Cherished Child
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Everything posted by Cherished Child
From what I understand, Craig and Donna are now divorced. The Way never so much as utters his name anymore. Judging by the Wayfers I know, he may as well be dead. So I suspect that he's entirely on his own now (with the possible exception of a small monthly stipend). Rosie has wanted him gone for a long while. She manipulated his neurosis and gave him all the rope he needed to hang himself. Now, she's sitting smugly in charge (and with Donna buy her side as planned), and Craig is out in the cold, probably wondering what the hell happened.
I don't understand, CMan. Are you saying that TWI discourages academic excellence and the goal of graduating from high school? I've been out for ages, but spouse is still in, and I know of a number of TWI affiliated teens who have graduated from high school and gone on to live and study at both state and private colleges.
They may stand by their "No Debt Policy" now, but they will fall by it sometime in the future. Imagine the collective knashing of teeth that will occur once their aging followership realizes that they have no net worth to cushion their "golden years", that they are STILL paying rent (at higher and higher costs for less and less square footage), when they should own their home own their home outright by now. But the kids will rebel. They are too smart to follow their parent's example, especially the ones who are college educated. They will obtain mortgages and buy homes because sheer logic compels it. But most will have drifted away from TWI by then. They are already leaving. Surely Rosie and the BOD can see that.
I believe the Beliezian Biblical Research Center is being run by Anthony and Patrice Gilmore, former Way Corps of long past. I wonder what made them see Belize as a good place to reinvent The Way...?
Is it really true that not a single one of Dr. and Mrs. Wierwille's children is currently "standing with The Way"? From what I've heard, this has been the case for a number of years, long before the death of Mrs. W. I wonder what drove the children to forsake the miinstry that their parents built, and their eldest brother nurtured. I know that J.P. is (or was) openly bitter in regard to TWI, and at one point, promised to speak openly about his feelings regarding many topics related to The Way. But what about the other children? Are they all with CFF now? Will they ever step forward and reveal all that they know about the Way's history and their father's role in the grand scheme of it? A few close friends of the family have said that the children declined to speak out in order to spare the feelings of their dear mother. Now that she is peacefully awaiting the return of Christ...? Unless they (or LCM) were to come forward with a written account of what they know to be true, a great many questions will forever go unanswered. I use to hope that all the truth would finally be revealed, but quite frankly, I realize that that hope is all but lost. :(
What the heck was on that site, anyway?
It seems I rarely come here anymore, mostly because there never seems to be any new information or new posters on the boards. It feels like Greasespot has grown, well---stagnant, with the same old posters rehashing the same old history. We often talk about how TWI is dying a slow death because it isn't "producing fruit" ("by their fruit, you will know them..."), isn't attracting new people, that only the same old "remnant" continue to reflexively attend fellowships. Well I've been thinking about this for a while, and it seems like Greasespot Cafe is in much the same predicament. I know there's no way to know how many people are regularly lurking and not posting, but stillreceiving help and information from just reading all the cautionary notes here. But it use to be that a fresh crop of innies would post, expressing a sense of kinship with Greasespotters, and would relate their own bad experiences, doubts and dissatisfaction with TWI, would report news from The Front. When was the last time an innie came on to report about what is currently happening in "The Ministry", and confirm that this site has helped them to see TWI for what it really is? Perhaps I missed it. Since I only check in here every once in a while, I may have missed it. Now I'm not saying that Greasespot is of no value. Obviously, it's important to the regulars who post on this board to keep the home fires burning, so to speak. But for me personally, unless there's some news of new developments that point to the immenant demise of TWI (or indicate that meaningful spiritual reparations are on the horizon from Headquarters) I don't see much point in continuing to come here. I wish you all well, that you find peace and healing, if that hasn't already happened. But I think I've finally made peace with my TWI past, and the fact that my spouse will always need to fellowship with TWI, for whatever reason. I'm moving on. God Bless. P.S. Any expressions of righteous indignation, and misunderstanding of my post will probably go unread.
I don't know, JR. To be fair, there are plenty of grown men and women in their 50s who are willing to allow corporate America to dictate where they'll live. They move to keep their jobs. Probably the same with career Wayworld employees. Oh, and concerning "Mark and Avoid", they aren't officially doing much of that anymore from what I've heard. Rampant attrition has caught up with them and they are desperately trying to repair their terribly damaged public image. :P-->
No, seriouslySartori. You're just kidding about the animal sacrifices on Way property---aren't you?
Way Family Tables Forum=Open Discussion??
Cherished Child replied to Thelema's topic in About The Way
Poor John B. I bet they ripped him a new one when they found out Greasespotters were soiling his pristine forum. Bet they weren't too happy when he started posting here, either. Notice he's not been around in quite some time. We'll never hear from him again is my guess---unless he leaves "God's one and only Household"... ;)--> But really, why get your knickers in a twist over the fact that The Way is being The Way. Family Table was meant to be a feel good meeting place for Way Believers. It's not suppose to address anything "real", which is why even innies have little to post on the message boards. Witness how little traffic it has received relative to the amount of time it's had a web presence. Way people know the drill. We certainly did. If you have any doubts, if you have any concerns, you had just better keep them to yourself. Speak with leadership about such things? You've got to be kidding! -
I am the one who filed against "Ex Minister get 6 years guy"
Cherished Child replied to see me's topic in About The Way
Lowly Lolly, are you still here? What are your thougts on this situation now? Have you asked your leadership about the Naberschnig case? What is your gut feeling about TWI's leadership---in your heart of hearts? -
Change CANNOT occur within TWI until there has been acknowledgement of the need for it. I'm not asking that those at the top so wallow in self condemnation that they stick themselves in the eye with a fork, and fall prostrate at my feet, but I happen to know that they have yet to acknowlege, even to their own faithful, that things got spiritually out of hand, or that mistakes need correcting. I strongly believe there is still a great deal of the "sin of pride" working in the hearts of those at the topand that their foundation is still "shifting sand", as Linda Z has aptly pointed out. Out of curiousity, what makes you feel so optimistic about the future of TWI, Mike?
Hope springs eternal, right Mike? I wish I could be as optimistic about the potential for significant positive change within TWI, but given the fact that the current topmost leadership is the same leadership that lied under oath in courts of law to cover their sins, the same leadership that enthusiastically aided LCM (some might say, were indeed the "Idea men"---or women--- for his actions)in carrying out his scorced earth policies, I rather doubt optimism is called for.
twi theme for this new ministry year
Cherished Child replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
"Well, it seems that they have done an awful lot of teachings on abundant sharing this past year." That's the ONE CONSTANT that will NEVER change. They will always have to reinforce the idea that giving money to them is somehow equivalent to godliness. No matter what, they MUST keep the cash flowing in, reliably and dependably. What better way than to convince people that God requires it as a condtion of righteousness in "The Household". -
I wrote this a few pages back, and it would seem that it's coming to pass: "The more I think of this whole thing, the more certain I feel, that no matter how respectfully those of the Ex-Way Community might try to engage in a meaningful discouse in the context of this new Way bully pulpit, they will find out in no uncertain terms that their POV is not welcome. Serious examination of the Way's history, its present, its doctrine, will NOT be tolerated on this new site. This site is meant to be a "feel good" meeting place on the net for Way people and potential Way people. They are trying to reinvent The Way, reinvigorate its ranks. Anything that does not contribute to this aim, confirm the new party line, and the "greatness of The Household" will not be tolerated. In other words, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!" In other words, Ex-Way NOT WELCOME, unless you've "come to your senses" and desire to enter again in to bondage---errr, I mean---rejoin God's one true household -->
Mike, "the people" don't even really remember Dr. anymore, nor do they worship him any longer.
"This had to be approved all the way up the Way hierarchy to exist. No other way it could be done. He even borrowed some of their look and feel and uses their name in sections." OF COURSE it had to have been approved by the hierarchy---how could I have thought otherwise. And given this fact, it is also very much under the control of the hierarchy. So lets all just put on a happy face and pretend that the crap never hit the fan, that it's all just water under the bridge now, that those currently in power did nothing to create, nor foster the conditions which allowed LCM's reign of terror to occur, that it couldn't possibly happen again... --> "Betraying Dr's revelations is betraying God" - Mike. Just like walking away from the "the true Household of God" is "walking away from God", right Mike?
This just gets more and more interesting. One thing to keep in mind is that you have to register in order to participate on the Family Table site (as one would have to, of course, on virtually any web forum). But given who we are dealing with, caution might be well called for. What I mean is, anyone who wishes to maintain their privacy on Greasespot Cafe, would certainly want it doubly insured when it comes to Family Table. Registering requires the use of one's real name and other pertinent information. This is not necessarily something one would want the WAYGB and others in official Way capacity to know implicitly. Of course, some of us, like John R., have nothing to lose. But others of us, who have family still involved in The Way, would not necessarily want "Leadership" specifically able to identify one with his/her posts. Any sort of honestly expressed feelings or questions, if they do not completely sinc with "The Household Party Line", could cause problems at home. Having said that, I seriously suspect that my Greasespot identity is indeed known by the leadership in my area and state. Whenever the Fellowship Coordinator or spouse calls to speak with one of the innies in my house, their tone over the phone is decidedly formal, frosty even, if I happen to answer the phone. "The leadership do not interact on the website itself but with me personally and that is only advice. If I choose to ignor the advice I can. I consider what they have to offer. Sometimes it has been to add a feature, fix the color of artwork, or omit some very local announcement in consideration of the national scope of the site." Of course Rosie and the Boys are observing this site with great interest, and will most assuridly move to pull the plug on Family Table in a New York minute, if they feel threatened enough by the presence of "cop-outs" among the posting population. Of course, the other alternative would be to make it a closed community, much like The Way itself. I almost lay odds that it will be a "read only" site for anyone not carefully approved by "Leadership" in very short order. J.B. may think he is in control of his site, but he should know by now that he has no more "control" over his own affairs than that which the BOD allows. It has been and will always be, their "Way" or the highway. The only alternative to self-acknowledging this truth will be to pretend that "it was his idea all along" or that he is invariably in full agreement with "leadership" at all times.
The more I think of this whole thing, the more certain I feel, that no matter how respectfully those of the Ex-Way Community might try to engage in a meaningful discouse in the context of this new Way bully pulpit, they will find out in no uncertain terms that their POV is not welcome. Serious examination of the Way's history, its present, its doctrine, will NOT be tolerated on this new site. This site is meant to be a "feel good" meeting place on the net for Way people and potential Way people. They are trying to reinvent The Way, reinvigorate its ranks. Anything that does not contribute to this aim, confirm the new party line, and the "greatness of The Household" will not be tolerated. In other words, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!
Wow, this is certainly a unique turn of events. The site is so new, that the ink is still wet on its pages (figuratively speaking, of course). I see that Abigail and John R. have already contributed posts to the site (using respect and admirable restraint, I might add). I think it would be a great mistake for greasespot users to descend en mass and flame the boards. Respect and restraint are the way to receive honest responses (assuming there are honest responses to be had). I hope this new sight provides valuable insight and answers for people looking to understand where TWI is at this time.
Why hasn't Loy started his own splinter group?
Cherished Child replied to GrouchoMarxJr's topic in About The Way
We don't know ANYTHING about where Craig is (emotionally, spiritually, his relationship with TWI, or his family) at this time. It's ALL raw speculation on our part. But I do know that people have rebounded from worst "broken fellowship" (Paul MURDERED countless Christian believers). I've heard from a number of people that VERY early on, Craig had a tender and humble heart for God. If that's true, it's probably still in there somewhere. Heck, even as we engage in this relatively pointless speculation, he could be "getting right" with God---at least I hope so. But maybe he just wants to live a quiet life, a simple life, a life he can face with the man in the mirror and live out the rest of his days in relative obscurity. Who knows. He's been through a lot (yes, I know he's put us through a LOT MORE!). He could be writing a book for all we know, and someday, he'll come clean about everything. It's all speculation. Could I forgive him, even fellowship with him someday? I could forgive him if I felt that he REALLY understood the gravity of his mistakes, asked for forgiveness, and totally changed his behavior and thinking. But fellowship in a Christian setting---? I still get the willies at the very idea of attending a TWI function, one of the off-shoots, or any other "Christian gathering" for that matter. I've still got a lot of healing to do myself. -
Come on back.....it's better now, really
Cherished Child replied to skyrider's topic in About The Way
What do you think they'll name the new class series? Somehow, I doubt it'll be called , "The Way of Abundance and Power". It might be a good move to go back to calling it, "Power For Abundant Living", and follow the original class syllibus as closely as possible---after all, TWI was able to suck a lot of people in with the contents of the original series. It was simple, direct, and seemed to make sense to most of us at the time. If they're smart (a real reach for them nowadays, to be sure!), they will drop the whole "lesbian Eve" explaination of the original sin of man. -
(better slow down, so my fat fingers don't hit the tab key). Joe Average WILL NOT allow TWI to dictate how he spends his money. Most of the demographic that they are targeting are probably homeowners with a mortgage. And NO WAY are these people going to sell their homes to meet a "Church's" class enrollment criteria. I think Rosy and Co. can see the writing on the wall. They see their stalwart followers rapidly aging, and their children are not necessarily remaining faithful after they escape from beneath the thumbs of Mom and Dad. TWI will need new blood if they have any hope of not drying up and blowing away. The zero debt policy is a vestage of the old regime that they simply cannot afford to hold onto. It's only a matter of time before they'll have to silently drop it.
(sorry---finger slipped and I accidently posted before I was finished...) Now, getting back to what I was trying to say---Joe Average is simply NOT
I think it's interesting that Wishing For Freedom's report about the Advanced Class Special mentioned that the attendence was reduced by roughly half---and that debt was probably the primary reason. I don't know if that's true, but I do very stongly believe that the zero debt policy with have to be abandoned eventually. They are obviously trying to figure out how to revive the failing ministry and infuse it with new devoutees (just take a look at that slick info-mercial they filmed and had aired on MSNBC). In order to do this, they are going to have become more appealing to the average joe on the streets, who has not been subject to The Way's brainwashing like many of its current followers. The truth of the matter is that Joe Average is simply NOT