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Everything posted by pawtucket

  1. Well it certainly seemed unlike you. Maybe it is time to change your password.
  2. Don't think so Zix. I have been doing some stuff behind the scenes and have linked the content alerts to it. It is a new email address that all the moderators will have access to. With a half dozen sets of eyes reading the alerts when they come across, it should speed up the response time to them.
  3. Zix, take the context of the quote. It was addressed at MC to stop the snipes at you. We have publicly and privately disagreed many times you know that. To fill out the quote would have been something like this, "while I strongly disagree with Zix many times, I try not to make personal attacks such as you are doing MC" Is that better? CKnapp, I think it had to do with a quote from Penn and Teller. I take a weekend off ...
  4. Mary, I disagree strongly with Zix, but these rhymes are pretty close to attacks.
  5. Zix, I do have to say for all your complaining, in the days in question you didn't alert me on any problem posts.... You want to see it made better then follow the suggestion I made ages ago, alert me about a problem. It is far better than complaining days later. Wordwolf and a number of others have been vitally helpful in alerting me.
  6. P-Mosh, I appreciate your input. I will take them into consideration.
  7. Jen-o, Unfortunately it is true about not being able to reply with web-tv. When I was looking for a forum I could not find one that included web-tv and had the features that I needed. As to your disappearing post, I don't know what happened, but I would suggest that you copy the entire post before clicking on "post now"
  8. must be English, a limey cat.
  9. jen-o, Dougie was not banned. and you have the facts rather construed.
  10. Zix, If you are going to leave, then leave. This is based on the following posted by you I know you are intelligent. But you have presented a skewed poll. If GS irritates you that much, I would suggest walking away. I don't know what your motivation is and honestly I don't care. From what you have presented you seem to just want attention and not interested in solutions.
  11. Zix, noone thinks you stuffed the ballot. I do think that you are drawing conclusions that just aren't true. The "son of a bitch" stuff... well as you and I well know changes on a daily and sometimes hourly basis. I don't see that another view point is invalid. I think it is a good thing. I may not have done some of the things the ex-JW's did by posting the derogatory comments on another site. But there is NOTHING I can do about that. I get dragged in the mud on other sites and I just go in and state my position and that is that. I think cooling down may be a good thing to do right now. As the cyber police say, "Step away from the keyboard"
  12. There is no issue to address, Zix. Have they violated any rules? You started a weighted poll based on very vague concept that is aimed toward the longevity of TV series. Your thesis, at best, was a list of dislikes, not issues to address. And most people that have legitimate issues email me or PT me rather than hang it out in public.
  13. Zixar, I don't know what you are trying to acheive, but your quote is based on nothing and you should tell me where I said what you claim I said. I know you don't like being misrepresented, why are you doing it to me?
  14. Zix, I must take issue. Your poll is weighted for a negative outcome. The most positive of the 5 choices is "Not quite yet" The "No, it's just taken another of its myriad turns" is hardly weighted in favor of GS. And the rest are weighted in favor of the answer you seek. What would a "Has Zixar "Jumped the shark" look like 1. No he's just being contradictory 2. Not quite yet. 3. Maybe. I can't tell what he's trying to be anymore. 4. Yes. He's no longer the Zixar I used to love reading. 5. Finally!!! He jumped a long time ago. What would your answer be?
  15. Yes! Our mission is to provide information and our hope is that connections with people and information will support their process of recovery. If you look at percentages, you will never get a clear picture. We can see all the friction and asst fights. We don't all see the lives that are being put back together post-TWI hopefully with some help from the info here. "Jumped the shark" is a phrase used in a community that is constantly looking for something new and intriguing -- The young new star. I don't think that it can apply to a community. This community, hopefully, evolves. Different people with diverse stories, yet common elements. There aren't always going to be new episodes and new characters. Sometimes the familiar is good enough. Remembering birthdays IS part of a community. Arguing is one of the healthiest things we do here. Take the "irritating" items and you have the ingredients to a return to the general population after living under a micro-managed cult. It ain't always pretty. So YES we "jumped the shark". Hopefully we do it often.
  16. I saw it last night also. And I have to say the story and character development was one of the best I have seen in any of the "superhero" movies save maybe the first Batman movie.
  17. Refiner, Exy is a good egg. Problem is she doesn't post very much.
  18. Geo, I will be a believer of the law when the Red Sox win the world series.
  19. For those of you Woodstock fans, TWI was the brown acid.
  20. It is on Gum Tree Canoe. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=music
  21. Seriously though, I am seeing it unraveled slowly. It isn't a one word answer. It changes and evolves and becomes clearer as time goes on and as I shed that which bound me up.
  22. NO Ex, you refuse to meet me for coffee.
  23. A year or two prior to "finding" TWI, I was on a personal quest for "The Truth" I had become disillusioned with the Catholic church and wanted God to lead me to the truth. Suddenly TWI comes into my path. I "assumed" that this was God's answer to my prayer. It wasn't. God had yet to answer my prayer. I won't try to figure out who put it into my path, but the Church Lady was right!!!
  24. maybe he hasn't answered your prayer yet. And what you thought was an answer was an ad for something you did want had you thought about it.
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