Cherished Child
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Everything posted by Cherished Child
So the Way Corp is back to training at Gunnysack. It seems that (someone correct me if I'm wrong) a few years ago, all the Corp were being trained at Headquarters, and only a skeleton crew of Corp grads was assigned to caretake at Gunny. I asked this question a year or so ago: Approximately how many Waybots are there currently undergoing Way Corp Training? Certainly, they aren't being very forthcoming with the rank and file concerning those numbers. My guess is that there are probably well under 50 total---both Single and Family Corps. Since the great majority of Way believers is rapidly heading toward retirement, instead of just starting out in life, Rosie and Co. are probably having a lot of problems attracting new Way Corp recruits. It would be interesting to know how many young people, once they leave home for college and careers, remain actively involved in the ministry. Some of the many new posters that are either still in, or have just left can probably address these questions.
That two minute infomercial on MSNBC (in Imus's time slot) shows that TWI is still very interested in attracting new followers. They know that former "innies" know too much to be truly useful. I think they want a fresh infusion of ABS from the newly duped---but they don't want to deal with too much "mess". You know---people with geniune need. People in need of healing. They want June and Ward Cleaver. More Stepford Believers. Too bad for the BOD that those folks are few and far between and happy with their current church home---LOL!
The stupidest thing the CURRENT twi president ever said
Cherished Child replied to Linda Z's topic in About The Way
You won't see many Rosi-lie quotes in this thread. The Fox excercises one very stealthy skill that LCM never comprehended, the skill of "laying low". She seldom comes out and teachers, and she knows that anything she says on tape can possibly come back to bite her in the A$$. The most damning quotes that can be attributed to Rosie, are those from court depositions. -
When I first became involved in TWI, there were many "spiritually mature grads" who were all sorts of impressed by the "gifts" that Dr. would give out at such special occassions. Many of them lamented that no such regard was shown to the believers during LCM's reign. I remember being impressed by that plate they gave out (another anniversary celebration?) that had a picture of Dr. and Mrs. Wierwille on it too. There was also a leather bound, gold-edged book of famous Wierwille quotations that was given at another occassion. People brought these "gifts" home like they were the most precious things they'd ever received---shows the extent to which the man was worshipped. But during LCM's reign to the present, they don't "give" ANYTHING to their followers, except a photo of the BOD enclosed in the annual "Household Holidays" card. Oh, the joy and rapture of it... -->
I can't think of a thing TWI could do that would pave the way for my return. However, I might see reason to "respect" them once again if they would publicly acknowledge (both to current and former believers), that terrible, dark sins were perpetrated against God's people by TWI leadership in the name of God, and that LCM is by no means the only one to blame for this. Furthermore, they would need to apologize for these transgressions---Never happen, I know... But I might perhaps be an extreme example, in that the idea of attending any Christian gathering is enough to give me the willies. My trust of ANYONE claiming to "speak for God" may have been irretreivably broken. But I believe I know of one or two folks, who, if the above would occur, might seriously consider returning on a trial basis. But undoubtedly, there are others who would return if they were just issued a personal apology and an invitation to return. I suspect that the BOD has knocked around this idea on more than one occassion, but are not really sure about implications of having to deal with people who have a history of hurt with TWI. I'm sure they would much rather deal with an entirely new crop of followers. That way, they could more easily "reinvent" the ministry. However, I doubt they could ever come to an agreement on the neccessary changes. They seem to be just foundering about, unsure of which way to go. There's no "visionary" left, or strong charismatic leader with the will to seriously rebuild what has fallen apart.
The Bookstore now open to the public
Cherished Child replied to Royal Gorge's topic in About The Way
Oldies, did the woman at the bookstore mention anything about Martindale's book, "The Rise and Expansion of the Christian Church in the First Century"? I'm wondering if they still make his writings available. It poses an awkward situation for them if they do. They don't even so much as breathe his name in the fellowships anymore, so referencing his books would certainly open the door for innies to ask questions about his current status---questions I'm sure the BOD would prefer not to have to answer. Goey, your's is a very interesting theory. But I doubt that many former Way believers will be interested in purchasing materials so as to make it profitable to The Way. Many people still have their old materials packed away somewhere, gathering dust---though it would be interesting to learn exactly what kind of people are buying Way discards on E-bay. If The BOD was truly interested in luring former followers back into the web-of-deception----ur---I mean, "fellowship household", it would be attempting to directly contact such persons (as many are still very easily located) and love-bombing them with accounts of the "kinder, gentler Way"... -
The Bookstore now open to the public
Cherished Child replied to Royal Gorge's topic in About The Way
Has anyone actually verified the rumor that The Way International Bookstore is now "open to the public"? What exactly does "open to the public" mean---that anyone can mail in a bookstore order with a check and they'll send you the desired product? Or can any old Joe (or Greasespotter) drive up to Headquarters, walk into the bookstore, and purchase whatever they desire? I somehow have a hard time believing that TWI is willing to relax the very tight control they have historically excercised over ALL their materials. Why would they suddenly lift their distribution restrictions after all these years? -
I've thought the same thing on more than a few occassions, Oenophile!
The Way International Ministries sues TWI today
Cherished Child replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
"They don't help anyone except members." NO THEY DON'T! Are you kidding? They don't even help their own members! Any TWI member (with the possible exception of F.O.R.s {"Friends of Rosalie"---like her "gal pal" Donna!})that presents with a financial or physical need will swing in the breeze before they'll receive any aid from TWI! What they might get (like countless people in the past) is a whole lot of grief and condemnation about how and why they opened themselves to such an attack from "The Adversary". But real help? Fat chance! -
A couple of years ago, P. Rob*rge expressed the intention of filing a class action suit against TWI. Am I the only one who remembers this? Since he is no longer advocating this, I'm assuming he's discovered that the liklihood of prevailing in such a suit would be scarce. Pat, why did you abandon the idea?
If think that if money REALLY was a problem for TWI, they wouldn't be so litigation-happy, suing everyone and every organization that they deem irritating. That high powered law firm they employ does not work pro bono for them, but they are more than ready to shell out the bucks to sic them on their perceived enemies.
Oldies...why was it that you left TWI again...?
If you can prove in a court of law that ALL of their trademarks are invalid, you'll have performed quite a feat. And if you somehow manage to out-finesse all their very capable and high powered attorneys, it should qualify as a Vatican recognized miracle. But best of luck! I still really want to know how TWI managed to "CANCEL" that other ministry's trademark and register "The Way" as their own? You've got to admit, that was pretty amazing. And you're going up against this machine....?
"By the way, TWI was originally denied their trademark for The Way because another group was using it for their publication The Way Magazine. TWI had to get the other group's trademark cancelled first." Oh Really!? And just how was TWI able to "CANCEL THE OTHER GROUP'S TRADEMARK FIRST"? No wonder they've been struttin' around like the eight hundred pound gorilla. Obviously they feel that they've got the clout to subdue any challenge to their "trademark" if they can effectively steal someone elses with impunity.
Ohhhhhhh.....Thanks, Raf! This is hysterical...
Was it, "eight hundred pound gorilla"?
Well, hell's bells---I can't for the life of me figure out what it was that I wrote late last night, and then just a few minutes ago, that caused them to refuse to post my replies. I'd appreciate it if one of the moderators would help me to avoid these, "trigger words" in the future. This has never happened to me before.
Here's the one I suspected was the culprit last night..."pi$$ing contest"...
Well, obviously, that wasn't it...
"Go down"
Ok, someone tell me what the "trigger words" are...
"By the way, TWI was originally denied their trademark for The Way because another group was using it for their publication The Way Magazine. TWI had to get the other group's trademark cancelled first. A true example of Christian charity....." Really!? And how did they "get the other group's trademark CANCELLED first"? That must have been a pretty neat legal trick! No wonder they're struttin' around like the eight hundred pound gorilla. Obviously, if they can pull that one off successfully, they have reason to believe they'll be successful in any number of other challenges to their "trademark". I suspect the only "way" to stop them may be for several mainstream Christian organizations to band together and challenge TWI's claims of exclusivity. Surely, TWI has the financial resources to legally "outlast" Pat Roberge, but they are small stuff compared to many other christian ministries. And Several financially strong ministries, banded together, could send TWI to the poor-house, or cause them to back down altogether. Pat, I'm somewhat intrigued by your "go down swinging" statement. Does this mean that you really believe you're likely to "do down" in this fight against TWI?
Do you really think TWI is prepared to engage in a pi$$ing contest with EVERY christian organization currently using the words, "The Way" in their title? Sure, they could probably easily back down ones with modest resourses, but there are others who could probably far outlast them in a legal battle. For one thing, it is beyond hubris that a so called "Christian ministry" would claim exclusive rights to the term, "The Way". Only Jesus Christ himself can logically put forth such a claim in the context of christianity. I would be surprised if most of christendom wouldn't be insulted by such an outrageous claim on the part of TWI---perhaps to the end that many of them would feel that its in their vested interest to fight this claim. Undoubtedly, the above mentioned Indiana ministry has more resources at its desposal to fight TWI in court than does our Pat Roberge. In fact, TWI is held in such contempt among other Christian organizations, that many of them might be willing to pool their resources in order to fight TWI's claims of exclusivity. Rosie and Co. may be able to posture themselves as "the eight hundred pound gorilla", when going up against a single individual of modest resourses, but it could end of being a whole 'nutha ballgame, if they decide to pick a fight with the wrong bunch of folks. In any case, it will indeed be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Am I missing something here? How is it that The Way can claim Trademark Infringement with out having a legal Trademark? Why are'nt they going after the aforementioned Indiana based ministry with the strikingly similar name? If Pat changed his domain name to, "The Way International Exposed.com", who around here believes that Rosie and Company wouldn't march right back into court, claiming some sort of Trademark violation? It's Pat's A$$ they want to see roasting on a spit, not anybody elses---not even their competition in Indiana.
Pat, how is it possible for The Way to file a Trademark Infringement suit on behalf of a Trademark that they don't legally own? "They have 4 pending applications for this mark, but in the last couple days, there has been 4 official oppositions(lawsuits) filed against TWI obtaining these new trademarks..." If this is true, what grounds do they have for claiming Trademark Infringement? Also, who has filed the "4 official oppositions" against TWI obtaining these marks? Was it you? Someone else? This just gets curiouser and curiouser...