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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net

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Everything posted by coolchef1248 @adelphia.net

  1. of course we all worry about our kids not moms only but us dads too. that was a crock of you know what that veepee tried to make us believe. most of us did. hell when any of my kids got the sniffels i thought i was to blame. that bas....rd. my 4 sons are all adults now and all living in different parts of the country.but i worry about them all the time and my grand kids too. if folks don't worry it is close to child abuse. if you don't worry you are more than likely not protecting
  2. i did the typical tourist thing back in the 60's we did the mule thing it was awesome
  3. zshot you are right.. they must never happen again...and i will add.. must never be forgotten
  4. i wonder what the twitheads think of harry potter?i am a great fan and have already orderded the next book which comes out next month and i am 57 yo!!!!! f...k the twitheads!1
  5. st george! that last line was just tooo funny i can believe it!!!
  6. catcup i so admire you for posting this and i hope you and hubby live happliy ever after!! you sound like wonderfu people and wish you the best you will have it!
  7. thanks for the feed back. private invite indeed!! ha! i have been to two govener balls and paid for them!
  8. damn what a wonderful end to that story when things like this happen i always think of my kids even thought they are adults now
  9. my uncle went to war in germany and stayed there he married a check.woman who was in the camps when i visited them in ger. she had stories to tell and you had to believe her especially when you looked at the number tattoed on her wrist
  10. i read some where that veepee was invited to a few. can anyone confirm this? and if so how much did it cost us absers?
  11. if you don't believe in the holocost, visit germany. i did back in the 70's go to dachau{sp} see all the people walkin aroun missing arms and legs and with half faces. it happened and i can't even begin to think why twi started this stupid falacy or why some of us believed them may they all rot in hell
  12. damn i didn't realize just how nazi that place became. i appologize if i have opened up any wounds and i have to say i am real sorry to anyone i witnessed to and to anyone who sat in the classes i ran
  13. gee i remember the no newspaper or news on tv or for that matter no tv. burn the chaff ha! burn thier foot
  14. dear ex many happy returns of this day for you enjoy!
  15. mike you don't have enough balls to answer me. again if you knew that sexual diviations were going on for 10 years and didn't sat anything you are as guilty as them! please explain your self or go find a shrink!
  16. i am a great admirer of af. i have a baton that was weilded by him doing stars and stripes. bought it at a pops auction i think he could have waved 30 or so of them during the same rendition! but i bought it and it sits on my piano!!
  17. the old folk ways, planting by the moon etc works! i don't know why but it does! it has nothing to do with debble sprits . i think dowesing and finding cable under the ground has to do with the make up in your body or something i don't know
  18. thanks for the heads up! another words he is veepee incarnate!!!f.... him woops
  19. hey mike why don't you answer me? if you knew sexual pervertedness was going on for 10 years why didn't you let everyone know? if you even suspected it and didn't warn people you are just as guilty as the people commiting the acts!please answer
  20. i have never dowsed water but i believe it can be done i worked for the phone co for years and was able to take 2 copper #10 ground wire bend it in the shape of a pistol and hold then out straight in front of me and walk where we suspected there was underground cable. when i came accross it the coper would spread out horizonaly. and the cable would be there every time. weird? yes but it worked.
  21. i always thought it was make a joyful noise un to the lord! noise does not = beautiful perfect pitch music. the lord loves your out of tune song as much as he loves the person with perfect pitch sing amazing grace to the tune of house of the rising sun? you bet your pitch pipe on it! and it was fun! the bastards took the fun out of it and we left! i remember a wc couple comming to our area to oversee us, he thought he was arthur fieldlier directing songs and he couldn't carry a tune in a basket and the funny thing about that is many of us in the twig were pro or semi pro musicians. oh i laugh when i remember him waving his hands in the air directing a song it looked as if he was drowning and looking for help
  22. by the way i am no prude by any means but cf& sex was digusting! and i so looked fowarad to it it was embarrassing how did it teach me to love and respect my spouse better than i was?
  23. hey mike if you were sitting quietly when you knew there were wrong sex things going on and didn't screech that to the highst mountain you are as guilty as those who were doing it
  24. mike have you ever lied down on a nice couch and talked to a nice man for an hour? i think you need to! maybe most of us here would be glad to chip in for a few sessions for you
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