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Everything posted by ex10
Well, yeah, and another thing...... :D--> I've started a new job. I'm going through 5 weeks of intensive "training." It's alot of hours, and us trainess, aka inmates, :D--> fondly refer to it as "boot camp." Part of our training is doing role playing exercises and getting feedback from the group. Not a new concept in "corporate training," I must admit. But, what I'm going through is definely NOT for the faint of heart. If you can't stand seeing your own weaknesses, as well as strengths, then get another job. :)--> This company is probably not for you. Harsh, yes. Some might say. Actually, we've already had 2 out of 8 candidates drop out. And I'm sure that they have plenty to say about their experience. Too demanding, people are too critical, whatever. I'm not trying to belittle anyone who has posted here, or who has a different perspective. I'm just saying, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Not everybody would wanna do my job. But I like it, and want to be the best I can possibly be. :)-->
PS socks, How incisive you are! I think what you said was a big part of it. PS Danny Thanks for the synopsis. Yeah, it was that without the "abuse" part. Nobody was abused, that I saw. It was just a series of "exercises" for Pete's sake, meant to build community and offer feedback for anybody who wanted it. Cripes, it was just a freaking "training." That alone idicates it wasn't real life. :D--> Sheesh. If somebody thought it was more than that, well, whatever, I'm so sorry. :(-->
Sisex, You asked a great question. And my answer is .....drum roll, please, "neither." :D--> For me, and I repeat, for me, sharing what I learned in Momentous would be like sharing what I've learned in counseling or therapy, or in intimate conversations with my close friends and family, or maybe even in interactions with my beloved husband. Not that it was that for me, the point is, it was VERY PERSONAL, nobody's business, and mine alone not to share. :)--> Boundaries, ya know?
;)--> Private topic me your email, if you want, and we can catch up. Hugs to you and tribe.
Uncle Hairy I hear ya, and you do raise a good point. Personally, I cannot speak to your concern or address it, because I don't feel qualified. I only have my experience, and that's it. I was never involed on any deeper level. And honestly, I was just a participant who went, gleaned what I could from it, and moved on. I didn't personally know anybody (I mean from aside people met at the training) that had issues resulting from the experience. Most of the other people I know that went, feel the same way I do. :)--> Frankly, I don't see what all the hubbub is about. Before the way, I was involved in some Catholic "retreats" base on the Cursillo movement, and Momentous wasn't that different from my experiences in the Catholic church, to me. I know it's a new thing to some. But trust me, these kinds of "retreats" and "trainings" have been around for awhile. If anybody wants to do a Google search, be my guest. Momentous is very similiar to the Cursillo experience. I understand why those of the more "fundamentalist" Christian persuasion, would have problems with it. Especially those of us from TWI, who were taught that the studying the bible will cure all of life's ills. (Tongue planted firmly in cheek, here.) And no, I'm not challenging anybody's opinions about it. I have mine, you have yours. :)--> It has occurred to me, though, that maybe it's just a religious/philosophical difference in our approaches to life that fuels the controversy, more than anything else.
Somehow this thread has not inspired me to "share" my Momentous experience. I have found it a futile endeavor to argue with people's personal experiences in life. :D-->
I tried to reply to your email, and it got returned. :(--> I don't know why.
I hear ya, Georgie. I guess I'm just tired but, JAL etc, haven't posted here. Just zealots on their behalf.......snore........... :P-->
Mark, I would really love to get into the conversation, but I'm like working about 60 or 70 hours a week right now, and I am POOPED. Maybe I'll catch up this weekend........ :)-->
Well, I know I recused myself, so just ignore me. We all do what we gotta do. If anybody has a beef with John or Mark, or anybody else, take it up with them. Why make it public? if it's personal? That's what I don't get.
Oh geeze, I admit I'm busy working and haven't read all the "he said, she said" or whatever. I have to confess, I was at the same Momentous training that Steve was at, and I was very close to Bill while he was there. He was wonderful, a cool person that I had the chance to get to know there. I don't agree with his assessment of events, but he had his experience, I had mine. I feel like I am a better person for knowing him. :)--> I'm not gonna argue with anyone over what happened, what it was like, etc. You walk away with what you got. If somebody feels like it totally (please excuse my language, sucked) I am so sorry for saying that, but it could describe the experience for some, evidently. It didn't for me. I feel like what I have to say is just as valid as anybody else. :)--> PS I am glad, like Evan, that I didn't reccommend it to anyone else. My conscious is clear on that matter. I'm just talking personal experience here. PSS Steve, I remember you and think the world of you as well. Would this happen in normal life?
Well, honestly, I have to recuse myself from the conversation, because John is one of my oldest, dearest friends in the whole world. Such a relationship is quite precious to me, and very rare in my life, and not really open for discussion. But this I know, John answers his email. :)--> If you want to talk to him, I feel very confident that he will listen. :)-->
Well, I have to echo what Evan said, perxactly. The only dif is that I was involved with some exwayfers who got involved because of John's endorsement. My only comment is that they didn't know what they were doing, or getting into. (and whoever's fault that was, I'm not getting into.) It ain't for everybody. It's really not a "one size fits all" excult world. It somebody thought it was, or is, I am truly sorry for that. :(--> I did it, and am glad I did. I feel for those who had a different experience. :(--> But you know what? We are adults and make our owm decisions. And we decide what we do with stuff that is made "available." If somebody still can't work it out, I am so very sorry, and will do what I can to help. My email is on my profile. :)-->
hugs to you, Jessica. Didn't mean to lose you, hold my hand when you cross the street? Snorts back, ex10 :D-->
Yeah, well, being a Waydale veteran, and hanging around here for what, like since the beginning, I've taken breaks when needed. Geeeze, for one's own mental health, sometimes it's good to indulge in real life. :)--> God speed, Mary Cate. The door never closes here, which is what I love about the place. :)-->
(((Digger))) There is hope! God is in the business of redeeming even the most lost of causes among us. Love to you, brother.
Pat, Just look at the bigger picture, beyond the excult view. :)--> You are good at that. :)-->
Aw, Grizzz. You made my day!
PS, I'm not gonna get into a ....ing match about this. I don't believe in betraying confidences. :D--> No matter what.
Pat Whatever. --> Do a little research, and then get back to me. :D-->
tom s Been to Amsterdam lately? :)-->
Shell, my dearest chat buddy Don't be deceived by the sunny Oregon weather! Trust me on this. I was wow there, and thought I would lose my mind when it rained every day for 2 months. Seriously, if you like sunshine, (or beaches and palms trees in my case) OR is not the best choice of habitats. :)--> Listen to Steve! For real, look at the Carribbean if you want low humidity and sunshine. Puerto Rico is really nice. :)-->
Oh geeze, I'm a day late and a dollar short. :)--> as usual. Not that I feel like I have to defend anybody here, JAL included, but it strikes me as pretty interesting that all the most outspoken peeps against Momentous, were never there. :)--> Been there, done that, and it ain't what people say it is. And as a matter of fact, Momentous is not that notable a thing in certain circles. What makes it so "momentous" is that it was a new thing among ex-cultists, exway cultists, to be exact. JAL is a personal friend of mine, for many years, and all I have to say is that he has been there for me, for a couple of decades. I understand that many have a different experience of him. All I can say is, he answers his email. If you have something to work out with him, or want to know more about what he's doing now, or where he is in his life, talk to him. It's difficult for me, to see a dear friend talked about here. As much as I've come to know and love many posters here, makes it all the more difficult. Momentous didn't hurt me or my husband. I did my homework before I went, and knew what I was in for, and understood the "philosophy" and "psycology" behind it. If others didn't, well I'm sorry for their pain. :(--> It ain't nothing new, and has been very effective with helping people overcome obstacles in their lives. But it's like the old lightbulb joke, "How does a psycologist change a lightbulb?" Well, first the lightbulb has to want to be changed. :)--> My email is on my profile. :D--> Love, ex10
Well, I think the beating of dead horses can give one something to do when nothing else is going on. :)-->
I have to echo what vertical limit said. Without questions, there are no answers. I love it when my kids question me about things. Cause then we really get talking....and have a chance to really get down to the nitty gritty of the why's and wherefore's of living together, and managing our lives. Not that I have all the answers to everything, but I am older and wiser. :)--> Trust is a big issue. :)-->