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?? God spoke to Balaam through his jackass. :o So I'm not sure I get your meaning, Lifted.
YID Just FYI, Mel Gibson has always been an American. He was born in New York. ;)
Well done, WW. I get so tired of people here comparing VPW to King David or the Apostle Paul. I think it's insulting to God and Jesus, as well. If anybody insists on comparing VPW to a bible character, Balaam is the perfect choice. Thanks for starting the thread, WW. :wub:
bikini, huh? Well, it sounds like fun, George. I'd love to be there. By the way, I haven't told you we have an exway friend who just moved to Lake Jackson from Massachusetts. We'll talk either at the pig roast, or the TX GS BBQ. Can't wait. Hugs to the countess.
well, george, not being one to pass up a smoking pig, I might have to show up with my beloved. So how will I find you? Should I wear a name tag?
So my question after reading the last interchange, is what constitutes "deliverance?" Somehow living on a diet of vanilla ice cream, when one needs true nutrition, and healthy food to feed a starving soul, seems like a pretty poor substitute. Ok, I'm trying to stick with the analogy. :unsure:
Happiest of days to you and yours my friend! What a blessing it has been to my life to find you here. Hug and kiss your beloved and kiddos from moi, and those of us here who love you!!
Awesome, dooj. I saw him in concert a few times in Indiana, when we lived in Michigan. The day his death was announced on the radio station I listened to out of Indiana, I cried as if he were a friend. What a loss.
Just an observation, but why is it that way-brained men seem to like to pick on women who speak their mind here?
Tonto and T-bone, I love what you guys both wrote. While we were in our former denomination, "ministry," cult, or whatever you want to call it, venting was not allowed, in any way shape or form. Unless of course, it was the case of an "important somebody" screaming and yelling at someone of lesser rank in the pecking order of the "way tree." I love this greasy cafe, because we can vent all we want. Venting can be a very good thing, healthy even. Tonto, I don't view you starting this thread as a "temper tantrum" at all. Just a healthy expression of frustration, which we are allowed to emote here. (Thank you, Paw.) I think you had the "boldness" to put words to something that I too, have felt and experienced over the time I've spent here. And as I've said, it has been very freeing for me, to grow a thicker skin, and not take it all so personally. This was a growth process for me. Post on, my friends. I love your "ventings."
Well, dear sisex, you know what happens when the subject of BBQ comes up with Texans present. Sorry about the derail.
Abi, I wasn't clear enough. I get tired of the same ole arguments with the same ole people who have been here a long time. I've learned over the years that there are a few people I will never agree with, on just about any topic. Yet, some of my favorite posters here are those who have vastly differing perspectives than I do. I like the sense of balance that having differing experiences and opinions brings. I just don't like to be preached at. And Larry, you are welcome at my house anytime. In fact, we are having a little gathering here in November, something involving BBQ, I'm told. Consider yourself having a personal invitation, along with everyone else who frequents this little haven in cyberspace. My husband and I are hosting, Dooj is cooking. The conversation will be brilliant, the weather delightful (hopefully), and the food well, a culinary masterpiece, and the Best of TX.
Gosh, as a newcomer to this thread, but an oldtimer who has hung around the cafe for a long time.... I will give my unsolicitated opinion. (Hey, that's what we do here. :o ) Tonto, I am with you totally. Hence, my lack of serious? (not the right word, but I'm old) posts for what? the past year or so? or maybe two? can't remember perxactly. I confess to getting tired of the same ole conversations, and mental jousting over and over. Ok, so shoot me, or just ignore me. My experience here and at Waydale has taught me that the arrogant snipers really don't hang around for long. Fortunately. Those of us who stick around, seem to me to be those of us who made some connections way back a long time ago, and are interested in keeping some of the good things about spending our youth in the way, ie those connections with wonderful people, long lost friends, even family members, etc. Relationships rule. It's not really possible in my real, face to face life to keep up with old (and new) friends and acquaintances on a personal level. But I can do it here, in a ton of ways, ie chat, posts, pm's, etc. I guess what I'm saying is, who cares what somebody you never knew, and don't know now, thinks about TWI? He/she didn't have my/our/your experience, so read what they have to say, take it with a huge glass of wine, coffee, herb tea, Mountain Dew, whatever, and enjoy it for what it is: somebody else's opinion, experience, neurosis, arrogance, whatevah Whatever it is, it isn't personal. Sometimes, dumb butts try to make it that. What folly. Let them waste their precious time and life. Just cause they are hellbent on being "somebody important" doesn't me I have to let them. Gosh, I love being out of a cult.
Very sorry to hear this, Satori. You and yours are in my prayers.
At the risk of sounding really shallow.....uh what the heck? Driving my car (where I want to go) with my Ipod plugged in, playing what I want to hear, all by my own self, makes me really happy. (I love my kids, husband, dog, cats, mom, family etc. I'm just really happy to not be with them 24/7. :B) Spoken like a true mom I guess..... :wub: )
To answer your question, pb, I guess I would NOT have stayed. I thought he was all that, and I left anyway. :unsure:
Dearest Pris It sure couldn't hurt to pray for rain. Here in TX we are praying for no more rain. ^_^
Well, I was very "blessed" last night, by Abi and Sushi's gracious hospitality in their home. Our dinner together, cooked by chef Sushi and his beloved Abi, was quite delicious. The conversation was lively and funny, the company delightful. It was a little slice of heaven on earth. Thanks you two, for the warmth and friendship over the years. :wub:
Danny, I am sure you are right. All's I'm saying is, I was at HQ on staff, In 77 and 78, when there weren't very many staff members. I never saw Geer there. Like, never. ;) My memory might be questionable, but it ain't that bad. :unsure:
but now I see, Yeah, it was Chuck.
Danny, I hear ya brother. I was on staff the year the 7th were on their interim year. I don't remember CG being there. But then again, it was the year of t"Uncle Harry's" death, the faith seminar in Gunnison, as well as some kind of class? the Advanced class maybe? in Bristol. And the first year of "International Summer School." Lotza stuff happened, and he coulda been there? but I don't remember him. If he was there, he didn't hang out with us non-important persons. And I worked back room at the BRC among other things. He wasn't there. The 3rd corps were "back in-rez." I babysat alot. Yeah, I know about Chuck and his married girlfriend. I worked with her. Oi vey. I guess I should add, I kept a jounal. Some dates and stuff I am absolutely positive of. Other, stuff, not so sure.
Yeah well, sisex, I wish I'd kept a better way corps diary than I did. Shame on me for not being the best corpsbot I could. Then I woulda written all this stuff down better. :B)
Ok, I confess to being not in flow with the current wave this thread is taking, but I've been thinking about the topic because others have sparked my fading memory of events long passed. So here goes, and please pardon me for my total left turn.... But now I see, early on in this thread mentioned something about Geer being in the running for the top spot in TWI during Advanced Class '79. Without spending alot of time explaining alot about myself and the how and why of how I ended up backstage at that event, which probably is a total sidetrack involving way too much about ME, hear are my musings.....mostly about Geer. I don't remember Geer being present at all backstage. But that could be my faulty memory. He and his wife didn't graduate from the corps til later that same summer. As Skyrider, I think mentioned, he (Geer) and his wife were all about sucking up (pardon my french, it's the best way I know how to put it) to VP. But they were in-rez corps up until July 1979. In March of 1980, during my first year in-rez in the way corps, (just a few months after Adv. Class '79) VP was not happy about the way things were getting done, or not getting done, in Gunnison. So he sent Geer to Gunnison to straighten things out. It was a test of sorts. VP wanted to see if Geer could "handle" the Way Corps and the work involved in getting the place ready to be inhabited by in-rez corps, as well as, believers who wanted to visit. (Remember here VP's "vision" for the place.) VP figured the in-rez Corps would be the slave labor to keep the place going. That was part of his plan. (I heard this from someone who was in the know, I didn't make it uo. I know it's hearsay, Lord forgive me.) Anyway, to make a long story short, Geer somehow managed to pass the test. Then he got promoted to being bus driver extraordinaire and most favored sidekick of VP. Yet, VP STILL chose craighead to replace him. Other "top leaders" of the era, felt threatened by Geer. He seemed to have an "in" with VP, that others who had been around for ages didn't have. My own personal opinion is that Geer used his closeness with VP, to full advantage. He wasn't in a top position as far as leadership, making decisions, having to work with people went, but he had VP's ear. Geer had no "research or teaching" skills whatsoever, that were publicly evident. (VP was always impressed by those who could "work the word," and had academic credentials.) Somehow Geer snaked his way into becoming VP's companion in crime, and confidant. And when VP wanted someone who he felt could "get the job done, and whom he could trust implicitely, he called on Geer. Hence, Geer's assignment to Gartmore. I'm sure VP thought that he was someone who "shared the vision." Ok, my brain hurts. Can anybody else fill in some dots here?
Hey, Tommy, we could discuss it over a Shiner at the BBQ if you want. Seriously, can't wait to see your smiling face in real time.