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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net

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Everything posted by coolchef1248 @adelphia.net

  1. p.s. i hope you are older than me {but i doubt it}cause if you are i want to grow up to be just like you!!!!!!
  2. oldies you are a weird one for posting this post! i love ya!!!!!!!!!it's great!!
  3. i think some people on this thread should forget the java and cocoa and have a nice glass of wine and chill out allan and white dove would you like me to send you a chill out pill?
  4. onion eater what hair!? lova ya! -->
  5. rascal thanks but i was glad to be tossed out!frig them!
  6. i think veepee was an pompas lying[ fill in the blanks] foot but he did teach some truth i cling to the fact that i AM born again and was taught that by two loving wow's who came to rumford me. back in the 70's and i still am thankful to them. i don't know if i would be born again today if that would not have happened. of course twi turned into a circus act not long after that but thank God for someone showing me Romans 10,9&10 but alas does that we will meet him at the bema?? hope so i plan to bring stones to toss :)-->
  7. as an after thought he is the one who encouraged her to divorce me and she did.
  8. ihis is a laugh i remember flying to thr roa to try and reconcile my marrage with the mother of my children. she and our 2 year old twins were in a camper and the great man of god{woops deble}{not to names but he was the limb leader in maine d4n4 armweak} came in a gave a rather sharp tap on one of the babies bottoms for some no good reason i asked him if i could talk to hom outside we went and i grabbed him by his throat and told him if he or any of his touched my child again he would soon be awaiting the return. i was quickly escourted from the flea infested corn field assh0000000s
  9. i got reprooved once by a stark raving spitting jumping up and down lunatic because i was going to leave an easter fellow ship early it went on for hours { the fellow ship not the reproof as i would not take it} as i had commited to my parents to easter dinner frig him we left and damn glad we did my earthly family was more important to me than that loony corps guy ihat was the last time i got spit on!
  10. i would like to thank the fag in pink tights and rosy for all of thier effort to bring about the black death to twi! it can't happen fast enough for me they have hurt enough people thanks for the help you two dummies -->
  11. this is bad while in the grocery store the other this dim wit is on his ear phone in the aisle where tampons ect are asking his wife {or whatevere} does she want the ones with wings on them stupid imo
  12. i think that is my wife's long lost daughter! sure looks alot like my wife sorry honey -->
  13. sure most of the higher ups were asses but on the home front so many sweet and God loving people
  14. sh**t jim that was too funny lost a mouthful of wine on that one :)-->
  15. ladycat i think you did the right thing by hugging your kids after the paddling i did the same thing. sometimes young ones need a GENTLE reminder not pain and always make sure they know it is out of love
  16. catcup i have been here on gs for a few months. i have never read a more awesome and inpressive post you are so right on about the research thing! at one time i considered myself a great researcher looking back i knew jack squat but at least i tried what a sorry place that farm in ohio must be now thanks for your insight
  17. please act2 don't give your credit card # to anyone you don't know!!! glad you did't! good for you
  18. rascal no no no the eye should be mounted on a staff and be just like prof.moody's wandering eye harry potter don't you know remember prof moody was the teacher of the {do i dare say it?]dark arts!
  19. groucho what a wonderful story about the farmer! :)-->
  20. damn grasshopper i think that was very rude
  21. someone told me while running at night they have seen a tall guy in pink tights fluttering around the balcony
  22. does anyone know when it be released for sale. no movie theaters in my neck of the woods!
  23. i remember that also moony and when i was running? a twig, when newbes were sent to my house they were welcomed with open arms and love
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