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Posts posted by Eyesopen

  1. Unfortunately the last intelligent coordinator that I had outside of my TC while in res at Emporia, was from a long line of not so brite people. My LC in Arkansas was a wonderful, smart and compassionate man. After that everything went down hill. My "last" LC here in Nevada hmmm....let me tell you a short story.

    My mother and I were going to go over and welcome the new LC to the area, it was kind of my responsibility as I was the AC. (Don't ask how that happened) Anyway the freshly graduated Corps grad and his wife were staying with our resident Rambo fan, Mr. Huckleberry. Well mom and I rang the doorbell while artfully juggling several different dishes of food. Mrs. Huckleberry answered the door. She was immediately embarrassed. The kids were screaming, which in itself was not out of the ordinary, except in this situation they were screaming because daddy wouldn't let them play, because adults were playing. The distinct sound of a real handgun being dry fired was coming from the living room. When I entered I found Mr. Huckleberry and Mr. Dimwit playing "kill the commie" using real weapons (thankfully empty of rounds). They were ducking and dodging, running and jumping all over the place as if they were really in a jungle somewhere halfway around the world fighting for their lives. They did not want to stop the "game" to meet us...so we left. They asked about a week later why I hadn't come by as was required to meet Mr. Dimwit. I just shook my head.

    He was ordained a few years later. I don't know what became of him after that. Perhaps Kit Sober would know.

  2. seriously , i knew the jerkoff before he hurt so many people

    i told him when veepee died, it was his time to set it all straight

    i can't even tell you how badly he wiped the floor with me

    sad huh

    It is sad. I know that I tried to talk to him as well, but I totally lost his ear in '90. He never chewed me out for correcting him or pointing out mistakes he just said thanks. But like I said I totally lost his ear in '90. He was gone and then so was I.


    I just tried to order a taser, yeah the pretty pink one... and it CAN'T BE SHIPPED TO ILLINOIS!!!!!!!!!!!!




    That totally sucks Rottie. If you still want some info on Tasers, I have the instruction book right in front of me. We carry the X26, nasty piece of work but most of the info is the same for all.

  4. Wouldn't you know the decision would be based on financial concerns instead of human concerns?

    How pathetic. :realmad:

    Eyes - I just knew it! Your writing skills ARE real! Best wishes on your books. May God bless your efforts. :eusa_clap:

    Bless you Listener you are a true sweetie! :love3: Thank you for everything. If we ever meet the first beer is on me...well not ON me....unless it is really warm and there is a wet t-shirt contest I could compete in.... :biglaugh:

  5. Yep.. his claim to fame, said he no gastrointestinal (he couldn't use that big of a word though) troubles, because he didn't mix bread and vegetables. There's more, but I think it's the wrong thread for that..


    My dear sweet little cutie pie squirrel it is ALWAYS the wrong thread if you are mixing bread with veggies. Everyone knows that bread goes with cheese and wine and veggies go with butter. :biglaugh:

    Confrontations....didn't get too many of those...most of the clergy felt that they needed to down channel anything that they felt they needed to say to me. The great and powerful Rev. Fart tried to dress me down, but I didn't even respond to him, was too tired to pay him too much attention. Rev. Larson down channeled it...

    Come to think of it Rev. Gomer Pile did try to dress me down just before he told me I was being dropped from the Corps. But he was only the final stop of LCM's down channel. It was similar to yours Ham, he said "You know you made a mistake?"

    I replied "Yeah I probably made a lot of them. Which one are you referring to?"

    All he could say was, "Well you know which one" said with a very bemused look on his face. Certainly hoping that I would fill in the blank for him.

    No such luck, my reply was "Nope not a clue, do you have a clue?"

    At that he just sputtered for a few seconds and then finally spit out, along with a piece of lettuce (he had a nasty habit of chewing and talking at the same time), "Well I can see that this is getting us no where, you just are not meek!"

    So, thinking that the conversation was now over I applied my energy and attention to my lunch. This made him angry. Finally he blurted out, loud enough for the resteraunt next door to hear, "Well I'm just going to call Rev. Martindale and tell him that you're not going to change your behavior! So you had best think of a way to leave soon!"

    I calmly finished chewing what I had in my mouth, wiped the salad spittal off of my face and said, "I'll call my parents and arrange for a flight."

    That was the end of my last "confrontation". Lots of folks talked smack, and some even wrote a few letters but no other clergy tried to confront me again.

    A side note: on the way out of town, the good Rev got into an auto accident because he was paying more attention to his salad than his driving.


  6. Ahh my dear Abi, it has taken me a little more time than I had thought that it would...but...this is what I have found concerning the "Evening Star":

    "Evening Star is a name for the planet Venus when it appears brilliantly in the western sky after sunset; periods of visibility follow superior conjunction, the time when Venus lies almost behind the sun and is about 256,000,000 km from Earth, and precede inferior conjunction, when Venus is between Earth and the sun and is about 42,000,000 km away from Earth; the term morning star is applied to Venus when it shines brightly in the eastern sky before sunrise."

    "The planet Venus has probably experienced its most significant personification in the figure of the Mesopotamian goddess Inanna-Ishtar. She was viewed sometimes as female and at other times as bisexual. Through her identification with the Greek Aphrodite and the Roman Venus, Inanna-Ishtar, the queen of heaven, still survives in Roman Catholic iconography—e.g., as the Virgin Mary standing on the moon. African cultures also have been significantly impressed by this planet, not only in the rare figure of a Zulu heavenly goddess who determines the agricultural work of the women but even more as the evening star and the morning star, who are the wives of the moon. In the royal culture of Mwene Matapa (Zimbabwe) and its influences in Buganda (Uganda) and southern Congo, the king is related to the moon, and his wedding with the Venus women is a type of hieros gamos (Greek: “sacred marriage”). In large areas of Africa the concept of “Venus wives of the moon” is preserved, although the moon is usually considered as the wife (or sister) of the sun. This concept was most likely prevalent at a time when the moon-king ideology was widespread in the eastern half of Africa from the Nile to South Africa, perhaps indicating South Arabian influences."

    I got these from here:

    "Evening star." Britannica Student Encyclopedia. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 21 Apr. 2007 <http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9322802>.

    "nature worship." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 21 Apr. 2007 <http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-38293>.

    As you can see the article agrees with us that the goddess continues in modern religion in other forms. It also draws the correlation between that goddess and the stars. Hmmm...so if Jesus is the son of the morning star...no amoking let me look this up again. Hehehe

    Ok here's what I got on the Morning Star:

    "Greek Hesperos, also called Vesper, in Greco-Roman mythology, the evening star, son or brother of Atlas. He was later identified with the morning star, Phosphorus, or Eosphorus (Latin: Lucifer), the bringer of light. Hesperus is variously described by different authors as the father of the Hesperides (the guardians of the golden apples) or of their mother, Hesperis."

    I got it here:

    "Hesperus." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 21 Apr. 2007 <http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9040280>.

  7. Thanks for giving us a place to hang our hats and hang up our nametags! Paw and all you moderators, I hope you like having us "disfunctional" folks as much as we like being had...hmmmm...that didn't quite come out right, but you get the idea...right? :biglaugh:

  8. If I remember correctly, the LEAD program quietly went away in the late 80s or early 90s. It was one of those things you didn't ask about. Old wineskin. :nono5:

    I think it was '88 or '89, the fubar in '86 cost the ministry a lot of money. My guess is that it continued to cost them money in rehab and other things so they figured it just wasn't worth it anymore.

  9. I totally agree with Ted and dmiller. I don't like having my life or anyone else's regulated so closely by the government. Here in Nevada it is still legal to carry a gun on the street even if you don't have a CCW. The logic behind that? It's not concealed if you are carrying it. Of course if you were to actually do this somebody would stop you to find out what the heck you were doing. I've only actually seen it once and the man was taking it to the pawn shop and it was more legal to carry it in the open than it was to put it in a case. Go figure.

    We have lots of folks that have guns in the back window of their pick up. There are places that those vehicles cant go, like schools or the parking lots around federal buildings, or the parking lots around the state capital. I think everywhere else is fair game.

    It is state law that people have the right to protect themselves and their family and property. Case in point: A man had stopped at a local car wash to wash his car. Two young men approached him brandishing guns and attempted to car jack him. He pulled out a gun and killed one and wounded the other. He had a CCW. The case never went to court. The DA refused to prosecute. It was a legal shooting.

    I carry several guns at work, various caliber and types. I own several guns of my own of various caliber and types. I have only had to pull my gun once at home, and it was recently. They got the point and left before something bad happened to them. I guess they decided my truck wasn't worth it.

    I guess Nevada is still the old west in some ways.

  10. I wasn't WANTING to be GOOD at climbing rocks... and I don't believe that was the intent of LEAD...

    It wasn't the intent of LEAD. The advertised intent was Leadership, Education, Adventure and Direction. But I think that it became a vehicle for TWI to "make or break" people much as the interim Corps assignments. As I said "the entire premise was wacked". People were supposed to believe God to know how to climb rocks, what by osmosis? Revelation? Word of Wisdom or Knowledge? Whatever....

  11. No Matter what name tag you earned or wore the one that is the most valuable is the one we recieve for our God; Written in the Book of life!

    Ummmm....what color is it? Does anyone know? I mean a girl has to know what to ware...right? :rolleyes:

  12. Some day I 'll stand there with you,

    with a bucket filled with tears...

    And all will be there laughing

    Questioning the years...

    Love only-


    Indeed! One can only use them, all the experience and experiences, good and bad to make your life better.

    Welcome to the spot! Where we hang up the nametags and interact as a family should.

    love ya bro!

  13. Eyes-Thanks for the great storey. You could be a writer.

    I got sent LEAD 3 times. One time Vince Fin--- super ego maniac was riding beside me in the car. He found out I had been 2 times before and said to me "what the hell are you doing here". ( Like if I would have spoken up would they have listened. No way they would have reamed me out for questioning them too). Well Vince just kept on taking up the whole conversation, like he always did. It was always about him.

    Then when we got out there the leadership got us lost and we walked for two days with no food, just to keep from freezing. I guess they weren't that civilized yet.

    Ahh, Mr. Fin...Mr. there are no traffic lights in America longer than 5 seconds. Whatever! <_<

    They got you lost? Amazing! Perhaps not so much...maybe just ridiculous is more appropriate. :wacko:

    As for being a writer believer it or not I find it very difficult writing fiction. It always sounds so juvenile to me. But my posts here of my stories will probably someday be a book, and I have actually written a cookbook that will be out before Christmas this year,(barring any more complications) and once my Masters is completed I am going to publish another book of a more serious nature that is waiting for the spit and polish and a few pictures (and I need to triple verify some facts before I publish). Should be mid 2008. I have begun work on my second serious book, ie not a cookbook. My second cookbook will begin as soon as the first is published. Lots of books on the near horizon, but none like this story. This one is a piece of me. I have been saving all of my posts and some of my emails to a specific file and when the time comes I will compile them.

    I wish I could write fiction, it always sounds so wonderful in my head but I just cant seem to get it to come together on the page. Oh well...

  14. Oh how I truly loathed church. I would volunteer to work at ANYTHING to get out of it. We couldn't sneak off of campus. Bless patrol had been increased quite a bit. The Debil was after us so we had to lock the gates and man the ramparts dontcha know! :doh:

    And Attendance? We didn't need no stinkin' attendance, we was locked in! Practically had to have a hall pass to walk around the grounds...well maybe not as bad as all that...all the time. It was kinda fun evading the Storm Troopers to sneak a little "alone" time in the grass at night with someone special...or so I heard :redface2::who_me:

    I'm sorry were we talking about church? :biglaugh:

  15. Thank you all so much for your high praise of my humble efforts at writing.

    Dog Lover, I think that you may be right, she probably did spell it that way. Frankly I cannot remember ever seeing it written. She was just someone that I knew. I never actually looked at her nametag because I didn't need to. I could hear her coming, didn't even have to look. Even for the '80's her hair was far and above (literally) everyone elses. (I couldn't find a smiley guy with any hair)

    FW and WW, you are right things just keep coming up and we here at GS are just a small fraction of the people that were once involved with TWI. The possibilities are mind boggling! :wacko:

    A la prochaine (Little froggie girl), and everyone else that isn't so good at climing rocks...it's ok...'cause you are good at something that rock climbers can't do. Their entire premise was a little wacked. At least it was by the time I went LEAD and it sounds like it was when some of you did as well. Froggie girl, I am sorry to hear about the treatment that you endured. Blisters are no joke. They can cripple a person until they heal.

    I remember asking God to please not let them send me out LEAD again in my last year in res. Came about that I had no last year in res. So I guess he answered that one clear enough. I think they canned the program by then as well.

    Anyway, I am pleased that ya'll liked the way I told my story. And thanks for your patience (or impatience 'Listener') in letting me write it. One thing I like about this place is that here we can take off our nametags and interact like a family should, each according to his/her gifts or strengths. Truly a fellowship.


    I ain't never going into the bathroom again. :ph34r:

    So are you going to do the bucket in the closet thing, or just pee in the kitchen sink? :biglaugh:

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