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Everything posted by motherof2
i love this post..if i had a quarter everytime i was told to renew my mind..well, as the saying goes...id be rich! my relatives well they do mean well (some of them) but it is so touchy having a conversation with them about anything because the whole renew your mind thing..by His stripes we are healed..keep believing..etc.. its simpler than that..really it is!! ISNT THAT LIBERATING??!! It is all about Him...not me. There is GRACE...so much grace..I just need to spend time with Him and try my best to be obedient..THATS IT> sure we can claim scriptures, but it doesnt have to betechnical..WE DONT HAVE THAT KIND OF CONTROL. ITS HIM, HIM, HIM. i love it..i am growing as I write this.
well, my relatives are sad people oldie man, afraid of reality in a lot of ways, to speak something real might bring doom on themselves..they are held captive by these people's words. it is sad..really. i love them..they have amazing hearts!! but when something bad happens..they run for the hills..not wanting to deal with reality..they say the same phrases over and over..this is greasespot cafe, right? people whose lives have been negatively affected by the way..and you are here..if you want to join the fan club..thats a different website.
well, i have to say that my relatives..about 20 of them were in the way for maybe..i dont know..10 yrs..and i think a couple are still in..they have nothing bad to say about it either..i think that some of them are in CFF and still follow doctrine and are loyal to the way..i do wonder why they left though..they wont speak about it and remain loyal to vpw and lcm. but my grandma claims she only heard the "word of God" there. boy, they really, really indoctrinated my relatives because most have them have never set foot in a church and refuse to do so...and they have taught their children the evils of mainstream christianity too...which really unnerves me...because mainstream christianity is not bad..SURE, NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO BELIEVE THE EXACT SAME THING YOU DO....but christian radio, christian evangelists, christian bookstores, and different churches, are an amazing connection to the rest of us. my relatives in the way will not touch these things..they only have their special tapes and books...it puzzles me. it discourages me. they are isolated spiritually and intolerant in a lot of ways..thinking they are the only ones and such...anyhow, i continue to hop that by any means their perspective will change!
Well, i have been reading and researching here for a few days now and i have come to several realizations. The first thing I feel is trememdous pride for a father who never really amounted to much by the worlds standards. My dad...a job-hopper, a former pastor of very small churches, a bus driver now. He comes from a family of wealth, affluence, and very strong emotional ties to one another...a good family. My grandfather is a legacy..a business owner, a millionaire, a prominent influence in the city where he lived. A man, my dad worshipped.. kind of... and in some ways still does. My dad talked to his dad every day and hung on every word that came from his mouth. ALL six of my grandfathers kids have idolized him. My dad being the weakest one in a lot of ways. He loved his brother and sisters very much. Well, my uncle (dads bro) got into drugs an alcohol and rebellion pretty bad and that broke the family's heart..he disappeared for a while. But one day he came back..and when he did my grandparents were overjoyed..he had exciting news..He had found God in The Way. Because their was such a change in him, it moved my grandparents into checking it out..and they were hooked. My grandparents wanted desperately for my dad to join them and the other 5 kids in The Way. My dad..this is what makes me so proud..said no. To his dad, the man he respected and wanted approval from more than anyone else on the earth...he smelled a rat. He kept us out, he eventually had to move us 3000 miles from them entirely..they continued to write letters, ridicule, pressure. My dad kept us away through the years that they were heavily involved. I never understood..why couldnt we live by grandma and grandpa? Why couldnt i live by my cousins..now i get it. NOW I GET IT!!! And i couldnt be prouder. My grandfather died of cancer...young. (i do wonder with all that negative believing stuff, who my aunts and uncles blamed it on) hopefully not themselves. My dad had to miss out on the last decade and a half of being near his dad..but i dont think hes sorry and i know i am not...anymore. All of my aunts and uncles married in the way..they all went wow..i dont know the details because they are secretive but i know they were advanced in the system..some may still be in..all are pretty loyal yet to vpw and lcm. My dad, is driving a bus somewhere today..he doesnt even know that he is my Hero..just the way he is. And how grateful i am to him..but i am going to tell him..He made a big difference.. I love you all...i ache for the pain that you have endured..i grieve for you.. that your experience wasnt pure like mine..That you have to heal from this..I ache for my relatives who still do not know..right from wrong. but mostly i am so Proud of every one of you who has made it out and have the courage to tell about it.
before i get serious...my sunts and uncles always got these tapes to listen to music and i remember one song on the tape that went like this...Look at all the chubby little buddhas.....no kidding...my aunt would sing it and laugh and laugh...a bittersweet moment...
one thing that confused me about my relatives and still does..is this good guy, bad guy thing they have goin on...it was like. preach preach preach about "the word" but hey..does my 14 yr old neice want to go get drunk with me and learn how to smoke?? hey, i got this dirty joke to tell you..let me tell you about my sexual escapades before i married but be sure to make it to FELLOWSHIP..."your parents have it all wrong" their pruish lifestyle, well thats just RELIGION. never got it...still dont.
as i am opening the file of my past with my realtives, i suddenly remebered something comical..my aunt was in the heart of her way days and i was talking with her and she said she had to open the window to let a devil spirit out..opened the window and out it went...i guess.
its so weird as i think about things in the past that are coming to mind..well, my cousin was in jail this summer and i happened to ask my uncle via email(dont know why because he is a grown man at 22) if my dsd could visit him andd my dad is not from twi..my uncle replied..NO.it it my choice i am the Father. exactly like that...crazy, huh? i said...whoa..thats pretty creepy...and he is creepy, but he can be very charming too...for the most part our other relatives dont get along that great with him..i think THEY (from twi) even see through him.
written a book to tell your stories?..it seems to me that there is very little published about the negative impact of the way...
twinky...well said. i think you are right..we all believe something wrong. and as long as you hava relationship with the Lord., that is what matters. GRACE IS AMAZING. i think i am off to a good start..my biggest issue with my relatives isnt that dont believe in the trinity..its their intolerant behavior towards anything other than what they believe, the lack of holiness in word and deed, and well of course my uncle is a spiritual abuser..fits the desciption of Spiritual wickedness in High Places. controls and dominates and well... abuses all he comes into contact with..he is another LCM waiting to happen..i just want to find out what he is up to..the sighs are there..but i have few facts to go on.
hmmm...my aunt and uncle went there for a week and my 21 and 23 yr old cousin were supposeed to go..but my aunt and uncle did in fact go..they invited us to meet them there oddly enough. its like i cant igure out what it is and they would not tell me anything..my other aunt didnt even want to tell me what group they were a part of..someone else told me it might me christian family fellowship..who knows..
they are defintely full of it in a lot of ways...as for whether they are in or out...im not sure if a certain aunt or uncle are in..the other 2 are in plinter groups, one set is completely out, and the other never mentions it anymore or participates in any religios stuff...but like i said, the one aunt and uncle..spent a week at the gunnison camp this summer..so i do not now if they were in a splinter group or the way still..trying to find out.
well, i grew up baptist, but have attended, reformed, pentecostal, and feel comfortale in most christian churches, do attend a baptist church now...but consider myself an evangelical christian.
what did LCM o? he raped some women? anyone care to enlighten me some on him..family is very loyal to him..and i dont know..uncle may still be friends with him...
LOLOL..it is my uncle that married in..lol. thank you for welcoming me here..it is easy foe me to become engrossed in this place..i think my aunt and uncle that teach in gunnison are still in the way..not totally sure. they are very secretive. why? im hurt..im devasted actually by the things they have said to me..and furious at the same time..dont think im saved...worried about my husband and i spiritually...they think they are above the law..if they break the law and get in trouble..it was the devil spirits that wanted them to be in jail...they use all these terms....believers, (word) to describe the bible, bless you, abundant, etc...i used to use them all the time when i talked to them about God..i am christian and spirit-filled, contrary to what they m ight think..i was never the wiser..just recently finding out they dont consider me a "believer" well, i dont speak in tongues..but i walk with God, i know God..no doubts here. i am unfuriated by their aboveness and well....the lifestyle that is less than biblical, name calling, rudeness, treating people bad, drunkenness, social smoking, intolerance, swearing..my uncle is even controlling and abusive, he lies, he cheats, he steals...well, ia m angry..he confuses me when i talk to him..now that i am going off an a tangent...sorry i am truly happy to be welcomed here and to find a place to clear my head and hopefully get some answers so i can figure out how to handle this situation that i am not taking lightly! hugs, me
ok so here's the thread...is it still the way at camp gunnison traiing corps leaders? im so sorry..aunt and uncle are saying they "taught" there this summer. what would they be teaching?
sorry, if i am posting in the wrong forum with the wrong question...dont want to offend anyone like i said..im trying to figure things out here..just wondering if all of vic's ideas have been rejected since they are unique to him..a lot of them. just trying to get a feel of where i am and where people are. i certainly respect everyone here and will be respectful no matter what differences i have. my relatives are very loyal still and i am trying to weed through things...very loyal to VPW and LCM. how? i do not know given what i have read..like i said they claim to have left a long time ago..what they dont say is why they left because they only say loyal things like "i only ever learned the word there" i dont get it...they still do the twig things..and are on a wedsite..believers website..where they are listed as home fellowshippers or something..i just am trying to understand it all..hugs to evryone, motherof2
what kind of church are you in now, bliss? you werent taught to have a personal realtionship with Jesus Christ? why not? my parents were the only ones of 6 kids not in the way..my aunt and uncles VERY high up in the way..i think my uncles brother started one of the splinter groups..i just started researching this a few months ago..and so i am trying to learn to guard myself..and to well, help them hopefully..they are still tied to it although they have claimed to left a decade ago.
do they still do that now? my uncle is well...strange...says satrange things..does the way still own that? i thought it was some sort of a spin-off group...my uncle is some sort of missionary for his cause in hawaii..he and my aunt used to be in greece doing way stuff..my grandfather was friends with vpw..my grandma is very loyal still..they all act so sneaky...well, like i said..i have a lot of questions..starting with whats going on in gunnison now..
anyone know anything about whats going on at the "camp gunnison" right now...who is that affiliated with..my uncle teaches there every so often and when i ask them what it is and what they teach..they say "family camp" is this true? trying to figure out if it is a splinter group there..sorry for all the question..im looking for answers!
again, this is my first day..but i would like to know if anyone would like to comment on wierwille's "Jesus Christ is not God". who believes that Jesus is God now?
has anyone gotten involved in mainstream christianity after the way?
my first day here is today..id like to make friends..although i was never in "the way" my whole family was. i do not want to offend..i only want to make some friends who can answer questions. my grandparents were oldtimers in the way and my dads 5 brothers and sisters were in the way..strange stuff happened. i only discovered it was a real cult a little while ago when i decided to research it. now i am becoming estranged from family members after speaking out. i grew up in mainstream christianity and always thought things were off with my relatives but not able to verbalize it. is there a place here for me? hugs to everyone, motherof2