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Everything posted by ex10
Oakspear What you are saying makes alot of sense, but...but...but.... You gotta remember that many of us corpsbots knew Craig, I mean like in the sense that he was "one of us" and he really didn't have any "stooges" til after the fog and he got wierd in the 90's. He just wasn't much of a "leader" honestly. Ever. He was always more comfy "hanging out" and being a "corpsbot" like the rest of us. All the crap that took place when VP died freaked him out, like Igotout and Socks said. He was "in way over his head." that was obvious. At least to most of us. :D--> And there were those who had a vested interest in keeping him in charge. OK, so I'm saying the same thing you said really, just in a different way. :D-->
Oh geeeze, socks, thank you for saying what you did. Although I didn't intend to make anyone feel ashamed or anything. ;)--> But here's the "funny" part of the story. A well known OB/GYN who was with TWI was my doctor during this time. We lived only an hour or so away from her, and I knew her from my friendship with her son and his wife, who were in the 10th corps....anyway.... My second daughter was born during the ROA of '89. My doctor actually left the Rock early to be home in time to deliver her. It was a scheduled C-section, and there were some risks...and she made sure she was home in time to take care of me. I actually stayed at her house...but anyway, I always felt a little guilty because I was no longer involved with the way at that point, but she didn't know it. We just never discussed it, and it never came up, not even when hubby and me would hang out with her son and his wifey, when we'd drive over for my doctor's visits. They were so very kind, hospitable, and we just had fun visiting and such.... Later I learned that they ended up staying with TWI and are still involved as far as I know. I've always felt like I should have been more forthcoming about what we (hubby and me) thought, but it just didn't seem to be too relevant to REAL life. Which was having babies and such at that point. Anyway, your words have touched me more than you know....
Well, all I can say is, that I don't remember the exact sequence of events during the fog, as I had two babies in less than two years, between 87 and 89 and was pretty preoccupied. But I do rmember getting the loyalty letter and thinking "what the heck is THIS all about?" We hadn't been involved for a while already. So naturally we didn't respond to the letter. I remember though that we did get our "dropped corps" letter in June I think of 1990, which was at least a couple of years after we resigned our "position" with the way. I remember thinking that it sure took them a long time to "drop" us. :D-->
And PS Groucho is one of the most well balanced ex-cultist Christians around. So don't let him fool ya! :)--> So sorry I told on you, Groucho. :(-->
EWB You asked a really good question, and also a really hard one, methinks. Since exiting our former church in the late 80's, I've been a part of many different churches of all flavors. Long story, but my husband is a musician, who had a "Christian Band." Because of his musical interests, we were involved in lotza different churches. From Pentecostal, to Baptist, to Christian Reformed, to yes even Catholic! to Independent to you name it. All I can tell you is, don't get hung up on doctrine. We now attend a Methodist church, actually been there almost 4 years because nobody really seems to care too much about "what you believe," it's more about "who you are." Plus, it's humoongous, with 7,000 members, and really contributes mucho to our community. So it's pretty easy to find one's "niche." Our church offers everything from support groups to foreign missions, from AA to grief support and divorce recovery, to homeless outreach to hospital visitations, ad infinitum. So whatever your "thing" is, there is room. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't worry so much about "what I believe" as "what I can do" to contribute to the work of Jesus Christ. Many of us exwayfers tend to be studiers and maybe teacher types. But we didn't have much chance to put our faith in action, which is what I love about the Methodist church. They put their money where their mouth is. I think we as Christians are more powerful in a group, than by ourselves. ;)--> Hope this helps you, EWB.
well, when somebody gets Kriebs over here, tell him to bring Paul.
Kriebs and Patty live in Nashville.
Cathy I miss our chats!!! Hope you have the most wonderful of days. [This message was edited by ex10 on March 18, 2004 at 14:40.]
I don't know anything about any 3x5 cards from being in-rez. This must have been a later development. Even when I was twig coord. etc, in-rez, I never filled out any cards on anybody, or any such thing. Or had anybody read cards to me. I do remember one incident where a newbie corps girl in my twig discovered she was pg after arriving at Emporia. I encouraged her to talk to a corps coordinator, which she did. She ended up leaving Emporia and marrying her boyfriend, which I thought was a very good idea at the time.
Geeeze, I didn't realize that the penchant certain early corps women (Donna included) had for sleeping with each other was any big secret.
Goey, that's a good idea. I've got a couple of thoughts. As I said in my earlier post, it's really hard to seperate the doctrinal issues of TWI, from the cultlike practice. I don't think there's any argument that TWI elevated their "doctrine" and "belief system" above all else, even loved ones, friends and family held dear for decades even. People were/are sacrificed routinely for the sake of doctrine. It seems when discussions move down to the Doctrinal Forum, they are more likely to become duelling bible verses, or too theological for my brain to follow. :)--> But if they stay in the "About the Way" forum, people (myself included) who aren't normally real doctrinally minded in a research kinda way, seem more likely to participate. That said, I see the pros and cons of both sides. The doctrinal squabbles do get old in the About the Way forum. So I guess what I'm saying is, there a probably a number of solutions to the questions. And maybe one is not better than the other, just different.
My opinion is that is crucial to understand Way Doctrine in order to understand the cultlike aspects of TWI. The unChristianlike behavior of the recent past, doesn't make any sense unless someone understands the doctrinal underpinnings. For example: The whole idea of a MOG can't exist unless one understands that TWI taught Jesus Christ is "absent." Which is the exact opposite of traditional Christianity which teaches a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord. And I can think of tons of other examples right off the top of my head. So, I think by removing so called "doctrinal discussions" to a different forum, the understanding of the cultlike aspects of TWI is deficient. The dialogue about doctrine helps paint a more vivid picture of TWI as a whole. By segregating the more doctrinal discussions, it will be harder for people searching for information about TWI to really get the whole enchilada. :)--> As always, just my opinion.
Unfortunately, I have a conflict with the date, that I have tried everything I can think of to work out. And unless, some kind of miracle happens, I won't be able to make it after all. :(--> I'm so very disappointed. Steve and Chin, you two have been the bestest of friends to me here, and I really wanted to see you two get married. I'm so sorry I can't make it. Even though I haven't totally given up yet, it just doesn't look very hopeful. :(-->
Thanks diaz I'm really happy to know that my nurse/doctor/shrink/pastor friends (and mom) are not totally off their nut. :D-->
Wow, I mean like, somebody just told me I had to read this thread, and it like, changed my life. I can't believe it! All my questions about Amazing Sea Monkeys have been answered!!! Like, my next question is, do you guys know anything about chia pets? Are they for real or not. I mean, how DO they grow all that green hair?
Shazdancer 3/8 birthday time wishes for you!
ex10 replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Shaz Hope you remember this day and smile! Love to you. -
Well, whether or not the full moon affects behavior, I don't know. But I do think it's pretty fascinating that so many think that it does. Could it possibly be the "Law of Believing" at work??? :D--> (Really, I'm just kidding, lest anyone take me seriously.)
Well, it seems to me to be beyond "coincidental" that so many doctors, nurses and nursing home staff people notice differences in patients during the full moon. Even my skeptical sis-in-law, who's a LDR (labor and delivery) nurse at the local hospital swears the unit fills up during the full moon. Tonight's the night, I guess. ;)-->
Funny, but I've had a handful of friends (mostly hospital and mental health personnel) comment to me this week, that they were dreading this week-end because of the full moon, and they have to work. Even a pastor friend I was talking to said that his phone was gonna ring off the hook this week-end. Then Mom, (who is a former medical person) remarked about how things would go nuts at work during a week-end that had a full moon. What is it about the full moon???
The exactness "factor" : a method of cult control
ex10 replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
excellent point, Pat. Of the supposed one billion Christians on the planet, I wonder how many of them can read, or have the bible accessible to them in their native language, much less know what a Strong's Concordance is. --> -
I heard recently that they were in the Chicago area. But when I tried switchboard.com, nothing came up. :(-->