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Everything posted by ex10
Yes, absolutely!!! Thanks, T-Bone. You are now officially dubbed the Picture Guru of the BBQ!
Hi Penworks. It's been quite a few years since I've heard from Jeff, maybe 6? but he and Joan are living in Colorado. I don't remember the town, but it seems like it's near CO Springs. And yes you spelled his name correctly. If it helps, his middle name is Paul.
Hmmm, I'm thinking maybe we should keep ya'll guessin who's who. If you really want to know who the usual suspects are, then come next year! Evil Laugh....
Hope your birthday evening is a happy one! dearest Belle.
Sitting at the Master's Feet reminds me of something.... It was sometime the summer of 1978.....I worked on staff at HQ's, as it was called then. There was a meeting in the BRC, for the 7th Interim Corps I think, can't remember exactly, but for some reason, I always went to those type meetings. It wasn't like there was a huge divide between corps and staff. It was really the kind of thing where I showed up if I could, and wasn't sleeping. I worked nights alot and got excused from most "mandatory" type stuff. Thank goodness. Anyway, there I was sitting on the floor of the BRC, literally under VP's feet. It was a long meeting, and he was talking, other people were talking, don't remember exactly, but I fell asleep. I woke up and looked at my watch and it was like 11:00 pm and I had to go to work. I didn't know how to get out of the meeting gracefully, and I was wondering if I had snored or drooled or something. VP sensed my dilemna somehow, and tapped me with his foot and said, "Go on to work, and work heartlily as unto the Lord." He was very kind. I very sleepily and awkwardly got up and left. I heard afterterwards, that somebody got reamed for falling asleep during the same meeting, right after I left. Go figure. Sitting at his feet meant different things to different people. Sometimes it was good and kind, othertimes not. That is the thing that is so hard to figure.....
Ohmigosh, Tonto! GOLD! Pleeze brings pics to the BBQ, I know you have em.
Sorry to hear that, D. Taking care of your Mom and Dad, the rest will work itself out...
Nika, Just so's you know, Katy is about an hour away from The Woodlands. So if you are staying there, it's a bit of a drive to my house.
I just checked the 10 day forecast for my house. It's going to be sunny, highs in the 70's to low 80's, going down to the 50's at night. (shiver) Definite perfect Fall BBQ weather for here. Yay! So all you folks from colder parts of the world can bring your shorts if you like. ;)
Hi TXnurse. I sent you a private message about our BBQ. Hope you can make it!
geeze, um, freudian, or no maybe waybrain slip?
Nika, praying here too, that all will be ok for your Mom. Tonto, the play was throughly enjoyable, and daughter was pretty impressive I must say. The play was definitely not like anything she did in high school. It was student written, a dark comedy, and pretty sophisticated in its message. ;) But I love seeing her do comedy. She was pretty hilarious, even if I do say so my own self. I'm hoping she can make it home for the BBQ, we shall see....
Happiest of birthday wishes, Davey!
I can't wait either! We are fixing to leave to go up to Denton to see Daughter #2 perform in her play at the University of North TX. Gonna be in your neck of the woods, Tom.....sorta anyway. This weekend will fly by and then just 2 more!
Dear Linzee, Hope yours is a groovy day!
Gosh, so sorry I missed it, dearest. Hope it was wondermous!
Only a couple more week's til our Holy Smoke TX BBQ! It's not to late to make plans for anybody who wants to be here. All are welcome! Plans are well underway, and now we just need the weather to cooperate. It has cooled down to the high 80's the past week, so I'm hopeful....
I'm thrilled you're going to be here, jbarrax. It's about time we met? yes? Be sure and bring a pen.... :B)
Dooj, I've got your head count, dearest.
Way cool, David. As long as the firewood's bug free, why not? if you have the room. Around here, alot of times the wood is full of termites and such icky things so you have to be careful where you store it. :o
Good point, dooj. I pretty much know who's comin, but you know how us sweet potato queens are. I just want folks to come, and not have to worry so much about bringing anything, or going to lotza trouble. Ya'll's (as in anybody who feels the inclination) beautiful presence is what is most coveted. Amen.
Ok, George, despite my personal allergy to the word "schedule," he's what's a happening..... Our BBQ officially begins at noon, on Saturday, November 3rd. Our chef in residence, Doojable, will have a light lunch of delightful Chicken Tortilla soup, for the weary travelers in our bunch, who get here just in time to be voraciously starving. Mom's making the cornbread. No advertizement needed. So, show up for lunch, and we'll feed ya. And there will be kids, dogs, a herd or two of teenagers, and wandering neighbors in and out of the house. Mi casa, su casa. The big deal meal, happens at 6pm when my dearly beloved will have had to time to smoke, grill, roast whatever he decides on. (He is still pondering the awesome possiblilties to show off his culinary talents.) Of couse, Dooj is the assistant chef in rez, and my dearly beloved and her will be in doing their two-steppin, cookin thang in the kitchen. Suda is the official cleaner upper, Tonto the wine goddess, and Tom Strange the beer meister. I will be on the phone, giving directions to all those who have relied on mapquest. Dessert will be awesome, and it's a surprize! this year. Somebody pleeeze bring a laptop to put on the kitchen table, as I've almost thrown mine out the back door and stomped on it. The thing that stops me is, well, I don't have a good excuse, I'm looking for one. Also, we need a camera to post pics, as Crispy of Richncrispy fame, has agreed to be our Pic Meister Extraordinaire. (T-bone, pleeze bring yours?) We will have a campfire on the deck, if we can scrounge up some fire wood before then. (It's rather scarce here, unless we have a cold snap, that sends us scurrying.) All us die hard partiers will sit on the deck trading stories til the cock crows twice, (cause we usually wonder what it is the first time.) Then we will sleep for about 15 minutes, get up and have a "freefalling" uh, what to call it? "fellowship" time, with lotza coffee and bagels. Serve your own self. 11am brunch for all those who couldn't get their butts here by 9. Hang out more, drink lotza coffee, and everybody gets kicked out late afternoon, which is 4pmish for moi. I didn't mention the hot tub, which I will make sure son cleans out beforehand. Will someone pleeze volunteer to watch the water level so we don't flood the back yard this year? Hot tub filling is not my forte. Anyway, that's our schedule. If anybody has any better ideas, please direct them to somebody else. Disclaimer: All of what I just said is null and void in a court of law, and cannot be used for purposes other than.....I forget.
Ha! sisex. That would be true if she spoke English. And she doesn't come all the time, just when I'm overwhelmed...... :o And fortunately, Tom Strange, since my last conversation with the landlord, the exterminator comes every month. I asked J is she had seen any of the scarier variety of critters, and she said except for the token cockroach, all is well. I'm glad my days in the student slum are over. :blink:
Best wishes to you both for another 28, friend!