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Everything posted by ex10
What the Hay I'm just curious....did you know VPW personally?
Oldies What I witnessed, I don't think was thanks to VPW, but to Jesus Christ. I beg to differ about the "more accurate knowledge of the bible..." thing, and the "folks who might not have been reached otherwise..." thing. VP promoted a more accurate knowledge of his interpretation of the bible. (Although, to be fair, he did introduce the inductive method of study to a whole bunch of people. However, that is hardly history-making.) Jesus promised that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, shall be filled. I believe him.
Hi Raf!! Not to worry, you haven't missed anything. Mike's hijacked another thread and declared himself king of the mountain.........again.
So what is VP's contribution to history, exactly? I think I've missed something here.
VP a "great man of faith?!!!!" On the level of Luther, Calvin, Wesley???? Please tell me you are kidding.....
Roy That was very well put.
My thoughts exactly, Jerry. ;)--> Even if all the stories and allegations are all a pack of lies, the way still imploded when VPW died. The organization has been dying a slow, pretty painful death for almost two decades. If PFAL was so great, and full of "truth" where is the "good fruit?" It was after all, the "foundation" of the organization.
Dart, If you are trying to make a point, it escapes me. Why not just say what you wanna say in your own words?
Hi Brady Thank you so much for speaking your mind. Love and hugs to you!
The End I too am so sorry for your pain. Sometimes a counselor can provide a good listening ear. But if you don't wanna go to a professional counselor, I know many churches around here (mine included) have some kind of "divorce recovery ministry." Also, my church offers "lay counselor" volunteers, who have been through the same circumstances, as support. Hugs
Sisex I sent you a private topic that tells you where to get the pretty heart. :)-->
Aw, Trefor, that is so sweet. ;)--> sisex, haha, my mom would kill me for sure if I ever did that to anyone. Yet, if anybody ever walks in unannounced on her, well they get invited for dinner. :)-->
wayward wayfer Your last post hit home with me. As if Jesus would dismiss someone .....the whole crux of christianity is loving your neighbor as yourself, no matter what "neighborhood" you might find yourself in.
Dear sisex Trefor has been so kind and helpful to me, I would never impose on him. Please remember I am from the South, and still consider imposition the most unforgivable of sins. ;)-->
well, as long as you're here, sisex, did you ever figure out how to get ahold of Judy Ridings? I sure would like to get in touch with her. She was best lady at my wedding. :)-->
Trefor I am travelling to the UK soon, and need some info. Could you email me at jolise126@yahoo.com? I'd be forever grateful. Yours truly, ex10
johniam I don't think it was arrogance that won people. I think it was the sincere desire to "know that you know..." My experience in life is that arrogant people are not very good salespeople.
I hate to admit it, but alot of way functions happened at Mom and Dad's place and I don't remember all of them. Cept maybe my wedding reception, but I seem to recall John Stinson being one of the many weddings Mom and Dad hosted. Anybody know? Mom doesn't remember, she just cleaned the house, and let whoever take over.....
Ok, what I'm wondering is, is this the same John Stinson that got married at my parents' house in Memphis?
Geeze, I went into the way corps in 1979, and the grand allure was to "know the Word like it hasn't been known since the first century..." I was recruited by VP himself. And this was his promise to me personally. So if you think it wasn't about the knowledge, well ok, maybe it wasn't for you. But it sure was for me. I admit, I was fooled, and bought into the whole thing, hook, line and sinker. And I don't think I was the only one. I guess I should add that I was recruited in 1975, I had to go to college first. [This message was edited by ex10 on January 19, 2004 at 22:11.]
Johniam Thanks. I get it now!
LOL Steve! By the way, for anybody who's interested, Hosea 4:6 ie "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" was wrenched out its context by Wierwille in PFAL to reinforce his gnostic belifs about the bible. Read the context. God's people are destroyed because of sin. Period. VPW seemed to have a "longsuit" in this area. His own organization was destroyed because he compromised and let sin reign in TWI. Geeze, louise...it ain't rocket science. And Mike, I think Dot is representing your "heart" quite "accurately."