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Posts posted by Eyesopen

  1. I had been out a fairly long time before I found Waydale, and subsequently, Greasespot, and thought I was pretty much over any intense feelings for the Way or its teachings. These places have helped me to heal from hurts and sadness I didn't even know I had.

    I wouldn't ever want any posters here to be discouraged from posting because their command of the language doesn't meet expectations. We all come from different backgrounds and educational experiences. I try to glean the ideas from a post and "translate" misspellings mentally. For me, the ideas being conveyed are the most important consideration.

    On the other hand....

    Paragraphs are good. :)

    Funny you should mention the whole "thought I was over it" idea. It is funny in a not so Ha Ha way that a person's mind can simply bury stuff that it does not want to deal with. Then when it comes up somewhere down the road the rest of your brain is saying "where the heck did that come from?" "I thought I had lost that years ago" But go figure...there it is once again staring you in the face.

    Also good points on the misspellings and grammer and certainly the paragraphs.


    I simply adore you dear one. ;)

    And I agree on the J's contributions also and have enjoyed both of them which is why when I feel they are just picking on Rascal I want to smack them because it distracts from what they can offer when on point rather than on her.

    I have a date with the beach so am on my way..........................

    Kathy the feeling is mutual sweetie!

    And just so you know...you can stop teasing me about the beach...just 'cause I live in a desert doesn't mean we dont have a beach...we got sand, lots of it...it's the water that we have trouble finding.. so there!


  2. I'll set this up today. Did any of you set a topic?

    I thought that we were doing the whole artist thing with Sirguessalot and Doojable? Did I read too much into the discussion?

  3. Kathy my dear one...thank you for sharing with us. That was beautiful. I know for one I am very happy that you are here at GS. Your open honest little posts helped give me courage way back when (it was only a couple of months but seems like years) when I took over Rascal's thread to bear my soul for all to see.

    Dooj, you also have been a guiding light for me as I try to navigate these often rough waters. The gentle but firm manner that you utilize to help steer threads and your bantering sense of humor that is so often displayed on those same theads, gives me a "safe" feeling.

    I know that I can always count on Temple Lady and Rascal to come up with some deep and profound thought that will have me pondering my own existance sometimes for days, and they have just rattled it off of the tops of their beautiful heads. Go figure!

    Of course DMiller and Belle will always be there to make certain that we all take a little closer look in the mirror if we get just a little too far out of line. But they also have great knowledge and heart to impart as well.

    I could go on and on naming all of the people here at GS and the ways that they touch my life and so many others, Bramble who's light heart makes me smile, John who's unique insight causes me to think in new directions, and Jean who when she actually decides to join a conversation has great insight and knowledge that adds imense value and depth to the topic. As I said "on and on".

    Why an ex-way site? Why indeed! We still need our family. We still need each other. And we still enjoy each others company, and learn from each other, and laugh, and cry, and grow as children of God. I am so very thankful that you all are here and that there is a "here" to be...so my grammer sucks! Oh well...I'll go stand in the corner now. :biglaugh:

    God how I love you guys!

  4. Indeed it would.

    So the J's could you just lay off Rascal and let this thread play out the way it was meant to please.

    Alright the next person that steps out of line or mispells a word has to go stand in the corner. On a second offence they will be hand cuffed to the toilet! That is if we can get that cop to stop eating all of the donuts.

    BTW, who ordered the donuts? I dont remember any stinking donuts! Are there any chocolate ones left? Of course not, silly me look at all the women in this thread there wouldn't be a chocolate donut withing 100 yards of the place. <_<

    :offtopic: Are we off topic?

  5. Oh my gawd where we could go with this one. :biglaugh:

    But I love Rascal's heart to keep this thread here for the information it holds for others still seeking the freedoms we have to be able to use for their exits.

    And she is a fighter with a cause and I love and respect her with all my heart for it.

    And if we want to talk grammar one could take that sentence above and mark it with a red marker no doubt.

    Yup sho nuff we shor cood!

    But on a serious note, this thread really does have some wonderful heart and insight within its tarnished pages. Moving it to the basement would be a shame.

  6. Dooj, I didn't realize it was your day to be the thread police. :biglaugh: Thank you for setting the example for all of us.

    Ok all I want to know is...who called the cops? Out with it who's the person with happy finger disease? What's this world coming to now days, jeez can't even have a decent Brooha without someone getting twitchy fingers.

    And a plain clothed one at that. She snuck right in and layed the hammer down... :biglaugh:

    Just kidding ladies, welcome to our little thread. Please sit right down on the little funky couch and do tell us vat is it that you might be zinking about zee topic at hand? Hmmmm...vye do ve need zee Ex Vay site? In your own vords pleaze.

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


  7. Actually, from my point of view, Rascal was given reproof that she (and you) chose to diregard because she (and you) think the way it was phrased was rude. No one has claimed that anything I said was untrue.

    Now that is an interesting point of view. I have never looked at spelling and grammer correction as "reproof" but as correction. But it wasn't just Rascal and I that thought that your comment was rude. But that is neither here nor there. No I do not claim that your comment was correct or incorrect but, sometimes we all mispell or type so fast that our grammer gets lost in translation, similar to the mistake that you made in the quote above that I highligted in bold type. Everyone can make mistakes, and correcting someones grammer is not a bad thing. My issue is in the manner that you said it. That's all.

  8. For one, I disagree with the idea that renewing your mind to the Word is an habit pattern that needs to be peeled away to get back to correct and healthy thinking. I believe that thinking about the Bible IS correct and healthy thinking. And I disagree with John that Rascal can still get her point across with poor punctuation. Anyone who has sat through PFAL knows how a couple of misplaced commas can alter the intent of a sentence. And, finally, I don't see why all of you seem to think that Rascal is incapable of standing up and speaking for herself (including Rascal).

    Very good, dialogue...this we can work with. Thank you Jean for responding to my questions.

    I didn't get the impression that anyone was talking about the "renewed mind" or "thinking about the Bible" as a habit pattern that needed to be changed. I know that I personally have a habit pattern of asking God's advice on darn near everything, and of thinking about the Bible and scriptures that are relevent to any given situation regularly. So if these items were to be placed into the "bad" habit column then I would also disagree with that placement. But as I said I did not get the impression that anyone was doing that. Perhaps if you did you can show me where. I have been known to miss things.

    I am beginning to understand that you have a major problem with poor grammer. I do agree that there have been times when a poster's grammer has made it difficult for me to understand what they were trying to get across. (Although I must say that I have never had a problem with Rascal's grammer) My mother was an English major in college prior to the USA's involvement with WWII which changed her priorities. Hence proper English, both spoken and written were a necessity in our household. However, we were also expected to be polite. I therefore strongly disagree with the manner in which you addressed Rascal's grammer because it was rude. I do not see this as "standing up" for Rascal, she's a big girl and can do that for herself if she so chooses. I see this as reproof and correction to you for your lack of love concerning her in this matter. If this is the type of love that you learned from your stint in TWI then your "leaders" should be called to account for it.

    I see no need to reference PFAL in this thread. I learned English from people who were far more qualified than VP to teach it correctly.

    And finally, people that "stand up" for others on these boards whether it be Rascal or someone else do so because they love that person. It is true that Rascal is my friend and I would do anything for her or any of my other friends. But she is more than just a friend. The both of you fall into another catagory as well. You are both children of the most High God! You are both members of the same household. I would stand up for anyone that fit into that catagory if I felt that they were being wronged and yes I would expect you to do so also. You may disagree with Rascal's personal opinion as much as you like and I will defend with my life your right to do so, but you have no right to personally attack any member of the house of God. Furthermore no one has the right to attack you in similar manner. Which is why I had to ask those questions.

    You were told by several people that your comment was rude. But you chose to ignore that reproof. So now I am saying it again, it was rude. No one launched a personal attack on you or John. Temple Lady's post and Brambles post were not addressed to anyone, if you chose to apply the contents to yourself then you applied them because you felt that they fit. (If the shoe fits!)

    Bottom line: You were given reproof, you should have corrected yourself and simply appologized. But you chose not to do so. Now there are accusations and cr@p flying everywhere and the household on this thread is in confusion, hurt and undue anger. You have the power and Godly responsibility to correct this problem, the question is "Will you chose to do so?"

  9. quote: A victim with poor grammatical skills THANK you very much

    IMO you are correct. You can indeed get your point across no matter how you spell. A few years ago Abigail posted to me that my posts would be easier to read if I would use paragraphs better...and she was right. I was relatively new to the internet and spent the first year or more saying to myself, "Duh, WOW! I'm on the INTERNET! That's ME on that post! Duhhhh, GOLLY!"...kinda like that. As such, I was oblivious to certain aids and amenities concerning written communication.

    My opinions are whatever they are, then as now, but (bottom line) I DO feel that using paragraphs better has made me an even MORE effective communicator. I think if you were more diligent to spell and punctuate better then you, too, would do an even BETTER job of expressing your pov. REdiculous??? Now THAT is annoying. I'm sure I'll get desensitized eventually, but as I said, you can indeed get your pov across with or without a spell checker.

    Good post John. Now had the first comment concerning the grammatical idea been stated in this manner perhaps there wouldn't be a tiff going on right now. Just perhaps.

    Edited 'caus i still caint spel nun neethr!

  10. A victim with poor grammatical skills THANK you very much :)

    Hee hee heee haaaww... :biglaugh: I appologize but I found that funny!

    I do have a bit of a demented sense of humor tho... :P

    Ok so I don't really want a war but I am wondering how does this:

    quote: Imagine, maybe there is more to our healing than just moving on. Maybe there are layers, levels that need to be examined each one at a time, only to be seen and presented as the previous layer has been examined and addressed.

    See the pain; be the pain. IMO pain is OK as long as it's used in moderation.

    Qualify as an opposing opinion? With a little tweaking I can see it...

    I do understand Johns belated but welcome explanation concerning his comment but I fail to really see the opposing opinion part.

    But then again I really fail to see the opposing opinion in the comment concerning "grammer" as well. Perhaps someone would care to enlighten me on how that post was in any way shape or form an "opposing opinion". It was an opinion but it was at the very least off topic and rude and at the worst a personal attack. (I'm not saying that it was the latter as I have already stated that I believe it was the former. I am giving the benefit of the doubt on that comment.)

    But now I see this:

    Do you and Bramble really enjoy being victims as much as you appear to. You were 'victims' in TWI and now here you are being 'victimized' again just because someone disagrees with you (despite the fact the you initiate the confrontation just as often as not).

    Once again I am compelled to ask the question, where is the opposing opinion? Rascal was talking about layers of habit patterns that needed to be peeled away to get back to correct and healthy thinking. Bramble was agreeing with her. Where is the "victim" in that? And on a side note, isn't this thread titled; "Why is there an Ex-TWI site?" Is not each poster expected to some degree respond to the title question? Is that not what Rascal did? So what is the big problem here? Some disagree, ok so disagree without making personal attacks and move on. That is considered polite civilized adult behavior. It is something I learned by the time I was five years old. Don't force me to pull Rodney K!ng out of my pocket!

  11. You start with bacon - and don't y'all just know how I purely love a recipe that starts with bacon. The fat is the whole point of the bacon. If you're interested in the red part, get a ham or something. I mean, really.

    So anyway, you start with bacon, and the only other ingredient is brown sugar - and do I really need to say the dark brown kind? You just roll the bacon in the dark brown sugar and then you bake it (at 350 F. for about 20 minutes or so, depending on your oven and also how you like your bacon - put it on a rack on a cookie sheet, and you don't even have to turn it over!) - and voy-ola! Pig Candy![/color]

    Yummm....I can hear my arteries hardening and feel the fat growing on my hips! Hmmmmm good!

  12. Well like some of you I scrolled through the avatars and just wasn't finding anything that fit. Some seemed to fit some aspects of "me" but never the whole picture as I saw it.

    Then I came upon this pic of Angelina Jolie. It was perfect! My life is very similar to hers. I was a not so bad kid. I grew up with just a bit more and a bit less than my piers. While growing up I spent some time rebelling. Then I spent some time doing what was expected of me. Shortly after that stage I went into seclusion only coming out for work. But then I decided to be what I wanted to be...me...and if no one liked it...well so what?

    AJ epitimizes how I see myself...smart, clever, playful, sincere, truthful (you knew that was coming!), honest, a good friend, a dangerous enemy, loving, caring, just a little bit batty, faithful and of course just a tad bit sexy (not nearly as sexy as she...but not bad either). :D That's why Angie, I do admire her but I think she would admire me too! :wink2:

    Hmmm...is that conceited of me? Well..I don't care what you think! I'ts the Word people...uhh sorry flashbacks! :redface2: Hee Hee...of course I'm kidding! :biglaugh:

    Oh yea..that whole "dare me" look on her face...yea that's me to a "T"

  13. Eyes, this thread is a living room. We take our shoes off and let our hair down. It is place of acceptance and mutual respect. At least that is how I want it. We got enough judgment in twi. I don’t see any reason to keep it up. I say things I think later are foolish, you ain’t the lone ranger.

    Do you know why I started this thread? Bet not. Once I understood I had bought into false doctrine, hook, line, and sinker, I felt really dumb. I felt a fantastic amount of condemnation. I knew I had sinned, sometimes greatly, because of my false beliefs. Then recently it sunk in that God worked in my life during twi. He also has worked in my life since then, in spite of my uncertainty on doctrinal issues. Then I understood it never had to do with knowledge, but my faith in Him. And lots of grace. And mercy. Knowledge is nice. I hope to clear up and eliminate the chaff out of my brain some day.

    I am saying it was still rooted in my brain that God approved or didn’t approve of me because of my knowledge and according to whether it was right or not. I now see that was never it. I can now forgive myself. Now I can heal.

    Understanding that it was false doctrine is a huge stepping stone. The point you made in your first post that Timothy was written to a church leader is a monumental item. Realizing that a foundational scripture of TWI was not even written to us when vp made such a big deal about "To whom is it written?" well...what can be said?

  14. Actually, the process was quite a bit more gradual that that. :)

    The key that both sources have, though, is that the Canon wasn't just figured out in a single meeting and everything else was immediately burned. It developed over time.

    Hi Mark thanks for the information. I actually didn't have the Catholic one and had been looking for that text. I know that it was a gradual thing and that there were many events and people involved and lots of time elapsed to give us the Bible that we have today. But I was trying to forestall my enthusiasm for the subject because I didn't want to derail this thread. :P

    I got into a great discussion with my boss today on this specific subject. He did his thesis on the fall of Rome and of course had a lot of historical knowledge concerning the Catholic Church and the compilation of the Bible. It was a good talk. It lasted off and on for about 6 hours. Perhaps sometime we can get together and share our mutual enthusiasm and understanding of the subject. :)

  15. I didn't think it was inane at all, and in reality, directly relevant to the topic. My first thought was do I really know what righteousness is, in the first place...

    Here's what Thayer's gives for the word.

    "1) in a broad sense: state of him who is as he ought to be, righteousness, the condition acceptable to God

    a) the doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain a state approved of God

    b) integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking feeling, and acting

    2) in a narrower sense, justice or the virtue which gives each his due"

    Thanks ASpot. I felt rather foolish when I read the section again.

    Considering your definition my "dilema" becomes quite clear. Righteousness as I see it and if I'm reading Thayer correctly as he sees it as well, is a state of being. Kind of akin to being "alive" or "healthy". Either you are or you are not. There is not such thing as "kind of pregnant". Nor do I think that you can be "kind of righteous", either you are right or you are wrong; either you act accordingly or you don't. Which is what I think JC was talking about in Matthew.

    After verse 20 JC goes on to lay out several of the big sins and the appropriate behavior as opposed to the inappropriate. He was drawing the obvious contrasts out for people. He was trying to show them how they should live by example but not the example of the scribes and Pharasees. Because if you imitate them you will not be righteous.

    God is not stupid he knows that all men sin but, that is not the point. The point is does your life and your words line up with each other? When people sin they need only ask forgiveness and God is faithful and just to forgive our sins. Hence remaining righteous is not an issue. (Of course JC is not talking to those born again so these people will need to do the whole sacrifice something at the temple gig, which he also mentions in that sermon)

    ASpot you are absolutely correct the Bible as we know it today as a compiled piece of work was done in the 4th Century by Constatine and the early Catholic Church fathers. Up until that time all they had were scrolls, verbal doctrines and of course epistles. When they were compiled only those that fit the doctrine of the time were included. The rest were conveniently destroyed. Some apparently had copies and are resurfacing. But that is another story.

  16. I don't think Matthew 5 is in reference to the basis for entering heaven. But it does seem like a "ranking system" of some kind exists – based on God's criteria – and that is God's prerogative. Here is another reference to God's recognition of individuals:

    Thinking about II Timothy 2's context – handling the Word accurately in teaching and conduct – an idea very similar in Matthew 5 – may be an indication of the criteria God uses in His "ranking system"…a basis for rewards, privileges, recognition.

    Certainly God's word supports the "ranking" system. It is fairly clear throughout that once in heaven there will be those that receive more rewards and honor than others.

    It is also just as obvious that actions speak louder than words and intent plays a huge role in how God perceives us his children. My question was about degrees of "righteousness". But I have read the section in Matthew again and now realize my error.

    Matthew 5:20:

    ...That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

    My error is self evident. Neither the scribes or the Pharisees were righteous at all. Hence no dilema concerning degrees of righteousness. :redface2:

    Please continue as if I hadn't butted in with such an inane question.

  17. Or was that parfaits? (Talkin' about the layers...)

    Donkey: You know what else everybody likes? Parfaits. Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "Hell no, I don't like no parfait"? Parfaits are delicious.

    Shrek: No! You dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden! Ogres are like onions! End of story. Bye-bye. See ya later.

    (psst - but I think Lord Farquaad and Lady Farquaad have returned...)

    Hhmmm...could be a parfaits. Not sure what it is, but I am pretty certain that Rascal is correct. It is like layers. Everytime I think that I have gotten to the chewie center of my tootsie pop, there pops up some other thing.

    For example. I dropped my gallon jug of sun tea on the floor the other day. Of course the bloody thing broke and sent tea spilling and flying everywhere. My immediate thought wasnt "Oh SH!T!!" it was "Now what did I do to deserve that?" it was immediately followed by "Where have I erred and stepped out of fellowship?" As soon as those thoughts burst into my brain I snatched them out again. But they had been there, first thing.

    Of course it was just an accident. It wasn't any "punshment", it wasn't me not paying attention to the "details" it was an accident pure and simple. Oh sure the bottle was wet from sweating and perhaps I shouldn't have been dividing my attention to the several other things that were going on at the same time. But dropping a bottle is not an indication that I have gone out of "fellowship" or am being punished for some sin that I have committed.

    The bottom line to this story is that we as people have been so conditioned to respond both physically and mentally to any given situation that it may take many many years before we even recognize that our response was a conditioned response incorrectly supplied by TWI. I haven't even been near a "fellowship" since 1990 and yet this little layer has just recently come to the surface for me to recognize. Makes me wonder, "What's next?"

    P.S. Rascal-I love you dear heart! I dont care how you spell. Your heart is as gentle as a spring rain and I for one am both pleased and honored that you share parts of it with us here at GS.

  18. You take the bacon and dip it in egg that has been beaten with a little worchestershire sauce.... then you dip that in breadcrumbs and fry it in butter dipped in a big old tub of SOUR CREAM and sprinkled with cheese!! MMMmmmmMmmmmMmmmmmm....

    I'll have the above with eggs, sausage and SPAM!

    But speaking of old recipes, what about hassenfeffer(sp?)?

    It's an old German dish featuring rabbit and spaetzel.

    I loved it as a kid.

    Where would you even go to buy a cooking rabbit these days?

    p.s. Use only "farm" rabbit as wild rabbit tastes like-------------!

    So glad you mentioned this as I love the stuff! We have two butchers here that carry anything you can imagine to eat in the way of meat and several that you had never thought of before. They have rabbit, both kinds, farm bred and Jack rabbit. They also have Moose, Elk, Venison, Rattlesnake, Shark, Squid, Octopus...the list is very long. If they don't have it just request it and they will find it.

    JJ thanks for the hasenpfeffer recipe!

    Now the squirrel one...naw I think I'll just substitute chicken. In honor of Mr. Ham.

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