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Everything posted by pawtucket

  1. pawtucket


    Bringing this to the top. If you use Amazon, do it through the box above or the one on the front page, it would be much appreciated
  2. Thanks for the birthday greetings. They seem to come quicker every year :) I never knew that McCartney performed Birthday live, that in and of itself is a treat.
  3. The domain name was registered in 1999. It might be a case of the copyright laws of Great Britain
  4. I started with 6 shakes a day and now I have a choice of 5 or 6. I have the 6th shake on days when I feel the need.
  5. I'm still on the all liquid diet. I move to one meal a day in a few weeks. The nice thing about the liquid diet is that it short circuits your system and I can make better choices when I go back on the food
  6. Here is a great article about what happens when you get stressed. Great for dieters. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss...and-weight-gain I am a few pounds away from 70 lbs lost on my diet
  7. White Dove, If you want a political discussion of this topic go to the political forum and start one, this isn't the thread or forum to do it.
  8. We have a new President Barack Obama, may God bless him
  9. Just a friendly reminder. Either way this will be historic.
  10. Fragile, it must be from Italy!

  11. I have firefox and shoutbox open and I am finding myself jumping
  12. Mason Proffitt!!!!! They were instrumental in the "Country" Rock scene. They finally released their first album on CD last year. They had some stiff competition, Pure Prairie League and New Riders of the Purple Sage for new bands.
  13. pawtucket


    You can no longer see it, if you are not logged in.
  14. For those that have asked, this person is genuine. This is not spam
  15. http://schumes.blogspot.com/2008/09/wrong-way_27.html
  16. The political forum will be moderated at some point in the next week or two. I, personally, am tired of that forum. But I will set rules that will be fair and we will see how it goes. I am going to strongly suggest that those who are able to maintain some civility in a heated discussion use the Decaf Forum. I may move the Political forum down to the bottom of the forums, we'll see.
  17. For the time being, we are not going to moderate the Political forum. The general rules don't apply to it. When I put together something for that forum, I will. I took some much needed time off from GS. (Although I ended up checking in every day) The new rules are nothing but clarifications of the existing rules. This has been requested many times by posters. If you have suggestions or improvements -- Say So!! The majority of changes on this forum have been made as a result of your suggestions. We are NOT softening our position on telling the other side of the story either. What we ARE doing is clarifying the name calling. We are mature enough individuals to discuss issues without making it personal! I'm glad Modcow gave the info about the moderators, I couldn't figure out WHY people were complaining about too many moderators!! This site's primary role is to tell the other side of the story to people that need to know whether they are still in or working through their emotional, mental and physical turmoil for having been in. The moderators are there to help with that goal. As was said, it is not "us vs. them" You can email us at greasespot@gmail.com. This email is viewable by all of our mods and myself. My email as always is pawtucket@greasespotcafe.com
  18. Greasespot cafe tells the other side of the story. I am not going to change that White Dove because you feel slighted. You know what the mission of this site is, telling the other side of the story. You wouldn't go to McCain's web site and demand pro-Obama talk, so don't expect that here.
  19. Ex, Taking it out of context will change what I said. AND I was specifically answering something that Vickles said.
  20. Ala, When you click that clear button you will get logged out, it is supposed to do that. Did you get kicked off AFTER that?
  21. ala, this page: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?
  22. Vickles, No matter what I do or don't do, the critics are waiting at the door. I don't appreciate your analogy of being a "cult". It's not true. Don't understand your need to call GS that. The big difference is that you are always free to leave. If this place becomes a cult, I'll close it down These moderators do their best on their own time and generally get nothing but criticism -- and rarely anything constructive.
  23. After you have done this, clear your Cache and History and then try logging in.
  24. On the front page of the forum at the bottom there is a place to click that will delete all cookies from this site. Try doing that. Then log off and then back on
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