When I read Dr. Wierwille it’s as if the Heavenly Father Himself is speaking to me personally.
Sometimes, when I’m reading, I picture in my mind that I’m in the library of a large, elegant mansion. There’s a well laid fire and I’m comfortable in a finely upholstered wingback chair. Perhaps I’m sipping a rare single malt whiskey as well. In another wing back nearby sits the Lord Jesus Christ himself. We’re discussing the inherent accuracy of God’s wonderful, matchless Word.
He shows me, for example, how a particular passage from JCNG works and fits with one from RHST. Perhaps an article of Dr.’s from The Way Magazine (remember, ‘the magazine for people who Love God and His Word?) sheds some further light on our subject. It becomes dynamically thrilling and my heart burns within as the truth of God’s Word is opened to me.
Yes, I am genuinely thankful for Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. Thankful for his life and his work.
In fact, I’m a little antsy for that trumpet to sound because I’d like to go hunting and fishing with Victor.