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- Birthday 01/29/1949
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I went to TWI's web site. They changed their definition of what TWI is. The Way USED to be "a fellowship OF THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST." Not any more. How does TWI account for "the absent Christ" in this verse: MATTHEW 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Scarecrow -- Howard Tin Man -- Don Cowardly Lion -- VP ----------------------- The Wizard = Dorothy = Toto = Belinda the good witch = The wicked witch of the west = the flying monkeys = Emerald City = twi headquarters Kansas = "the field" there's no place like home = our real biological family, mother and father! the analogy is kinda interesting...
"It became a co-dependency. We wanted the high, therefore we would jump through any hoop to get it. They had the drug and we were the junkie." The body releases endorfins sp? when we learm something....it is a naturally produced in our bodies type of morphine...in other words we get a natural high from learning. That is why were were addicted to twi and its endless teachings on teachings, classes, SNS, etc. Who said "religion is the opiate of the masses"? TWI's religion was like opium to us in "the household." Free at last...thank God Almighty we're free at last!
Thanx Geek. Why did VP pronounce problem as "problen", God as "Gawd", wash as "warsh"?
"...this BC reproving everyone there for not sending him a thank you card for doing the communion service." Thanx for sharing that. Kinda makes me wonder if TWI KGB will find this BC and ream him a new (*) Or maybe they will laud him and ream the "informer"
Did the WAP teach that the original sin was not about eating the apple on the tree, but about the pear on the ground? (pun intended ;-)
Shellon, I thought you wrote the BC praised your husband, but the LC slandered him. Was the LC AL by any chance? Forgive them for they know not what they do. Goey remined us, "love your enemies" that drives them nuts oe else they might change and get blessed. I wish you well and your family.
There were abortions when the Bible was written. The Assysians had a law that no abortion was legal, they thought the mother could die, but the fetus should be saved. Women were only important for bearing children. It is significant that the Bible is silent on the issue of abortion. When the Bible is silent on a topic, it is a good idea for believers to be silent, also. Satan has fairly well suceeded in dividing the church on a mute point in the Bible. The "pro-life" people do very little for children who are already born and have needs.
My3cents, I wondered if Eve was sticking her nose in someone elses business....Perhaps she was playing the skin flute ;-)
Dear Shellon, It may be "Providential" or a coincidence, I have been reading a small book (120 pages) A LIFE GOD REWARDS by Bruce Wilkinson. .------------------------------------------------------------------------->> Our lives on Earth are like the period, our eternal life is represented by the long dashes. What we do in this brief lifetime DOES have an affect on our eternal life. I believe there is great comfort in what that Orlando BC said, "Your husband has every single reward, he's got them". Other Christian ministers teach on rewards because JESUS talked about them in the four gospels (that twi said were for our learning, but NOT addressed to us). We should re-read and learn from THE TEACHER, Jesus the Christ, regardless of what twi taught. God bless you.
What THE ORIGINAL SIN was came to me while I was looking at that Michaelangelo painting...Eurika! The Serpent said to Eve, "Pull on my finger..." and she did. God prevented the Serpant from ever pulling that gag again by removing his his hands, arms, legs and feet and making him slither on the ground. During my 1st & last WAP class, the limb coord made us write our thank you notes to LCM, collected them, had his wife proof read them, gave them back to us and made us rewrite them with her corrections and "improvements" and she re-read them before they were sent. Our class also had to give LCM a handmade card and a nice gift. No wonder LCM got deceived... reading and believing all that flattery (lies) and keeping those gifts (bribes).
"There was a time that if you were in like 100 mile radius and you didn't go to SNS you heard about it." Diazbro, It was mandated that twi followers with 250 mile radius had to attend SNS once a month or year??? I was about thrilled and thankful to be 265 miles from twi HQ! Having to go there even once a year would have been too often.
"Golfie - the leadership in MA was the same leadership you wrote about in WI. Last I knew they still had those candlesticks!" - ChasuFarley Chas, GB was the leader$h1t in WI, he was @ HQ before that...now Mr and Mrs Perfect are @ Gunnysin coord the WC. I did not know about MA. Are we talking about the same 1?
J.T. You are right. I forgot about their love of money...they use people and love things. Those whose conscience has been seared with a hot iron would have no problem rationalizing keeping things they got from sincere believers who they shafted.
A certain limb coordinator, who was a long time elligible bachelor in high demand decided to marry in the mid 1990s. All the twigs had to give them wedding gifts...even though none were invited to the wedding or reception. Our twig decided that each member would get their own gift, instead going in together on one gift. I was so inspired to get them a $250 sterling silver pair of candlesticks...ENGRAVED with their names and wedding date. The last time I was at the limb home, those silver candlesticks were displayed in a corner hutch. So when they gave me the boot, soon thereafter, it must have killed them to have to get rid of my contaminated bribe gift. I gave it with no strings attached...i don't care what they did with it, but i bet it bugged them. By the way...they gave many people the boot after they accepted wedding presents from them. TWI has proven itself to be unworthy of the gifts, love and honor given to it.