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The latest fish wrapper from the twi(t)s is out. Here are the articles and I’m taking requests for what you want me to cover. Achieving Our Word Based Goals by St*v* Cr*mm*tt The Lifestyle of Abundance and Power by M*c**l *d*ms Oopen Doors to Do Good by J*s*ph*n* W*ll*c* Building Upon a Solid Foundation by M*rk R*ch*rds I’m going to start with The Prevailing Word report from Gr*g B*lch*lk, the wc coordinator at gunnison. This is a synopsis in my own words and in no way have I plagiarized anything from the article. The wc training provides the perfect environment for committed men and women to be filled with an abundance of the word so that they have an abundance to give others. would be nice if they gave, but they just take and take and take… How does one qualify for training? (drink the kool aid) Graduates of the 3 class series who have shown natural leadership ability and a desire to serve are allowed to apply. They spend their first 2 years of training in first a candidate year and an apprentice year. This is where they serve with local wc ministers. This gives them an intimate view of the leadership life-style and many practical experiences in serving God’s people. (they learn how to raid the petty cash funds, how to shop for designer clothes, how to ask for their house to get cleaned, how to request free yard service, how to have “their people” do menial tasks for them) Then they spend 2 years at Gunnison. This is where they get in-depth ([cough, cough[/i]) instruction on God’s word and round the clock exposure to these truths in action. Once they graduate they go out fully equipped with the prevailing word in the promised land to serve in their assigned areas (usually to NK where they serve on staff ). Here’s an example of a particular week of the training at Gunnison in October. Morning: Begins as most, with the students rising from sleep before the sun rises above the beautiful eastern mountain skyline. They begin to prepare for the day by reading God’s Word and praying for their spiritual partners, those people who give believing and financial support toward their training (but this financial support can not be considered part of your tithe. All of that has to go to the fox.). Most mornings you’ll see someone sitting in a chair reading while another is stoking the woodburning stove or doing calisthenics. This morning the wc are “dressing their best” because after breakfast they will be going to the opening session of the intermediate class. One of the fundamental elements of growth for each believer is to “receive with meekness” that engrafted word. The “engrafted word” is the total implanted word of God that we absorb until it becomes part of us. (is he calling the class the engrafted word?) The sc program makes available the word for these leaders in training to make a part of their believing heart so that they can grow in God’s power. This year the wc at Gunnison will be students in the entire WAP series. They have had the teaching prior to coming and their primary purpose now is to study the material “with a view toward” becoming expert and skillful in it. (clarification: this means so that they can regurgitate what lcm taught and read the syllabus to their classes. This DOES NOT mean that they actually study the material to see “whether these things were so” – lcm said it – they believe it – that’s that.) To help them learn to the material they have time after each session to study the segments in detail and to memorize the segment titles along with the key verses. The study time gives the students large blocks of quality time in the word. (not saying I told you so, but….. ;)--> GAWD, I hated memorizing those dang titles with the scriptures!) The students are encouraged to apply what was taught. The application of these truths that they help them retain with conviction what they’re learning. One student shares that because they want to teach, minister and help people with God’s word they have a sense of urgency to retain and master the word in their life. This sense of urgency, they say, is the attitude with which they came to the intermediate class. For example, they go on, one day was quite cold and they were scheduled to run as part of their physical training. They had never run in cold weather like that and didn’t consider running a strong suit. As they debated internally they remembered a key of discipleship taught in the class. They saw what that they needed to make a decision to do what was best – not necessarily what their emotional state was dictating. So, they went outside and ran, and it was their most successful run ever. This success helps to inspire them to stay faithful to their exercise program. They see God bless them above their expectations as they stay faithful. (”They saw what that they needed to make a decision to do what was best – not necessarily what their emotional state was dictating.” This is same argument or teaching used to get those women to have abortions when they didn’t want to.) The class is 3 mornings in a row and then they go on to homiletics and public speaking. This is where they focus on memory improvement for names, scriptures and key points during a presentation. They learn how to use personal examples and developing teachings that meet the needs of God’s people (as dictated from hq.) Afternoon: After an abundant noon meal filled with hearty food and fellowship the wc work in their assigned departments. On the job at 1pm they carry out a variety of responsibilities. In the work program they work alongside faithful wc ministers serving on staff at gunnison. Some work in areas familiar to them while others work in areas that are completely new. Some of the principles that are emphasized in the program are stewardship, planning, communication, organization and attention to detail (i.e. how to become an anal retentive ocd wayfer). The staff works with each student and they address good work habits and give hands on training on how to lead God’s people and seward resources as a wc minister. (how to live abundantly right above the poverty line). Being with the same student for several months, the dept. coordinators are able to see the growth and development in the student. One coordinator shared that they look forward each month to sitting down and considering each of the wc in their department. They consider what they accompllished and where their strengths are and any areas they may need to hone in to order to be their best. (i.e. he loves to nitpick the he11 out of their lives as any good wc minister does.) At times, all the wc work together to achieve a common goal. One day they applied a protective coating on two of the log structures on the grounds as well as a large portion of the fence surrounding the north pasture. They worked as a team to bring great satisfaction and hearts-knit-together unity. Evening: At supper they meet back in the barn dining room for a hearty meal. Breaking bread together daily is an important aspect of the training. Like the believers in Acts, the wc also “eat their meat with gladness…” As they eat together they share the things they are learning in study time, the departments and physical training programs. Sharing helps them solidify their learning in their hearts and adds to the learning of all involved. They build mutual respect for each other. At one supper meal this week some of the wc share on the opening chapters of JCOPS. Each was the assigned representative from their fellowship. These fellowships all had read and discussed the chapters. (so this sharing was most likely just a regurgitation of what was already written) After supper they move into a variety of responsibilities. In addition to cleaning up after supper, setting the dining room for breakfast and preparing a room for a coming meeting, it is common to see many of them writing letters to spiritual partners, writing in their journas and exercising or reviewing scriptures and teaching notes. One evening this week they meet in fellowships to review the most recent Sunday teaching service. (you can’t hear the same teaching too many time, I always say). They discuss the application of the present truth with the goal to grow in their utilization of it. They note the different songs and the way productions and the announcements and how they all build toward the teaching, “which week after week inspires the ready learning to action. “ (I’m going to puke now) The weekend: Excitement grows among the wc trainees as anticipated events over the week-end approach. On Saturday, they “speak the truth in love” in gunnison at several places such as the local college, apartment complexes and local eateries as they enjoy lunch. Their desire is to be at the right place at the right time. While at a local apartment complex, 2 wc trainees meet a young student. Interested in learning how to read and understand the Bible, she shares that over the years she had tried but was unsuccessful. One of the wc people shares that one major aspect of the ministry is to teach people how to read and apply the word. (let’s witness the ministry – not meet the need.) They invite her to a local fellowship and she realizes that she already knows the coordinator. The manager of her complex is a wc minister serving in the town of gunnison. The wc are thankful to be at the right place at the right time to give answers to people. Several invited guests attend the live service held at Gunnison on Sunday. doesn’t this make you miss your wc training days and wish you, too could live at gunnison follwing this exciting schedule?
Lawsuit contest: name the document or question you want me to ask TWI
insurgent replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
I'd also ask about what % of their employees are minority and what % of their employees are handicapped. I know for a fact that they refused wc training to one very qualified person who had a mild handicap. This person had some powerful friends so it might have been pushed through, but not without a fight. -
Lawsuit contest: name the document or question you want me to ask TWI
insurgent replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
I'd ask for the lyrics to wash my feet in the blood of the wicked and what they teach about homosexuality - espeically Romans 1. And they're a christian organization? right. gotcha. it's so clear to me now. -
''Third Aid'' and other TWI catchphrases...
insurgent replied to jezusfreaky's topic in About The Way
WW, those "empties" were called "no better than animals" if I remember correctly. -
And for Pete's Sake don't EVER get a group of twi(t)s together to just have fun! If you tell the hfc you have to invite them or report back on how many contacts you had. They went so far as to reprove a group of us one time because we went out somewhere for fun and didn't tell anyone much less invite any leadership. We just wanted to have fun for cryin' out loud. I told them I didn't realize we had to ask permission to get together with our friends. They said their concern was "the ministry be not blamed" if something were to happen with so many ministry people together because people might think it was a ministry function. yeah, right. gotcha. -->
UH, I tried to look up Georgina Splevin and I think I set off the nudie alarm in the Network Administrator's office. She's too hot to play donna m, don't you think? do you mean bobby moneyhands? If so I think Tom Arnold with his hair painted white would be a better fit. :P--> :D--> :D--> Jerry's Kids :D--> :D-->
and, mj, I *think* you're wrong! People were hurt, intentionally. People did sit up at night figuring out ways to get rid of people who a) knew too much b) were too independent c) were a threat and/or d) were just not liked for some reason. There have been plenty of examples of that given here. If you want more I can give you some. AGAIN....NO ONE IS DENYING THAT! THAT'S NOT THE POINT! YOU GET REAL! Just because your experience may be different from someone else's does not invalidate the other person's experience and it does not mean that it did not happen the way they say it did. You really sound like the kool-aid drinkers, "Everyone has a choice. No one made you do so and so." Yeah, let's see, I could commit suicide or do what the local wc tells me to do......hmmmm, that's a choice alright.....and that's the way it seemed many times in twi(t)ville. But, you refuse to see it and just won't get it.
''Third Aid'' and other TWI catchphrases...
insurgent replied to jezusfreaky's topic in About The Way
Coordinator - n : someone whose task is to see that work goes harmoniously lead·er- n. 1. One that leads or guides. 2. One who is in charge or in command of others. a. One who heads a political party or organization. b. One who has influence or power, especially of a political nature. Yep, they were leaders and not coordinators. We used the right word. -
''Third Aid'' and other TWI catchphrases...
insurgent replied to jezusfreaky's topic in About The Way
Get your foot off the hose! Talking about giving more to the twi(t)s so that gawd can bless you more. -
mj, in the words of my wise mother.... Quit while you're behind.
Just to post on a closed thread..... :D-->
Howard - Woody Allen Don - Lyle Lovett vee pee - Marlon Brando or Gene Hackman donna - KD Lange rosie - Ann B Davis craig - Woody Harrelson or Nick Nolte or Dr Phil rico - Joe Pesci ed horney - Clint Eastwood harvey - Dustin Hoffman jean yves - Sean Hayes
They say they've changed now. They spend more time telling us how much they've changed and how wonderful twi(t)-ville is than they do teaching anymore and there are still many people who are unhappy, bored and wishing they could get out. There are many kids biding their time and trying to figure out how to leave without losing their family. They think they are back to the good old days. I know a few people who have gone back, but they didn't have any structure in their lives and they seem to be the kind of people who like for other people to make decisions for them. Sad. Really sad.
Oldies, I'm sorry that you feel like you screwed up and got dropped from the corps for not living up to their standards. Did it ever occur to you that it wasn't something that you did, but rather the unjust way they evaluated everything? My spouse still carries much guilt for not being good enough to be corps. We didn't do anything wrong, just the top people didn't like the way we are or some other stupid reason. They started micro-managing our lives and harrassed us until it was a relief to finally be told to pack our bags. Despite the obvious mis-treatment we faced, my spouse still feels like we were in over our heads and we were justly and mercifully spared by being dropped. I see the injustice in how we were treated and how hard we busted our bu**s to follow the program to the letter of the law. We weren't treated with love, we were abused verbally; beaten down; ridiculed; shamed and treated like pre-school children. It's okay to get mad and claim that you did nothing wrong. Really. It's healthy even. No one should go through life feeling as though they failed an evil, horrible organization and group of religious zealots.
I've heard fruit used as indicators of your success (obedience) to whatever the current rules were - to include signing people up for classes and bringing them to fellowship. If you are living according to twi(t) doctrine then you will be bringing people in droves to fellowship. Those people are called your "fruit". They tie it back to some scripture, but I can't recall it at the moment. Fruit also is considered your material abundance, spiritual insight, and used as an excuse as to why the leadership picked on you (if they didn't see enough fruit in your life). The definition of fruit depended on the sentence and situation.
I've heard fruit used as indicators of your success (obedience) to whatever the current rules were - to include signing people up for classes and bringing them to fellowship. If you are living according to twi(t) doctrine then you will be bringing people in droves to fellowship. Those people are called your "fruit". They tie it back to some scripture, but I can't recall it at the moment. Fruit also is considered your material abundance, spiritual insight, and used as an excuse as to why the leadership picked on you (if they didn't see enough fruit in your life). The definition of fruit depended on the sentence and situation.
Yes, albeit, very sarcastically. I heard a wc person say "Well, IF I ever hurt anyone, I'm sorry." They just started teaching that agapao was "the love of and for God in the renewed mind in manifestation" thereby leaving off the "in the household" part and changing the definition yet again without admitting they were teaching it wrong all these years. They have also changed the method of "confrontation" to "how you say things is just as important as what you say". That's a slap in the face of the old lcm oft-repeated phrase of "I yell because I love you." "I'll melt your face" and "You should respond to reproof no matter how it comes at you"
What's the dumbest thing LCM ever said?
insurgent replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in About The Way
After teaching that the original sin of mankind was eve having a lesbian sexual encounter with satan he looked straight at the camera and asked, "Do you see it? Well, I do." and then laughed. As though we stupid brainless people don't need to see it to believe it's true - just because he saw it and told us that's what it is, we should believe it. Jell, I drank lots of kool aid too. -
Kool-Aid Drinkers - Blind followers of twi who never question anything and always obey whatever the "present truth" for the day is. These are the people who would drink the poisoned kool-aid willingly.
Kool-Aid Drinkers - Blind followers of twi who never question anything and always obey whatever the "present truth" for the day is. These are the people who would drink the poisoned kool-aid willingly.
People in prison have no way to abundantly share anything of value to the twi(t)s. They can not have their time manipulated because the system already does that. They can not clean the bathrooms before meetings and they can not babysit for free. Bottom line: twi can get nothing out of them so they don't waste their time and they don't want anyone who could be providing these valuables and services to twi to be distracted by wasting their time in such a way.
Since they've "cleaned out" all the weakness and dissidents and independent thinkers, the ministry must be perfect in their opinion.
I think it was Maya Angelou who said, "You do what you know how to do. Now that you know better you do better." We did what we thought was the best thing to be doing at the time. We learned better and changed. Yes, we gave the twits authority over us, but some of it, imo, was taken from us very subltly. Steve Hassan discusses this in his book about Releasing the Bonds. Not all of it applies, but an awful lot does. I think the wc would have experienced much more of this than the just plain wayfer. 1. Behavior Control --> Regulation of individual’s physical reality Where, how and with whom the member lives and associates What food the persion eats and drinks How much sleep the person is able to have Financial dependence Little or no time spent on leisure, entertainment, vacations --> Major time commitment required for indoctrination sessions and group rituals --> Need to ask permission for major decisions --> Need to report thoughts, feelings and activities to superiors --> Individualism discourated – “group think” prevails --> Rigid rules and regulations 2. Information Control --> Use of deception (holding back or distorting information, lying) --> Limited access to non-cult sources of information --> Compartmentalization of information – outsider vs insider doctrines --> Spying on other members encouraged --> Extensive use of cult generated information and propaganda --> Unethical use of confession --> Need for obedience and dependency 3. Thought Control --> Black & White thinking – Us vs Them – Good vs Evil based on the group’s doctrine which must be adopted as the truth --> - “Loaded” language: “Words are the tools we use to think with. These “special” words constrict rather than expand understanding and can even stop thoughts altogether. They function to reduce complexities of experience into trite, platitudinouse “buzz words” --> Only “good” and “proper” thoughts are encouraged --> Use of thought stopping techniques which shut down “reality testing” by stopping “negative” thoughts and allowing only “good” thoughts. --> Rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism. No critical questions about leader, doctrine or policy seen as legitimate --> No alternative believe system viewed as legitimate, good or useful 4. Emotional Control: --> Manipulate and narrow the range of a person’s feelings --> Make the person feel that if there are ever any problems, it is always his fault, never the leader’s or the group’s. --> Excessive use of guilt: Identity guilt – not living up to your potential, your family, past, affiliations, thoughts, feelings, actions Social guilt Historical Guilt --> Excessive use of fear Fear of thinking independently Fear of the “outside” world Fear of enemies Fear of losing one’s salvation (or eternal rewards) Fear of leaving the group or being shunned by group Fear of disapproval --> Extremes of emotional highs and lows --> Ritual and often public confession of “sins” --> Phobia indocrination: inculcating irrational fears about ever leaving the group or even questioning the leader’s authority. The person under mind control cannot visualize a positive, fulfilled future without being in the group. No happiness or fulfillment outside of the group Terrible consequences will take place if you leave Shunning of leave takers; fear of being rejected Never a legitimate reason to leave. From the group’s perspective, people who leave are “weak”, “undisciplined”, “unspiritual”, ”worldly”, ”brainwashed by family or counselor” or “seduced by money, sex, rock and roll”
The Way International Ministries sues TWI today
insurgent replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
Is it me or is this statement in the Restraining Order hilarious? They should require the TWIts to disclose exactly how many “members” they have in IL and how much moo-lah they have coming in from IL. Since TWI only has 3 members, they don’t get any revenue from the membership in IL and have no reason to even entertain the idea of a lawsuit for infringement on their income. If you take the technicality of the term “members” out of the picture, I’m sure that TWIM has way more membership, support and revenue generating from their area than TWI. That is, unless LLP lives in the area with his vast income…….. -
I would love to know exactly how many there have been and what the outcome was. I'm also interested in lawsuits where they weren't necessarily named in the suit, but played a major role in it - such as custody battles.