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Posts posted by Eyesopen

  1. Can you explain that a little bit more? I don't understand what females not being allowed behind the pulpit would have to do with learning about God. Can you expand on this a bit?

    "That is how I was taught that only the man at the pulpit had the authority to interpret and therefore teach the bible."

    I was taught that only the man at the pulpit was allowed to learn the bible...women werent allowed to stand at the pulpit...

    I am sorry if you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Sometimes I dont give someone all the information.

  2. Wow, Mark. That’s some really profound stuff. Had I read that book before twi, my involvement would have been much shorter. (Maybe 2 minutes…)

    I would love to be able to say that with the right information I would have had more sense than to get involved with TWI. But the real rub with them was that they were able to bait the hook so well that it was disguised beneath the bait. I thought as many others did that they not only had the truth they were the truth. We thought that we were "uprooting vices and implanting virtues" and we thought that we were "living" the Word. So no I dont think that anything would have been different for me. I still would have done what I did. The really good thing is that I would still be where I am today. Which is a good place.

    But the information is excellent Mark! It is wonderful for retrospect and for future teaching. Sometimes teaching ahead of time works, it just wouldn't have for me, not on this point anyway. Because I thought that TWI taught the scriptures, since I had no biblical basis myself I had to trust that someone else had it . That is how I was taught that only the man at the pulpit had the authority to interpret and therefore teach the bible. TWI use that against a lot of people. That was part of the bait. To be able to learn how to study it for yourself! Who could pass that up?

    But then again I was raised in a church where females were not allowed behind the pulpit...still arent. So I felt that if I wanted to know I had no recourse but to learn from TWI. At least that is what I thought. But my heart was pure in that I wanted a personal relationship with God. So He honored my hearts desire and taught me sometimes despited TWI's best efforts to keep me in the dark. Which is why as much as I would sometimes like to do so I cannot just chuck it all out and start over. But I did in fact just put it all down for a number of years and prayed a lot. Eventually those things that never made any sense or little sense just fell away and I was left with a less cluttered understanding. Throught the years I have discarded a lot of old stuff, and rearranged others, but at this date I am still peeling back the layers and am now dealing with the most basic doctrines and habit patterns that were installed and instilled by TWI.

    I cannot change my past but I can use what I learned from it to shape my future.

  3. In fact, I was just thinking on the drive home today that this is about the time I should be getting started on the Jamaican Wedding Cake recipe I want to try - based on the instructions, if I start this week-end, it should be ready by Christmas. [/color]

    Woman that is just plane rude, not that I've been addressing "rude" people lately, but how dare you drop bait like that and not post the recipe! Hmmm....?

    Well I'm waiting.....


    You know I'm joking right?

  4. I would agree that the concept was MAINLY isolated to people at the top of the organization.. like "they" say, the cops have the best dope in the world..

    I dunno.. I think this kind of teaching.. the spirit is holy, the flesh is merely flesh.. kinda made people schizophrenic. Like you have two personalities, a good guy, a bad guy..

    I remember merely asking a few questions of someone in the 1970's about having morals of a Guinea Pig.. not really being accusative.. the easy going party guy went away, and I was talking to the "spirit guy", "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY RIGHTEOUSNESS!!"

    I was waiting for his head to start spinning around..

    I think it's like.. there's two of them in there, and they have come to some kind of agreement..

    "you don't touch my women, beer or dope, and I'll be nice, and let you look important when you teach in fellowship.."

    Who knows.. maybe these people were screwed up to begin with..

    Hahaha...wow that did bring back some memories! My WOW sister had an affair on the field and our Limb C. allowed it. She even got engaged on the field. But it was ok because she was "going through some things" and needed to "let loose" and "unwind". So it was ok for her to ignore her committment, the family and everything else so she could spend time with her boyfriend (who was by TWI standards an unbeliever)

    Yup it was a wacky year!

  5. Why do I keep coming back??? I keep coming back because I think that all of you ar so awsome.

    Greetings from the beautifull upper penninsula of michigan :)

    I am camping and fishing for the next week or two .... but left the gorgeous lake to come all the way into town for my G.S. fix :) .

    I appreciate each of you and the valid points that you present that continue to facillitate my understanding, healing and growth.

    Thank you each and every one who has shown me such kindness and support....espescially on this thread. I will try to do better with my communication to avoid future derailments.

    Love, Cathy

    Cathy my friend, Awww...I just want give you a big hug! But that darn fish you're holding is a bit of a determent... :biglaugh:

    You are a sick woman to leave the lake to get a GS fix...have you spoken to a psych about this fixation?

    I for one am greatful that I came here as well. I have fixed pieces of myself that I didn't know were broken. And have made more friends here than I ever did while inside. So I would like to add my voice to Rascal's in the Thank you department.

  6. that's how i feel about rascal


    That's how I feel about Rascal as well, but also how I feel about Another Spot and Dooj and You and Temple Lady and Bramble and many others. I could go on and on once again but i wont. I have already done that. :)

    Isn't it wonderful how we can come here to this Spot and talk about TWI without fear of reprisal from the "powers that were". We didn't become "greasespots" because God wouldn't spit in our direction or because we walked away. We all became greasespots for our own reasons as is easily testified in this thread. But I am seeing a prevailing idea here...many people that have come here eventually begin to enjoy the freedom of speech that is allowed here and the lack of "nametags".

    It is great for us all when we remember that regardless of the color that our nametags once were...we no longer wear them. Hence we all have equal voice here and that we all bring something equally important to the table. Everyone is treated as an individual and their ideas and thoughts are also treated individually.

    This is why ASpot you have experienced a different side of Jean, just as I have. But here on this thread some thoughts and more specifically posts are being evaluated by the readers for their specific content, not what may have been said elsewhere. I personally think that we should all try to at least be civil to one another, because we wont all get along all the time. But thats just me.

  7. Keep in mind, though, that the word σπουδάζω (spoudazo), rendered "study" in the KJV (and ONLY in the KJV), doesn't mean 'study' at all. It means 'try hard/ work hard/ be diligent.'

    Likewise, the word ὀρθοτομέω (orthotomeo), rendered "rightly dividing" in the KJV, means to "cut straight."

    Interestingly, although not used elsewhere in the NT, this same word is used in the Septuagint in Proverbs 3:6 (In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.) and Proverbs 11:5 (The righteousness of the blameless keeps his way straight, but the wicked falls by his own wickedness.)

    The point I'm getting at is that if you look at the context and you look at an accurate translation of the words, I really don't think to sit down and crack the books is at all part of the meaning of this verse. Rather, I think it is more an exhortation to be diligent to LIVE the word and not pervert it in your words or life.

    I think you're right Mark, I really wish TWI had taught it that way. They made such a big deal out of "studying" and so many young folks (new to der vey) got really "turned off" by this teaching because it was too much like school or too daunting. Not as much "love" and good times that one would expect from a small ministry like der Vey. Too much emphasis was put on "works" to get in or "works" to have the right spot in heaven. Instead of just recieving Gods love, mercy and grace. But I kind of thing that this is where ASpot was going to begin with.

  8. On the First Redneck Church Bulletin Board:

    The Christmas Season is almost upon us. Once again, we’re going to do our famous live Nativity scene and need volunteers for the following: Three wise men to sit in the ’57 Chevy up on blocks. Attire should be appropriate – camouflage in a red and green pattern. Wise men are to supply their own props – 12 pack of beer and beef jerky – please do not open the beer or eat the beef jerky – these are gifts for the baby Jesus. Mary and Joseph to huddle over the baby Jesus laying in the Sears Kenmore Dryer. This year we’d prefer a woman who is not 7 months pregnant to play Mary. Anyone sporting prominent tattoos may qualify for the role of Joseph as long as the tattoos are in the spirit of the season. We’d like to have Cletus’ bird dog reprise his role as the baby Jesus – since he took so well to napping in the dryer last year.

    Now why may I ask do I get such a clear picture in my mind of this Nativity scene? Maybe I've seen something like it before..hmm could be... :biglaugh:

  9. Larry the Cable Guy. Without a doubt is one of the funniest men I have ever heard.

    We have a truck here in town that has "Git Er Done!" in the back window. It kinda hides the gun rack. :biglaugh:

    Is Reno, Nevada a Redneck hangout? Yup! Who woulda figured that one?

    So then what comedian takes a close second? You guessed it Jeff Foxworthy.

    Lucky for us we get to see them all as they tour the country, everybody whos somebody plays Nevada at one time or another.

  10. We here (esp WC) pretty much all know enough scripture to ponder for many years and if we think on that, meditate on that, we give God space and opportunity to show us what he really means. Pondering with a genuine attitude of, "Dad, show me what this really means," is showing yourself approved, whether as a leader, minister, pastor or whatever; or just as a humble believer who wants to know.

    I saw something awesome in the Sermon on the Mount stuff that somebody mentioned on this thread and I'll put it together soon on a new thread.

    This is something that I have also been thinking of lately. Many verses especially in Psalms encourage people to "ponder" or 'think" on the word of the Lord. And in conjunction they often are associated with being at peace because we would then know God or understand something about God. It had nothing to do with "studying" to be approved. It had everything to do with thinking about what you have read, how it applies to you personally and perhaps to others. It had to do with understanding God and what He does and perhaps why He does it.

    I look forward to seeing what you have learned and wish to share about the Sermon on the Mount.

  11. I'm sorry but this is too much...

    I have a lot of patience for a lot of things. But to take a thread and turn it into a fault finding hunt is beyond sanity.

    I just happened to "Reply" to the last post here.....it's rampant all over the thread.

    The thread was derailed and then got back on track.

    Rascal hasn't even posted here in a bunch of posts....what is the deal?

    I wonder just what was learned since leaving TWI.....

    I'd rather hear why you like to return to GSC than hear the bickering and fighting that occurs because someone doesn't dot their "i's" and cross their "t's"

    I agree Dooj. I was on my way to bed when this thread once again caught my eye.

    It is a shame that this thread has been derailed yet again by bickering. Jean we all understand that grammer and spelling are an issue with you. But could you please out of courtesy to those that want to continue on topic in this thread take your personal war to the PM's where it truly belongs?

    Thank you and good night to all. :wave:

  12. Honestly, I came here seeking answers - i wanted to know WTF had happened.

    I had come here before then - but in my twi-glazed eyes, I only saw a group of people who wanted to whine about how bad twi was in the LCM days... Now I know better.

    What GSC has done for me is give me another avenue to express my anger and as my questions. I get some answers I expect, and some that I don't. It gives me a community to be a part of that really understands what it is to have been involved in an organization that permeated every corner of your life.

    I needed that, because who in the heck else is going to believe me?

    I also keep coming back because this place is helping me to remember and figure out who I am independant of any relationships (good or bad) that I have had with people in twi - I can be myself here in complete anonymity, something I was never given the luxury of in twi.

    NO NAMETAGS for ME!!! I'M FREE!!!

    You mean your name isn't "Jane", OMG I really miss those nametags! :biglaugh:

    Seriously tho...great post! I hate to admit that TWI did "permeate" every and I do mean every corner of my life. Whether I wanted it to or not. Kinda hard to get the scum out of the corners now and again. But some of the folks in here carry some mighty small brushes just for that reason. :P

  13. Ahhhhhh! I understand now.

    :asdf: Read for understanding! Read for understanding! :asdf:

    Next time get out your concordance before you post. Bad doojie! :biglaugh:

    Congrats on that minivan...we had to get a full sized one before we started to slim 'em down and pawn 'em off on someone else. Enjoy it while they are young...then they turn into teenagers and know everything... :rolleyes:

  14. The finance committee refuses to provide funds for the purchase of a chandelier because none of the members knows how to play one.

    The final words of the benediction are, "Y'all come back now!! Ya Hear?"

    Hahahahahahahahah...aaaawwwhaahaaha...snort....hahahahahahaha...snort, snort.....aaawwwwwhahahaha

    Thank you Belle! I needed that!

  15. I think what you are refering to is Applesauce Cake.

    I believe we made it in square pans then cut it down the middle, spread sweetened cream cheese on it then put the two halves back together then cut it into squares.

    Here is the recipe:

    1 1/2 Cup sifted whole wheat flour

    3/4 cup soy flour

    1/2 cup powdered milk (non-instant)

    4 tsp. baking powder

    2 tsp. cinnamon

    2/3 cup honey

    1/2 cup oil

    4 eggs

    3/4 cup applesauce

    1/2 cup toasted wheat germ

    1 cup raisins

    Sift together dry ingredientes, except wheat germ. Cream honey, oil and eggs. Mix dry ingredients into creamed mixture laternatly with applesauce, wheat germ and raisins. Beat well and pour into greased 9x13 inch cake pan.

    Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes

    When it is cool cut it length wise down the middle and spread some sweetened cream cheese down the middle. We had to cook "healthy' so we sweetened with honey but I was thinking some of those premixed cream cheese flavors like the Honey Walnut spread would taste really good with this.

    Anyway I think that is what you were looking for. If not well it's still a good recipe.

  16. you know... i've really HAD it with the grammar police around here lately...

    dmiller - you know i think the world of you man... but was that really necessary?

    you all knew exactly what i was talking about - i'm a very busy person and this is about the one social connection i have left in life. if my grammar and being just human is a problem, i can go elsewhere.... i'm really fed up with this...

    Hmmm...funny I didn't even notice it...guess I was too busy thinking up a response. Besides everyone knows I can't spell worth a sh!t.

    Please don't leave us Chas...I would miss you...

  17. Does anyone remember/have an old Emporia recipe that was a cake like snack or dessert; it was kind of a heavy fruit bread that was served with cream cheese spread between two slices? It was dark brown in color, maybe made with date or fig puree, and was very moist.

    Any one know what it was?

    I would like to have the recipe if anyone knows it, thanks in advance.   :redface2:

    I recall making this bread at Emporia. It had Ginger in it...I don't remember it coming out of a can tho... I have eaten it out of a deli here at home. But I do believe that I have the recipe. I'll check for you.

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