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Posts posted by Eyesopen

  1. Anybody else have some weird old recipes?

    I don't know if its old but in Tijuana they wrap the hot dogs in bacon before cooking them.

    Then they are placed on a slice of cheese in the bun and topped with diced Jalepenos, tomatoes, onions and dill relish, plus mustard or ketchup if you want it. Yum!

    Edited to add this:

    JJ, I have got to know...how in blazes do you wrap peanut butter with anything? and why in heavens name would you wrap it in bacon? (I still havent found a smiley guy that will shrug his shoulders for me...maybe cause they don't have shoulders)

  2. My comments in purple: Sorry I cant quite get the whole 'quote' thing correct.

    One thing I can say with full confidence – I am an expert on how dumb I can be at times :biglaugh: .

    In light of that particular comment that I most certainly resemble...

    19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

    How do you think that this verse lines up with this verse?:

    Romans 3:23:

    For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

    Certainly God would not place an insurmountable challenge before His children. So...can this verse in Matthew be in relation or contigent upon "intent". If a person deliberately teaches one thing and does another...

    It would be foolish of me to disagree with this, but I am still wondering.

    Certainly ASpot is correct, our "approval" of God is not determined by our intellect, but certainly our enterence to Heaven isn't contingent upon our being more "righteous" I was not aware that there were degrees of righteousness. Perhaps someone can correct my understanding?

    I do understand the part that says basically he who sins the leastest gets the mostest in heaven. But only JC was sin free.

    Am I off topic ASpot?

  3. Ooooohhh....my toes are all tingly!!! Its her! Its Angelina! What an incredible piece of art...I mean the picture of course, we all know Angie is a piece of art! But I dont get how you get a bunch of people to draw on little scraps of paper to make a really good single picture.

  4. Happy Birthday Dooj,

    If I could sing I would serenade you...probably wouldn't sound like Sir Paul but what they hey!

    I'll ask him to give you a call next time I run into him! :biglaugh:

    Love ya girl, have a great day!!!

  5. Thanks Eyes!

    Oh and I have something to post that you will appreciate! Give me a day or two - one of my class projects...

    This sounds intriging...hmmm. Now I have to wait? For this I will be patient. :P

    Love you my dear!

  6. I'd like to eventually hear from every "art"





    There's a month or two right there Paw! ;)

    I like this idea. Very cool! And I would like to hear your input as well Dooj. As I said I really find your art quite soothing. I am pretty much all thumbs when it comes to that style of visual art and as for theater or dance, hahahahahaha (I assume being called a "drama queen" doesn't count?) However, some people think that I can string a couple of sentences together that make some sense. I'm not so certain about whether or not that helps people though...

    This is a good idea Paw.

    Edited 'cause maybe I can rite ok but my spillin aint so very goood.

  7. I rather like the idea of a round table discussion. Certainly without venturing into anything really contraversial, like Kathy said, at least until we become more comfortable with each other in that medium. Perhaps a simple discussion to begin with and gradually move into more complex topics.

  8. That is absolutely incredible news! I think your work is very gentle on the eyes. You have an amazing and wonderful talent. Four years is nothing in the art world. At least you didn't have to die for them to sell. :biglaugh:

  9. Any credentialed Biblical scholar would most likely dismiss LCM's "research" out of hand. How much time would you spend researching and critiquing a tomb penned by a Moonie, a Branch Dividian, or a People's Temple devotee? Unless you were specifically looking into that particular organization, probably not much. Moe, Larry, and Curly's names attached to a religious thesis probably wouldn't garner a lot of attention from serious theological critics and I think Mr. Martindale's name carries about equal clout.

    Can't say that I disagree with this opinion. But he asked a question so I just answered it as best I could.

  10. I think, no matter what our personal opinion might be, the book had somewhat of an impact on formulating TWI members thinking. It probably won't interest most people to read an critical examination of the book but I just thought if anyone knew if such was taken this would be the place to ask.

    Really? I don't know about any "impact", perhaps after I had left it did. I never really thought about it, probably because I never read the book. Whatever...

    So as far as a critical examination...I have never heard of one. But I don't own everything, so it is possible. Correct me if I am wrong, that particular book was done after they had cancelled or were going to cancel the Bible lands tours. And I believe they used the material from the tours as a basis for the book. I am not certain about this, perhaps someone that was at HQ or close to it at the time could give you more info. Anyway perhaps what you are looking for would be in that material?

  11. F U TWI!!!!!!!!!

    He he he

    Graduated last Saturday.

    Now on to even higher learning.

    Congratulations!! I know it is a good feeling to accomplish something like this. On to bigger and brighter things.

    God Bless you

  12. Outstanding post AJern! Well said and welcome to the Spot! Sit back relax...you are now in the real world and allowed to do that without permission or filling out a report on your "free" time. Have some coffee, have a danish and just read anything and everything you want!

    Love ya bro!

    Oh and Jean that really wasn't very nice dear.

  13. Ahhh there in lies the rub...I have to ever wonder if it ever WAS Godly......maybe it was just a very clever counterfit that decieved an awfull lot of good people :(

    More times than I want to count I have asked myself this question. I know that there were those in the ministry that were Godly people. But was the ministry itself based upon God or Godly principals? I think VP answered that question himself, when he taught that a building built upon the sand would not stand but a building built upon the Rock that is Jesus Christ would stand forever. TWI is in its death throws hence it was built on sand...

  14. I got:

    Outcome A - The Human.

    Based on the descriptions you chose, you are practical, reliable, friendly, and fit in with people quite nicely. You probably have a regular family and do well in acedemia.


  15. Eyesopen -- Do you remember why you loved it so much?

    Absolutely Larry, I loved that I had finally been taught that God did not in fact live in an edifice made by man. That I could actually talk to Him because I was His daughter and that He would not only listen but would also answer me. I loved that I was no longer restricted in my relationship with God. Despite all of TWI's many restrictions and laws they did teach me that a personal relationship with God is just that "personal" and no one no matter how much they belittled you, berrated you, condemned you or otherwise were a pain in your lilly white a@@ they could not effect or alter your personal walk unless you let them. It was in many ways a liberating experience, at least in that department.

    I was of course willingly constrained in other areas, but that was mostly because I thought that I could help others to achieve the freedom that I had through the teachings of this ministry. So yes I did love the ministry in many ways and I truly don't think there is anything wrong with the way that I once felt. Nor would it be wrong today had the ministry not gotten or been so wacked in so many ways. The atrocities that were committed in the name of the God that I love so deeply, as I said, sickens me. But the fact that it was the people and yes some of the teachings of TWI that allowed me to develope that relationship with God is not in anyway belittled by the horrors that were committed.

    There are several other things that I loved about the ministry. I loved it when I found out that it was possible to actually study the Bible and not get struck by lightning if I did. I loved that I could be a part of a family of other people that loved God as much as I. I loved that worshipping God was actually fun and not a mundane or constraining thing. I loved the early years "get togethers" like ROA and Limb meetings where everyone came to have fun and bless (yes I said "bless") each other. I loved that I learned how to pray without being selfish. I loved that I learned how to love others outside of my immediate family without asking for anything in return. I love that I can still do that today and not have to even think about it. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

    Sure there are a lot of things that I really dislike about my time in TWI. For instance it seriously pains me everyday that I by my complicity allowed others to be harmed by members of TWI. It makes me nauseuos to think that wonderful women of God that had beautiful gentle hearts were raped by the man that I thought I was learning God's word from. It grieves me to the core of my everlasting soul to think that I may have been in a position at any given time to help even one of them and I probably would not have notice or didn't notice.

    Do not think or entertain for one second the thought that I in any way intend or desire to belittle the pain, anguish and overall mistreatment of even one of my beloved brothers or sisters at the hands of anyone associated with TWI. If there were any way that I could remove it all from every single one of them and take it upon myself, I would without a moments hesitation. But I cannot, so instead I offer to anyone my help, such as it is.

    In contrast, I also do not belittle the good that I was able to gleen from my experience. For with what I learned perhaps I can in some way help someone who was not so lucky.

    Any questions?

  16. I actually remember when these scientists were still gathering the information for thier museum. I was asked to donate to help put it up. I didn't have the money at the time but I did consider it, if for nothing more than allowing people to see a different point of view. I give them credit they have the huevos to put their research and beliefs on display for anyone to consider. I would like to see the finished product in the near future.

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