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Everything posted by ex10
Bowtwi, I too have pondered this question, since 1978. And yes, I have been where you are and was presented with this puzzlement many years ago. Way before most of you even knew enough to even ask the question. And yes, I of course do have the answer you seek. But not now. I have much more pressing matters to attend to. You see, my dog has escaped through the front door, and is currently sniffing around on my neighbors front porch which causes them great consternation, because of their female dog. So I must attend to this situation, since telling the kids to do it, didn't work. But don't worry. I will return to unleash my nuggets of inner-sanctum type wisdom, as soon as I releash my dog by throwing him a bacon flavored nugget. Patience, please. And Larry, once again, I think you have misunderstood me. But it's a price I'm willing to pay. Because I am after all, much more spiritual than you.
Sigh....Larry There is something I've been wanting to say to you, and now I feel we're finally to the point in our discussion where you will comprehend the deep and profound meaning of what I am about to share. Don't thank me, no need. The change that these profound words will bring into your life as you master them will be thanks enough. So without much further ado..... Na Na Boo Boo!!!! :D--> :D--> :D--> :D--> :D-->
Larry, Larry, Larry In your last post to MOI, you referred to me as a "ditzy hydrogen peroxide blond." Could you please read what is written? With such sloppy reading skills, no wonder you haven't yet mastered the fine art of forgetfulness. Why, you don't even know what you're supposed to forget! Did I use the phrase "hydrogen peroxide" in my post? Hmmmm? NO! NO! a thousand times, NO! I made it very clear in MY post that I prefer high-lift tint to bleach, (which is by the way, plain English for the lesser known chemical phrase, hydrogen peroxide.) Had you paid closer attention to reading what is written, you never would have committed this inexcusable offense. Clearly, I am much more intellectually superior than you. And Garthly.....please, just RELAX. Nothing terrible is going to happen, and no one is going to get hurt here. The worse thing that can possibly happen is that I will never leave Greasespot, and will continue to bug the heck out of you all forever, (notice I used the phrase "you all" instead of the Texan vernacular, "ya'll"). So when everyone can collect themselves and relax, I can discuss much deeper things with you. But not now. I will be back. But first I have to make sure I forget what I'm talking about. Please be patient. And PS Vertical I thought I made it clear in my last post that I have enough soap in my backyard for everyone here. Please, patience.
And another thing.....I just now remembered in my forgetfulness... Long gone, you asked me the meaning of "second childhood." I mistakenly unremembered to answer your question. I wonder if anyone here caught my error? It is clear that from the hidden/forgotten teachings of PFAL, that to have a second childhood is to have one's natural blond hair (from childhood) reblonded. I have suffered much persecution for this endeavor. Don't you think I've been in the grocery store, and have people wonder "Does she, or doesn't she, does she or doesn't she?" I'm used to it!! And for all you lurkers out there who are hanging on my every word here, I recommend the partial highlights with high-lift tint, instead of bleach. We all know that bleach will fade and turn ashen colored before our next hair appointment. And yes, I have resisted listening to those devil spirits who dare suggest that I get my nails done as long as I am processing and have to sit there anyway. Now, I have to go empty out my hot tub because one of the neighborhood kids poured an entire bottle of bubbles in it just to see what would happen. I understand persecution! PS Hey again, morey! all is well on the Texan front. :D-->
long gone Of course you are correct in discerning my deep spirituality. I am deeply spiritual you know, because I uh, well, hummmm, I forgot. Oh yeah, because I am endeavoring to master forgetfulness. And I might remind you that unremembrance is a legitimate biblical technique for rightly dividing the PFAL material. So there.
Larry In response to your post, I must say that my forgetfulness is neither flighty nor female. I have worked the art of forgetfulness for the past 5 years, and have indeed mastered it. In fact, I first heard the term "unremembrance" in 1978, long before most of you even heard of PFAL. Why I've forgotten more about PFAL than you'll ever know! :D-->
Hi Morey, I just wanted to wave at ya! ;)-->
Well, Larry, since I am an "old" grad, and I have pondered your question for the last....say....25 seconds, I think I am more than qualified to answer. But, since I just now cleaned up my supper dishes, and the dog needs to be fed, I will get back to you. Stay tuned though, I've got the answer to your question, I just need to let you know that I am way to important to answer it now. :D-->
Firebee :)--> Larry P made so much sense, I couldn't help but snap out of it!!! Thanks Larry :D--> :D--> :D-->
Larry, you bring up a good point. Ok, what if I happened to be there for VPW's last teaching. And what if, I didn't know it was hidden, because he taught it in public? So, am I guilty of trying to hide VP's last teaching because it was taught in public and I was there, but I didn't know it was hidden, but I didn't announce to the world that it was indeed VP's last teaching that some say was hidden but was actually taught in public? Because I thought that since it was taught in front of an audience and taped, it was public? --> :D--> :D--> :D-->
I'm feeling really grouchy right now, so please forgive me if I'm being wierd...... BUT I sat through enuff of VP's teachings to last me the rest of my life!!!!! Thank you very much.
Charlie You have made a great point. Those who were violated and betrayed by VPW had noone to turn to for comfort or support. It has been pretty well documented here and other places that those who dared protest or speak up about their experiences with "the man of God for our day and time," were demonized, slandered, and worse. The list is very long.
Abi I would never have guessed you to be a "mousy" person. In fact, I've always thought of you as a person who knows her own mind, and is free enough to speak it. (Of course, the only way I "know" you is through your words here.) So I guess this means you're doing pretty well! :)--> I think it's kinda funny that I am probably the exact opposite of you (in real life, I mean.) I've always had alot of mouth trouble, and am continually asking myself why I can't just keep my big mouth shut. --> Posting here gives me the chance to actually think a little before I just spout off something. At least some of the time, anyway. :)--> Plus I still have Way-related issues to sort out, even after all these years of thinking I had it all neatly filed away. --> Anyway, it's nice to have you in the choir!
isn't Reno where our very own Kit Sober lives??
You think I worship VPW? No, you do.
ex10 replied to Erick Konkel's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Oh geeze. Steve, Sigh.....My experience is quite the opposite of yours. So? Hey, look, I've known these guys since I was a teenager, and they have always been faithful friends, through thick and thin. I'm sorry you couldn't seem to work out your differences with them, but does it really have anything to do with the topic of this thread??? -
Hey raf, I think I got your answer concerning Shavuot, but it's way too long and boring to post here? You wanna I should email you?
You think I worship VPW? No, you do.
ex10 replied to Erick Konkel's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Ok, Erick, now's your chance. :)--> -
You think I worship VPW? No, you do.
ex10 replied to Erick Konkel's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Erick Maybe, but maybe, it's just a thought I had, but ......would you be willing to help carry the burden of pain, suffering, and grief that some here have? Jesus did it for you and me, after all. And remember the old poem, "He has no hands but our hands...." Are you willing to do that Erick? for the sake of the greater good? Sorry for being way too confrontational, if I am. But maybe we who claim to be Christians should put our money where our mouth is, so to speak. Maybe you're trying to do that. But condemning people for trying to work through their pain, just doesn't cut it for me. Love to you, ex10 -
You think I worship VPW? No, you do.
ex10 replied to Erick Konkel's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
Dear Erick Many of us wayfers carry alot of emotional/spiritual baggage because of our, in some cases, decades-long involvement with a very hypocritical organization, (ie cult.) (OK, if you don't like that term, call it what you will, how's denomination sound?) Sometimes working through all the grief and pain of that, and trying to glean some good from it, can be very messy business. But it's very neccessary business in order to move on with life. Everybody here, I feel I can safely say, is working through their own unique experiences and trying to make some sense of it all, and salvage whatever good may come from it. And sadly, for some, there doesn't seem to be much good there. Only heartache and pain. So should we just gloss over the grief? And say "Just get over it?" I don't think that's what Christianity in general, and Jesus in particular are about. Maybe you think differently. I respect that, but I also think you should respect others as well. Jesus always reached out with compassion and understanding, not critical judgment. Just something to think about..... Love to you and yours, ex10 -
What's on the menu for Sunday's party?
ex10 replied to ex10's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
RB Where is the frozen tundra? I used to live in Michigan, which I now consider to be the frozen tundra. :)--> Hope Sounds like fun with the big screen tv. That's kinda how I ended up having all Brits here at our house. My 3 brothers and their families were gonna come over as well as my British friends, and they all (the brothers) decided to go to my bachelor brother's house because, you guessed it, he's got the big screen tv. Plus he's got a huge deep fryer (the outdoor kind) so they're gonna make a run to the fish market in Galveston for shrimp. My British friends don't care much for American football, so they didn't mind that we have a normal tv. They're mainly coming over to hang out and eat anyway. If we still lived in Michigan, we would definitely be cooking brats, and probably drinking Molson beer. Hope everyone has a good time! Oh, and dare I say it? but I don't too much care who wins, not being a football fan myself. :D--> Ducking, ex10 -
What's on the menu for Sunday's party?
ex10 replied to ex10's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
Firebee, Looks scumptous! I think I'll pass on the keg, though. Although around here, lots of people rent Marguarita machines for their parties. ;)--> EW, Yeah, you're right about the American Beer. I think I'll try some Shiner Bock, a Texas dark beer. :)--> Thanks. -
What's on the menu for Sunday's party?
ex10 replied to ex10's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
Actually, now that you mention it, it's my American friends who drink Coors and Corona. So what would you suggest, EW? -
What's on the menu for Sunday's party?
ex10 replied to ex10's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
OK ;)--> If we must..... -
What's on the menu for Sunday's party?
ex10 replied to ex10's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
Actually, firebee, I was thinking more along the lines of John Lee Hooker. No? And possibly some BB King thrown in for good measure? -
What's on the menu for Sunday's party?
ex10 replied to ex10's topic in Greasespot Holidays, Holydays and Heydays
Firebee You can bring the beer. :)-->