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Kinda like the frog in boiling water, huh.
I didn't read all postings here, but I wanted to add my opinion on something. I read a lot about how bad twi was. It definitely did turn bad. Again I'll say "They taught me enough to know when it was time to leave". What I mean by that is that it was twi that taught me God's Word. It was twi that taught me how to get out of the negative thinking that plagued my life before I became a part of it. It was twi that got me to enjoy work. It was twi that taught me to keep myself in shape. It was twi that showed me that I should do things for God's glory and not my own (this is not to say that I succeed in these areas all the time). It was twi that taught me how to read the word. Etc., etc., etc.... But it was also twi that showed me that it was OK to go after someone elses wife (which I never did), that it was OK to make yourself an exception (if you were the leader), and as I've read here, to lay guilt on people, and also mistreat people. I must say, though, that we can hear reproof in at least 2 ways: 1) The way it may have been intended (possible in love) 2) With guilt I usually heard with guilt, but the people that were my leaders (in the mid '70's) made sure I knew that Christ died for that too (whatever "that" was). I guess what I'm trying to say is that before twi turned bad (I left mentally in the mid '80's), I still believe that vpw did not intentionally try to deceive in the early years. My first wife "undershepherded" me and was with twi in the early '70's. She did nothing to make me feel bad. Many others worked w/me too, and again, did nothing but try to help me with God and his word. I loved going to twig. I loved going to meetings and taking classes to learn more. I loved the Corps and realized that I VOLUNTEERED to join the Way Corps and I’m still proud that it is a program that I graduated from. I knew what I was getting myself into and still decided to go. BUT when the love left and people started being mistreated, I left. I don’t think that we can blame twi for all that happened (negatively) to us. We were still in control of our minds, and contrary to what I’ve heard some say, we WERE able to leave any time we wanted. No one had a gun to our heads. What we thought and think today is still up to us. By the way, I hate writing as tool to communicate my thoughts because I always feel that I’m not doing it correctly, or may sound like a hard arss. Please forgive me if I do. I’m sure there will be feedback on this.
Hey, did anyone ever have some of those great peanutbutter cups (and other candies)? They were usually at the OSC after services.
Hey, all you x wayfers. Happy New Year to you all and may God bless you and yours.
Lets see if this is bold and italicized this should be red Hey dmiller, Thanks for the help.
I know this is not the topic here, but how do I do those "quotes" and colors in my replys to some people? Every time I hit "bold" or the font I want, this is what happens I don' think this is working. ROW
What is a FC and a HFC?
Hi Johnny, I don’t remember naming my twig, was it the 1st or 2nd in-residence year that we did that? Also, wasn’t the 10th Corps known for being a little looped and reprobate? A great group of people!!!
Welcome to GSC. It is NOT "teaching the same thing." It is taking what someone else wrote and pretending you wrote it. Second try to answer a quote. Not doing well yet. I'll learn. Thanks for the welcome. I guess what I was trying to say is that I always knew that vpw got many of his ideas from others. I never felt deceived in this area because I remember him giving credit to many people for the things that he (vpw) was teaching. For that reason I never looked at his writings as plagiarism. Maybe I’m wrong here, but doesn’t there have to be some intent to be plagiarism? Also, I’m somewhat ignorant here too; do you think the early books were intentionally plagiarized? My problems started when the teachings changed and as I was just reading on gsc, when people started being mistreated.
I'm about 18 years out of the ministry and still have some fond memories. I consider myself "fashionable early" as far as leaving goes and my leaving had much to do with the changing teachings of twi as well as fellowships not having the same love, care and concern for its “leaves” as when I first began. But when lcm started to teach things like "unless you abundantly share God won't even spit in your direction" that's when I started having some huge problems. Even so, I still believe that it is thanks to twi that I love God and Jesus Christ. It is also due to twi that I can function as a person (you know, the basics like working for a living, etc). I'm not trying to start a debate here, however when we you really get down to it, everyone is plagiarizing what someone else has taught unless they “have their own religion” and came up with something by themselves. I never had a problem with vpw in that area. What was he supposed to do, footnote every teaching he did? I’ve had some big problems w/him to and assume he’ll have some answering to do (just like me and you), but again, I still have some very fond memories of The Way. As I’ve always said “They taught me enough to know when it was time to leave”. ROW