This term "victim mentality," as I understand it, has nothing to do with whether abuse occurred or not, but the reaction of a person who suffered an abusive act, and is a contrast to the term "survivor of abuse"
An example is:
someone gets robbed and they spend the rest of their life with out of control anger (some anger is good) decide to rob others becasue they are such a "victim"...[victim mentality]
or they get robbed and use the opportunity to learn how to protect themselves better [survivor].
There is NO DOUBT to me that the way was horribly abusive whether or not someone was personally molested or not. The abuse came in many forms! As for the details, I see no need to belabor or argue this each person knows their own experience and that is what is important. For those who had a good experience, that's great but it doesn't mean others didn't suffer.
As for my opinion as to whether there was mind control, that is not a "black and white" definition. No, obviously people were not tied down and forced to do things. But in my experience my critical thinking was severely impaired, so the choices I made were definitely not made when in my "best moments" (that does not mean I"m not responsible as an adult, but seriously many of my choices were pretty lame!--who would logically consider in a group and feel they would kill themselves before leaving after 2 times being told "get out"?). [sure do have a lot of gratitude for not being there any more! ]