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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net

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Everything posted by coolchef1248 @adelphia.net

  1. yes gc lavendar ang tarragon wthis shrooms in a brown gravy is good on most any meat you would use gravy on try it!
  2. medic i just talked to some of the key players in my club the phone cards are going to happen please stay in touch
  3. lavender and tarrigon thrown into a brown gravey with sauteed shrooms. try it on ostrich reaLLY. I love to grow veggies put mine in the other day. if you can find sone lemon flavored thyme plant some it's great on haddock etc. but beware many herbs spread like wild fire and tend to take over. happy planting
  4. of course you don't onion eater you have always been smarter than me don't rub it in!!! did you find the web site for the eagles rings? peace
  5. ps i just got done doing lobaster clams prime rib corn on the cob and baked potato for 368 people. it was fun but now i am tired and sipping wine!
  6. what ya cooking zshot? can you overnite it to me? have fun in the kitchen!
  7. zshot sweedish and i hate to say it japanese are the best i've found.but costly.
  8. hey cool waters...bet he would DARE to!! lol
  9. medic .. we have a meeting this wed. nite. i will bring it up and assure you it will happen. thanks for doing what you are doing.ex vet here so i can kinda relate
  10. belle, my advice to you be simple. move to maine! we only have snow up to our necks and black flys that can carry your head away...but... no hurricans!lol
  11. please help.. i can't get into it! it was ok a few weeks ago. any hints as to where i might be in error?
  12. what kind of expereinces did you have taking the advanced class in gunnison? that's where i took it. just curious
  13. veep pee ---- hitler both knew how to use people both knew how to use smoke and mirrors both knew how to hold multitudes rapt with thier babblings for hours maybe they were related? but seriously....hitler killed the good way. when you were dead you were dead. vee pee killed the hearts and spirit of many and they still suffer. shame on you veepee wish they would let me in to pee on you
  14. happy anniversary to you and you hubby! if it lightens you load i also pull the blanket over my brides head too! guess it's a guy thing! and we've only been married a year. never will see 25 as we are too old! lol
  15. medic what address do we send phone cards to. i want to have my club {fraternal order of eagles}send $1,000.00 worth. we do that sort of stuff. my marine son came home from bagdad a few months ago and i know he and his pals liked phone cards.also what phone card co. works best there?
  16. i would be glad to send in a little cash especilly if i can have wine with my dinner at paws. actually i will be glad to send some cash
  17. as a chef i don't even want to think how much $ i have invested in my tools. 750.00 just for a set of 6 ice carving chisels
  18. i was flown from maine to ohio{on ambassador1} to see the premire of aos. it was the most redicules thing i have ever seen and that night my eyes were opened to what an arse loy was and is.
  19. for years i was in awe of veepee. what a dummy i was. he was so full of him self and not only wanted but demanded his royal arse kissed and you know what? we did it with pleasure and though we were getting blessed for doing so thank God we have gotten over that!
  20. i am a chef i WILL NOT surrender my knife!!!should we start a national knife association? how silly!
  21. maybe that super wold have been a goon man in the vey as a control freak
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