's topic in About The Way
How could any such obscure texts be used to effectively "teach about The Way"? Most people have never heard of them, nor give credence to them. -
Dmiller, the video is STILL readily accessed by clicking the link on the mainpage sidebar entiteled, "current events". As far as I can tell, they are NOT "copying" the video---only streaming it via a link from another site. This is probably quite legal. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I suspect that they've covered themselves quite sufficiently. Those lawyers of theirs aren't being paid to sit on their ASSets.
Hope, the promotion clip is still linked on The Way's website. I just watched it again. They will probably keep it there until they have no choice but to remove it (if indeed, they are using it illegally). But it's possible that their lawyers have figured out a way they can use the clip without violating any copywrites. Their best asset these days does seem to be their very clever and high powered lawyers. I hate to disagree with many of you, but I thought that the promotion was very effective. It's polished and well executed. It presents The Way in a pleasing and respectable light, one that reminds me of some commercials I've seen on TV for the large churches in our area. Everyone looks conservatively dressed, well groomed and happy to be participating---The same veneer ("Way Faces") we all use to tack on at functions, even when we were feeling totally miserable and trapped. In fact, there's always been little difference between the facial expressions of the hoodwinked (as we all once were), and those who are seriously questioning the prudence of their continued participation. That's the beauty of the video. It makes the Way appear in exactly the manner they wish to be seen. If I were some poor, unsuspecting sap, looking for a non-denominational christian group to join, I would think that The Way might be a good group of folks to hook up with. Fortunately, because of the internet, there are other voices out here that can set people straight, if they're but willing to dig just a little deeper.
Boy, if only The Way were truly what they make it out to be in that carefully crafted little bit of video propaganda... One thing that's obvious: They really ARE on the hunt for "fresh resources". This video, posted prominantly on their website, amounts to a new tactic---probably the first of many new tactics. Time will tell if it manages to reel-in any significant numbers of the unsuspecting...
Do you wish you had never heard of TWI?
Cherished Child replied to oenophile's topic in About The Way
"I feel now they have ruined my relationship with God and my ability to trust anyone to teach me about God. They ruined my trust. I can't attend and enjoy any kind of "fellowship" or "Sunday service" without a great deal of mistrust about what I am hearing, and the motivations of the speakers." EXACTLY! In this regard, I feel terribly damaged, kind of set adrift. I hardly even know how to approach God anymore. But one thing I do know: TWI IS NOT to way back to him. That being said, I'm also in the ambivalent category, because it was very good for a while. I realize now that this was largely because of the tender and loving hearts of the Way believers I first encountered. Some of the word I learned, particularly that which taught me about the depth of the love that God has for me, was invaluable. However, I've come to see that much of the rest of "The Word" is not nearly so cut and dried. You see, it was the people who made it good while it was good. And it was the people---particularly the leaders---who eventually made it hell on earth, who nearly cost me my physical and emotional health. But when it comes down to it all, I can't say that I wish I had never been involved in TWI. I just wish I'd gotten out a WHOLLLLLLE lot sooner than I did! -
Cherished Child replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
Holy ****. Miss G-Spot for a couple of days, check in and----WOW! At first I thought Rottie Girl must have been joking, but NO! TWI went public IN A BIG WAY! Just when many of us thought they were not really interested anymore in attracting new members. (After all, most fellowships no longer go door to door or even, Wonder Mall witnessing anymore. And the Way Disciple and Way Corp programs are a gigantic joke.) Maybe they figured out that, if they don't do something drastic, it will all wittle down to nothing pretty soon. With followership numbers steadily heading in the negative direction, it doesn't take revelation to figure out that another strategy was in order, if they had any hope of turning things around. But you know, they signed their own death warrant long ago, when they ran rough-shod over so many thousands of lives. And they might have been able to continue with impunity, were it not for the good of internet---and specifically, web-sites by former followers who finally found their voice, and pulled a, "I'M MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!". THANK YOU, PAWTUCKET! The way in which G-spotters managed to so quickly pull TWI's plug is definitely a victory for our side. I wonder though, how many times this two minute bit of drivel managed to air before someone like Rottie Girl caught it... I also wonder if The Way leadership gave the folks in their fellowships a heads-up concerning the airing of this spot. Certainly, there was no indication in my house that such a thing would be happening. I wonder if my spouse and kids knew about it. One thing I KNOW they didn't know, is that The Way spent 29,000 dollars of ABS in order to run this ad! I wonder what my DH would think about that..? Question now is: How many unsuspecting regular folks were there that saw the TWI spot on IMUS, that might, as a result, be susceptible to their Bull****? I wonder how we might persuade MSNBC to do an investigative segment on TWI. They might feel like they've been suckered, and want to correct their error. -
Why the man himself, of course---V.P. Wierwille. I'd want to look him full in the face, directly in the eyes and ask him why he assumed it was alright to abuse so many young and tender hearted women, why it was alright in his mind to commit countless acts of ADULTERY, why he appointed a successor that would so thoroughly wrack and ruin what had been (by the grace of God) built up, and why he allowed himself to be worshipped in the place of Almighty God. There are, of course many other questions. But by then, I'm sure my five minutes would have been more than consumed by V.P.'s answers to the afore-listed questions (assuming he'd even bother to honestly answer them at all---a big assumption, to be sure...).
Paw, I understand completely about the need to stay clear of possible liability. Afterall, it IS your site and your tush on the line. Therefore, it was indeed prudent to remove the information that specified the exact location of the house in question. The fact that TWI purchased a single family dwelling in Toledo is a possible point of interest to anyone who sends regular ABS to this organization. IF its exiled former President resides in this dwelling, it is not only a point of interest, but a reason for outrage. The truth is yet to be told about the deal that was made between Loy Craig Martindale, and the current Leadership of TWI. There's a smoking gun (figuratively speaking) to be found somewhere that proves that 'ole Loy still sits in the cat bird's seat. It's only a matter of time...
Question is: Does this supposed "cop-out" currently reside in a house in Toledo owned by TWI? You reading this innies? Maybe it's time to start receiving some answers. And contrary to what they may tell you, the answer to that question IS your business!
"but for the purposes of GSpot I'm okay to leave the speculations alone." Are you kidding!? Speculation has been elevated to a high art on Greaspot concerning just about every TWI topic imaginable! Why is speculation about the possibility that the former President of the Way (who has supposedly been banished from Zion due to "lack of renewed mind") might be living in a house owned by TWI, "something to be left alone?" HELLO!? Questions abound for those of us who still have income (thousands of dollars per year!)being funnelled into TWI coffers. Why, for instance, did TWI purchase this house in Toledo in 1998? What purpose does it serve? AND YES, WHO RESIDES THERE AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE? You damn straight, we deserve some answers! And here are some more questions of the speculative sort: What is the official status of LCM, according to the Way Ministry? Is he still "on probation"? Has he been "restored in good standing?" IF, IF, IF he is living in/on TWI property---WHY? Is he receiving some form of monetary support from TWI? If so, WHY? And still more: Is he being paid to lay low and keep his mouth shut? If he were to start talking, what would he have to say? Might the current BOD have reason to be concerned, in the event that LCM were to start talking? I smell a BIG RAT! And its odor wafts clean from New Knoxville to Toledo and back.
Dartanian3m posted information about a single family dwelling in Toledo, owned by TWI, which seemed to make PAW and the seldom heard from, PAMSANDIEGO very nervous. I can buy the explaination given by PAWTUCKET, that he will not be party to the invasion of someone's privacy. That's an unarguable spot on high moral ground to occupy. But I don't understand why the thread has been effectively brought to a halt by the lack of a "reply" button at the bottom of the thread. What's up with that? Is the subject of this house and speculation as to its possible occupant off limits?
Absof*%kinglutly amazing! Even though remember hearing most of this stuff, I'm still in utter disbelief. May they all hang by this man's words and deeds!
Are any transcripts of today's court proceedings available? It would be interesting to read the testimony of the parties involved. I'd like to see how TWI justifies its heartless and ridgid policy. I have a hunch that they used the, "There are former followers with a destructive agenda, from whom we need protect ourselves" slant. But in reality, there was no requirement for them to justify their actions. TWI is private propertry. As private property owners, they are entitled by law to determin who does and does not have access to their property. Of course, they don't come off looking very charitable in the circumstances surrounding this case, but since when (in recent history) has TWI been concerned with appearing charitable? Their hubris knows no bounds. They may have obtained a court victory today (such as it was), but they clearly passed on the opportunity to obtain a moral one. This, along with a growing number of publicly disputed issues, works more and more to discredit them as a "Christian" organization. Clearly they have little interest in learning from past mistakes.
There have been at least two other TWI law suits. Members of the Waydale and Greasespot communities have gotten very excited at the prospect of attending the trials each time (or at least, by the prospect of reading court transcripts). Hasn't happened yet. Hate to say it, but we might want to temper the enthusiam for this one too.
Wish I could categorize over 20 years in TWI as a "youthful abberation". Mstar, you don't consider TWI to have been "christian" in its doctrinal leanings?
If, by some miracle, the Peelers prevail in this case, the ramifications for TWI and indeed, ANY religious organization, would be incredibly far-reaching. You can bet that TWI (possibly with the help of some rather strange bedfellows, if necessary) would fight the decision as far up the judicial ladder as possible. The reason why this particular case of Consumer Fraud is less cut and dried, is because it involves a religious organization and its doctrinal tenants. I doubt that any court of law is eager to prescribe the legalities of a religion's beliefs and practices, except in cases where they are deemed to be an actual threat to life and limb, or abusive to children. No matter how distasteful, manipulative, or illogical a group's doctrines and practices, they are usually deemed to be entitled to them under the constitution, and it will commonly be assumed that persons who follow such tenants, do so voluntarily. The oneous will be on the plaintiffs to prove otherwise. A TALL order, to be sure. At best, I believe that this case is just one more opportunity to expose the slimey underbelly of this organization, showcasing their cruelty and lies. Win or lose, court transcripts proving TWI's duplicity, slashed over the internet, will have a chilling effect on current followers (can you say, "Exodus III?), as well as TWI's prospects for those in the future. The only way this group will effectively become a non-entity, will be when there are virtually no followers left, save the smug and self-righteous defendants themselves. That prospect, in and of itself, may make the struggle worth it to the Peelers. However, I wouldn't be surprised, nor could I really blame them, if they were to settle the case instead.
Boy, if this thing ever goes to trial and teaching tapes can be introduced into evidence by the plaintif's lawyer, the BOD will have a lot of "'splainin' to do." One of LCM's hyperbolic rants comes to mind. Does anyone remember him saying that being in debt was as "BAD AS STEALING?" We already know that he said on more than one occassion, that if you don't give at least ten percent, don't expect God to so much as spit in your direction. And how about the one where he tells the believers that the mature believer should believe to INCREASE HIS ABUNDANT SHARING EACH YEAR by one to two percent until he is at a point where he is living on a "need only" basis, and GIVING THE REST to the ministry? All Golden not-so-oldies. All corresponding to roughly the time that the Peelers were pressure to hand over the $41,000. I would personally pay to sit in the courtroom and see Rosa "lie" and company stammer a response to those tapes.
IMF, thanks for clearing that up for me. I am VERY relieved to hear that the fat lady has not yet sung in this case. Sixty witness! Wow! Boy, to be a fly on the wall of the courtroom when some of them take the stand. I certainly hope Peeler has a strong case and even stronger lawyers, because Colombo is a highly regarded heavy hitter. However, isn't his firm the same one that represented TWI in the Allen and Parker cases? Those all ended with settlments and sealed court records. What are the odds that this one won't end up the same way?
Should be quite a show. Does he stand an iceberg's chance in hell of beating this? Who will come off looking mean spirited and petty in court? The Way or Doug McMullan?
I hate to say this, but I suspect that the Peeler case has been "dead in the water" from the very beginning. The court transcripts posted at Ex-cult World were from March 2003 court proceedings. Has there been any forward movement of this case in the intervening months? The transcripts showed some very interesting things: 1). Lawyers are very disinclined to get down to the heart of the matter, and instead, dance artfully around the issue, asking and confirming seemingly irrelevant facts and opinions, ie., "Do you consider consider Mr. Peeler to be an intelligent person?" 2). Peeler's lawyer is not the sharpest knife in the drawer of Juris Prudence. If Peeler's lawyer is to prove that that TWI has a well entrenched history of using manipulation, pressure tactics, emotional blackmail, and threats to induce compliance from its followers, they are going to have to do a far better job than was demonstrated in this transcript. Where are the supporting witnesses, who are willing to claim under oath, that they were marked and avoided for refusing to tithe, or for refusing to sell their home, or for marrying someone they had been ordered not to marry? I know someone who was kicked out because he wore tennis shoes to "dress your best" functions, after he had been told to obtain better dress for these occasions. The number of lies and wide-eyed denials made by Rosie, Roberts, and that fellowship coordinator were truly awe-inspiring. But There is plenty of both written and audio-taped evidence that proves that they were not telling the truth. When will such things be entered into evidence? Probably never. Columbo will make Peeler look like a disgruntled ex-follower, who, for 30 years, fully and enthusiastically agreed with the practices and tenants of TWI until he read alligations of misconduct on Greasespot Cafe. They will show that Dr. Peeler was in no way coerced into giving that $41,000 dollars in the way of tithe, and that he is not entitled to get it back. Our own experiences tell us otherwise, but someone had better be able to prove this in a court of law.
Would you contribute to a Mrs. W fund?
Cherished Child replied to JustThinking's topic in About The Way
Well, it seems that much of the outrage has disappeared....Interesting... When all this first came to light, a number of people expressed a willingness to contribute financially to Mrs. W's care. Such good will has all but evaporated now, it seems. LOTS of money from my household has been ....ed away into the coffers of TWI---IS STILL being wasted in that manner because my husband, who has total control of our finances, has determined that The Way will always receive a portion of our income. Of course I not happy about that. But I might still be inclined to give a small, one time financial gift from my personal funds(such as they are) to the care of Mrs. W if I knew The Way would have NO control whatsoever over the use of such funds. I understand the hurt and outrage people feel, when it comes to Mrs. W's failure to speak up concerning the evil in TWI. I have questioned her silence myself many times over the years. But she's not alone. Lots of people who knew/know of agregious evil in TWI remain silent to this day. I have been very much hoping that the Weirwille kids, now that none of them stands with TWI any longer, would finally step forward and tell the truth about this organization. Certainly, they are much less vulnerable and much more able bodied than their mother. I doubt that I will ever feel fully healed until I've heard THE WHOLE TRUTH. J.P., it seems, has been effectively silenced on the matter, though he promised on his web site that he would have much to say "on this and other matters in the coming months". Despite all this, yes, I would probably still give something. It couldn't hurt to show some small amount of compassion for the woman suffering a most cruel and heartbreaking form of erasure. -
"Until then, God has stepped in, and has gathered us together into a class to hear His Word like it has not been known since the first century. As we carry out Dr's final instructions to master the written material God supplied us with from that class, these things become more and more obvious. It's a simple matter of obedience to the God who gave these great revelations to Dr, who then gave them to us in book and magazine form." Good God, I think I'm gonna hurl!