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Everything posted by ex10
oops, sorry johnny. I mistook you for someone else. :)-->
tom I guess the big question for me is, is it a "who" we trust, or a "what" we trust. :)-->
Wish I did, johnny. He was such a cool guy...
:D--> tis true. There's probably nothing that is "sacred' in these here forums. That's what I love about the place. :D-->
jl Yeah, as if. :)--> The bible is never a substitute for a real, flesh and blood relationship, with a living person. Jesus was/is flesh and blood too. Unfortunately, our former church replaced him with words, ie pat answers, pithy (or not so pithy) sayings with a particular spin at that. :)--> and rules and regs devoid of any kind of "apiriutality." It's a wonderful world outside of the cacoon of Way doctrine and (warped) practice. :D-->
after much consideration, I have to say that yes, size really matters. After all, if one is to be stuck with the same body parts for a lifetime, yes, one must say that size matters. However, one must consider that size changes over the course of decades. And what the heck do we do about that? Perhaps it's not as noticable with men, however with the female species, size can change considerably, especially after giving birth, a time or two, or three, etc. Hmmm, and what are we to do with that? :D-->
not every problem in life is solved by throwing bible verses at it. In fact, my experience has been that very few problems in life are solved by reading the bible more, speaking in tongues more, following the "rules" more, as in going to church more, attending more meetings, whatever. Yeah, white dove, I learned it first in Topeka. Hello. life is way more complicated than pat answers. Being there, and doing whatever it takes to be there for someone includes a much greater repetoire than we were ever exposed to in the cult. Your mileage may differ. :)-->
I think sometimes really "ministering" to someone could include finding a good therapist, or psychologist, or doctor. :)-->
Danny, I hear you, brother. But I didn't "blow" anyone. I promise. :)-->
If I may interject.... Why give any time or credance to the insane? We could better spend our time, no? on stuff that really matters? :)-->
Kevin, dear I don't know how the heck you mangage to remember all this stuff, that is worth a chuckle or two at least. But I'm kinda with engine, my last year in-rez was spent just wanting to get the heck outa dodge. By some magic stroke of luck, Pat Lynn was very kind to me, and I must say, I wouldn't have made it our last year without her benevolent intervention. My beloved sis-in-law however, tells a different story. And my husband, for some reason was spared alot of the bs... But that's what makes the whole corps experience so freaky.....some people got better treatment than others, for whatever unknown reason.....Others got .... on, and there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. There's more to this story, but suffice it to say, those of us who got corps assignments close to the "root," left sooner. :)--> It got real disturbing after graduation. Hubby and I weren't in the safe netherlands of Alaska. We were right there in Kansas. Holy .... :D-->
ps since i know you are the total exception to most of life, I don't expect you to take me very seriously. that's ok. I do believe in alternate dimensions of life. Some people somehow live in an alternate universe. Yes, I do belive in life on other planets. :)-->
ohmigosh you guys.... :)--> Seeing as how it's been about what? um 40 plus years, since pfal was filmed, maybe it's time to get over it???? just a suggestion....
it's a tuff, tuff christian world out there, galen. After all, most christians that i know beleive in the golden rule. Maybe it doesn't apply here, though, if you know more than everybody else. But somehow, I think you can probably handle it. love you, dear. :)-->
I must say that I think it's our "unrenewed minds" that makes our marriage work. Real people in the real world have to work things out between each other. :)-->
galen, getting back to our original interchange, i think you totally misunderstood me, dear. ;)-->
Gosh, what hairy said. Thank you for being a friend, when you didn't have to, when there was nothing in it for you. Thanks, hairy. :)-->
ahem, i must make a comment here. after johnny lingo's true confession, i must admit that it has never occurred to me to uh, ahem, name my um, body parts???? hello, guys name their, um, member, what is that all about??? should we girls start naming our body parts as well??? Ohmigosh,
;)--> you're as charming as ever, engine.
Johnny, Brenda doesn't have a copy of the tape. As in all things wayish, it was property of whoever grabbed it after its usefulness was accomplished. :D--> Anyway, yeah the brunette in the twig pic is the wife of Monty. Engine, my feelings are hurt that you can't remember my name. :(--> Just kidding, naturally. And Johnny, thanks for the babe comments. J says it's still true, anyway. ;)-->
My question is why is a CFO handling a utility bill screwup? Even if, come on??
Well, I have to say, I think size matters totally. I mean, come on, who wants to be stuck with a teeny weeny, ahmem, when one could have a foot long? :D--> I mean, come on girls, don't consider any male who doesn't have a, well, um, uh, how do i say this delicately? ......... sizable bulge. pleeze. let's be as discriminating as the men are. :)--> I think upon first meeting a male of the species, we should immediately stare at his crotch to see if he's worth our time, or not. If a sizable bulge is not jutting out of his levis, then forget him, blow him off totally, no matter how polite or gentlemanly he might act. Of course, if he's wearing dress pants, (God forbid polyester/wool blend) and you can't really tell what's lurking underneathe all that, um, fabric....maybe in the course of conversation with said male, one could casually brush up against him, maybe a fleeting touch of the arm, a batting of the eyes, then focus on the uh, ahmem, crotch area? Oh gosh, I said it. Tis a test. If something um, arises, then maybe a conversation should ensue. If nothing happens, then forget him. :D--> Dam, I can't believe I wrote this......and yes i'm happily married... Don't mean I don't notice. :D--> and uh, of course, I'm just answering the call of the jeans. :D-->
suzi, I think your georgie is a total find. You did good, girlfriend. ;)-->
My brother is in touch with Brendy. If you wanna contact him, email me. It's on my profile. ;)-->