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Everything posted by ex10
So, Mike, according to what you wrote, one cannot love God without knowing how to read, and then the bible must be "available" in your language. Hmmmm. And then reading the bible isn't really enough, you have to then get your hands on some scarce, not widely available books by an obsure Ohio preacher who passed away almost 20 years ago. -->
So is attendance at this "event" mandatory? as in do you have a choice in attending?
I remember being in a meeting once where VP mentioned something about how you can make fire from snow. VP said he saw it in the bible, but couldn't "share" it. Anybody else remember this?
Johniam, You said: Yes, I agree that God alone is worshipped as the Almighty, Creator, Father, etc., but I'm not following your point entirely. What do you mean by "Lucifer would know about that."? Paradiseden That's a really good question, I hadn't thought of before. ;)-->
Hey Johniam That's really cool what you said about "desire." ;)-->
Aye chihuahua. --> Good thing I was born in 20th century America then I guess. (Not talkin to you, sis :)--> )
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
ex10 replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
yes, sisex, Rom. 10:9 and 10 is cool, as in the way to "get saved." But, the thing is, even though we are "saved" from eternal death, we aren't "saved" from judgment by Jesus Christ. I believe we will be judged by Jesus on the basis of how well we followed his commandment to love God and love others as ourselves. :)--> Jesus does and will hold us accountable for our actions. How well we love in this life will determine how well we live in the next one. And also, in the bible, especially in the Old Testament, people were held accountable for their sins or transgressions, and had to either repay the person they sinned against, or else get stoned (literally) ;)--> depending on the severity of the transgression. There were different consequences for different sins. They weren't "let off the hook." So I think the lesson from the bible is that God expects people to be accountable for their actions. -
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
ex10 replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
Dearest sister ex Yes, it's true. It means that Jesus saved us from eternal death, (the consequence of sin) and gives us eternal life when we have faith in him. :)--> -
Oh yeah, and another thing, :D--> The point of knowing the bible is so that we can become like Jesus. Our knowledge must bring us into a personal relationship with him as our Lord and Saviour. Love implies relationship. I can't "love" a book the same way I "love" a person. I can't have "fellowship" or "relationship" with a book. To love the Lord Jesus Christ is to love God. Part of that loving relationship is to do what He (Jesus) says. We are his body after all, and he is the head. As we follow his instructions, we function as he desires us to as members of his body. So what all this means to me is that another way to love God is to function as He and Jesus have designed me to. To fullfill my own personal "calling" so to speak. To carry out God's specific will for me. And that's my nutshell. :D-->
Not to be trite or anything, but the bible does say that "to love God, is to obey is his commandments." I John anyone? I think Dot's first post beautifully illustrates "obedience to his commandments." Also, I think that making God, and his son Jesus the object of my worship, both in private as well as publicly is a really cool way of expressing my love for Him. My own personal worship experience in TWI was really disappointing. But thank goodness for church! where worship is alive and well. :D-->
Well then, that settles it, Raf. The PFAL meister has spoken...
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
ex10 replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
Oh my! :o--> And in mixed company, too! -
Why are Wierwille's Sins Excuseable and Martindale's Not?
ex10 replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
Well, getting back to answering the original question, my p.i. of the situation is that some exwayfers still think that VPW, despite his "flaws," or "sins" or "personalilty disorder," was still a good "teacher of the bible." Sigh..... His life didn't "tell the story." Unfortunately. Which is supposedly is what being a "man of God" is all about. Another big sigh..... PS more of my p.i.: Just because someone is forgiven, doesn't absolve them of responsibility for the consequences of their sin. If in doubt, read the bible. :D--> or the Texas State Penal Code, (or the penal code for any state/country.) :D--> :D--> [This message was edited by ex10 on January 12, 2004 at 23:07.] -
Johniam, No, I don't think there is a difference between honoring Jesus Christ as Lord and worship. If you can explain the difference to me, I'm all ears. While you're at it, please explain Phil. 2:6-11. The "bowing of the knee," is an act of worship and homage, all throughout the bible. I worship Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. My redeemer, my saviour, etc. About the knowledge thing...Yes. PFAL had definite, undeniable gnostic leanings. Sheesh, I'm sidetracking my own thread. Oh well. :D-->
Dan I see your point and understand totally and actually agree with you. VPW's teaching about who Jesus was and is was ambiguous. In private, he would say one thing, and then teach another thing publicly. I think he was possibly confused about the whole subject. I also agree with Paradiseden, and add that Jesus Christ is worthy of our worship, praise, thanksgiving, prayer etc. I do not understand those exwayfers who claim that honoring Jesus Chirst as Lord and Saviour is "idolatry." And can only think that it's a PFAL hangover. --> Sheesh, it was God's idea, after all, to exalt him, give him a name above every name, make him Lord and Saviour, the Way, the Truth, the Life, etc. To honor the Son, is to honor the Father. VPW didn't have a problem with this in private, I don't know why he didn't publicly teach more about it. One of the perplexing contradictions of PFAL, I guess.
Dot I know of some corps grads who didn't want to "work full time for the ministry," but wanted to have the freedom to pursue "secular careers," or complete their education, or pursue academic goals. You know as a corps grad, that wasn't too cool in some circles. One's "committment to the ministry" was suspect. :)-->
Well, I don't know who decided, but I do know that if a "higher up" suggested the idea, and one hesitated in any way, shape, or form, one's career as "leadership" in TWI abrubtly ended. Afer all, "where is your committment??????"
Well Mrs. Lingo, thank you for illustrating my last post. I have alot of trouble with the idea propagated in PFAL that "knowledge" is the ultimate end, and "principles" define our relationship with Jesus Christ and our fellow humans. Love to you and yours.
Many things that you guys have mentioned, I also believe. I guess my problem with the PFAL material is the underlying gnostic/metaphysical approach to God and the scriptures. I found it so confusing to sort it all out, that it was impeding my relationship with Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. And I still believe that he is the subject of the entire bible, from Gensis to Revelation. And Christianity is about relationship with God, through Jesus Christ above all else. And being led by his holy spirit. :)--> And Evan, I don't care of I'm sliding on my back, my front, or my side, as long as I'm sliding towards Jesus Christ. ;)--> [This message was edited by ex10 on January 11, 2004 at 13:22.]
Goey 1/11 One Onedrful One Happy Birthday
ex10 replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Hope you have a wonderful day, Goey! -
I wonder if Oldies ever got his statue?
Hahaha, sister ex. Well, I've kept the teaching that Jesus was crucified. ;)-->
In browsing through recent threads, it has occurred to me that I have "kept" very little of PFAL teachings. I have found that there are so many contradictions, and false assumptions, that it has been more beneficial to me as a Chirstian, to just toss the whole thing. I was just wondering, what "principles" or "teachings" of PFAL have you all have kept? or held on to? and why? I know this is a hard question for some, but inquiring minds want to know.