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Everything posted by ex10

  1. yeah well, if it makes any difference to anybody... when Jal first went on the road after getting fired from TWI, one of the first apologies he offered had to do with the whole "first thought" doctrine." It was wrong and bad and totally bogus and he knew it, and it was one of the first things he apologized for, among others. Hairy, you probly remember. :)-->
  2. Thank you so much ACT2, rascal, and others. Geeze, I must admit, as others have, that staying tuned into Greasespot, takes kind of an extra effort. I work at an extra demanding job, as many others do, yet it is so worth it to tune in to Greasespot. Hopefully, what we have to offer as posters, makes a difference to someone.....
  3. All I gotta say is, I'm not really thankful for any kind of teaching thing. I've somehow rejected alot of it. I am a Christian, and take my faith very seriously. I just can't get into people, and their spin on things. Give me Jesus, and I'm satisfied. I don't give a rat's behind whether I've read, or studied, or paid attention to, or researched, whatever, anybody or anything mentioned by TWI having anything to do with my Christian faith. There's alot of stuff out there, and TWI was pretty limited in what was promoted. The "Christian World" is alot bigger place than I ever knew while involved. that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)-->
  4. PS HCW Love you, dear. You were one of the brightest spots in my Way experience. :)-->
  5. Geeze, untangling the knot of one's past sure gets complicated. Recognizing VPW and company as total skunks, doesn't have to steal one's life away. I guess it just depends on how one defines himself/herself. Hopefully, we are all bigger than our mistakes. :)--> and our past gullilibility.
  6. gosh, All this long time satan's been protecting me and I don't even have to give him 10%. :D-->
  7. Hope, You woulda had way much more fun joining us "cop outs." We dropped out, and got on with real life, with nada a phone call or anything. Nobody seemed to care, or pay much attention, so we were free to get on with real life. Who'd a thunk? that it would be so easy to walk away? We couldn't have known, til we did it. :)--> No lightning bolts struck, no bad car accidents happened, nobody got some dread terminal illness, nothing. Go figure. Life went on in a real normal way, with no cataclysmic repercussions. Makes one wonder if God was even paying attention.... :D-->
  8. I was in the "cop-out" class of '87. So like, didn't anybody get suspicious when most of us dropped out in the late '80's?
  9. Ah, seeme, I wish you the best, and even though we don't know each other and probably never will, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers each day.
  10. Ah, brother Tom, so many beers, so little time. :)-->
  11. sky I don't know if "fond" is quite the right adjective. Maybe it's more like simon said, "survival" memories. :D-->
  12. Just like alfa said, 444 is an easy number to remember, and I'm pretty sure that's what we started with. And I feel pretty confident about the grad number, too.
  13. Thanks sky and hairy for your gracious responses. Actually, I do agree with you guys for the most part. It just gets complicated sometimes trying to untangle the knot of emotions and perspectives one can choose to take on. I just count it the grace and mercy of God, that something that went so horribly wrong and evil, had some smidgeon of good in it for some of us. Resolution of our pasts can get complicated, can't it? ;)-->
  14. Personally, I prefer Bellhaven out of the can with the cartridge in the top. Poured into an ice cold beer glass, I can close my eyes and pretend real good. (or is that well?) ;)-->
  15. Good for you, sisex. Tis good to be free to be yourself, and allow others to be themselves as well, eh?
  16. Although I appreciate the sentiment, please keep in mind that there are those among us who can't go there. To elucidate, if I allowed myself to have nothing but regret, I'd probably have to divorce my husband whom I met while in-rez, and what would I do with my kids?, and the fruit of that relationship? and the wonderful family relationships built upon those who I met while there? Although I think I understand how you guys feel, please consider those of us who feel differently. It's complicated, sorting through all the mixed feelings and emotions of the past, and living with the choice we made then. Should those of us who have benefitted from our experience feel guilty? Are you guys out to shame us? Just asking...... :)-->
  17. Johnny, I thought it was 444. Dang, I used to have all the statistics and paperwork til I mailed it off to someone who asked for it. ;)--> I never dreamed I'd need copies of the stuff. I'll check with sis-in-law though, she might still have the housing lists, graduation program, etc. Did you keep your "corps files"? If you did, it's probably in there.
  18. sky, Good point, and I actually agree with you. :)-->
  19. Yeah, ok, I just got home from work, and this really happened to me a few minutes ago.... A guy came into the store where I work, dressed like a woman. He was an obvious transvestite. Nobody wanted to wait on him, so I did. (Geeze, he is a person, like anybody else.) He/she was obviously nervous, but wanted to buy some furniture for a new place, and wants to use our design services. As a professional, I sat and talked with him/her, assessed his/her design needs and actually made an appointment to help him/her with his new home. Nobody else wanted to give him/her the time of day. But I feel like all persons are created equal, and he/she deserves the best I have to offer. Am I wrong in this? I don't think so.....As a Christian and a human, I feel like I should give 100% to this client like I do to everyone else. Am I wrong?
  20. Geeze, I just want to thank Trefor for totally understanding the question I was asking. And making an attempt to help me out with it. Love and hugs, guy, for "getting it."
  21. But wait a minute, hold it! Hairy, we met in the corps and we had some fun times, maybe? and sky, and ala.... ala, I absolutley love your hubby who was friends with mine. :)--> It wasn't all bad, else we never would have stayed. Might I suggest that the wonderful people and fun times we had kept us in despite the b.s.? I think the commaraderie and friendship among us plebes helped perpetuate the tolerance for injustice? The friendship was very good. The leadership was corrupt, no doubt, but geeze louise, I met some of the most wonderful people that I will never forget. In my mind, that's worth something. I will never forget some of the lives and times of those that I met and shared something with. Ok, so maybe I'm co-dependent, or whatever, but you guys were really cool. :)--> And Georgie, we never met while in, but I am quite sure we would've hung out together. :D-->
  22. Belle, Many hugs to you. Without being totally presumptuous, I know how you feel.
  23. Well, I think it's gonna be springtime by the time he gets here. I can't wait to take a picture of him sipping an umbrella drink by the pool. :D-->
  24. ex10

    Ex-TWI Clergy

    My thoughts are that Jesus always reached out to the "worthless" and "hopeless." He got persecuted for hanging out with those that nobody else wanted to deal with. He wasn't/isn't afraid to reach and touch whoever asks/needs/wants help. Any minister who refuses to "go there," is not a minister/follower/servant of Jesus Christ. Pure and simple. He never offered "pat answers" to problems, just himself. And he is still doing that, I think. :)-->
  25. good grief. I hadda feeling this topic might cause um, uh, a little trouble. I asked the question originally because I see a bias in my workplace against female homosexuals that doesn't include males. Like I said, it's just my experience, in my profession, at my workplace. Personally, I believe in treating all humans with respect and dignity. This includes female "couples" who come into my place of employment. It's not my job to pass moral judgement on them. My job is to work with them as I would any other pedestrians who want to buy furniture and use my design services. I just don't get why male couples are ok, and female couples nobody wants to wait on, or deal with. Call me simplistic, naive, whatever. :D-->
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