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Everything posted by ex10

  1. Feeling a little grumpy today, ex70's? You forgot to mention the snake problem. I have never seen so many snakes in my life, as I have since moving here. Anyway, at least it doesn't snow here hardly ever, and it's not hot yet, and I got gas for under $2 a gallon the other day. And the Astros have a decent chance at a good season. -->
  2. Cool, Mr. P! I live in the Woodlands, although I work at Willowbrook. I'm looking forward to hearing from you when you get here!
  3. Hey Mr. P. Are you going to be working/living in the North part of Houston? Spring/Woodlands area? If so, I'd be happy to show you around.... ;)-->
  4. Well, I'm still waiting for Flat to show up. Shoot, now I'm gonna have to wait til my days off next week to show him around the place. Oh well....
  5. I think having an official welcomer, greeter, hostess type person is very nice. :)--> who couldn't use a mocha frappacuino, after all. And the birthday threads are fun, too. Thought for the day would be nice. Of course, I can't volunteer to help with any of this, since I work in a place that is stuck in the Stone Age. So pay no attention to me. ;)--> I'm just dreaming.....
  6. Yeah, well, here is the great advantage to going by one's middle name. :D--> and then using one's maiden name as a middle name, dropping the first one..... It's a wonderful thing. :)-->
  7. ex10

    Yankee or Dixie?

    ohmigosh, robin, and to think, we were friends and never resolved this difference between us. Just shows to go ya, you never really know somebody til you order pecan pie in a restaurant together. :D-->
  8. I have to agree with my pal Johhny here. I'm a city gal who used to visit my grandparent's farm. They slaughtered stuff, and then we ate it. No big deal. And all my uncles hunted, and we ate what they killed, etc. I guess it just depends on how you grow up, and what you get exposed to. But I have to admit, chickens are gross. but at least they don't scream like rabbits do. Gawd, I grew up totally uncivilized......
  9. ex10

    EX10 ---

    vickles, wb, steve, anybody else I'll be happy to fill you in.
  10. ex10

    EX10 ---

    and white dove, i think you owe me a phone call. :D--> dang, I always call you. :)-->
  11. ex10

    EX10 ---

    hey, david I went to respond to your private message, and, ohmigosh, it's gone. Is it something I said? :D--> seriously, I've been working my behind off lately, and I get home late...so sorry dear, but I'm not the speediest at responding. Please forgive me. :(-->
  12. Pat, If it helps any, your personality and conscience were formed many years before you got involved with the way. (Unless of course you were born into it, which most of us weren't.) My3cents happens to be a well-balanced human, (obviously) and is speaking from that point of view. Fortunately, I think most of us can relate? Even though we were involved in a destructive cult, most of us were at least teenagers before we got involved. I know some weren't, but, we have a point of reference that was pre-cult? yes? We need to find that person once again, I think. Love you so, dear.
  13. welcome back, p-mosh. I never knew you left. But the bluebonnets are starting to bloom, so maybe you'll get to see them. ;)-->
  14. Happy Easter is right! And I'm actually going to attend Good Friday services at our church, and I'm looking forward to it. And I'm gonna dye eggs with my kids, and fix them humongouse Easter baskets for Sunday morning. Ahhh, freedom.
  15. ex10

    Yankee or Dixie?

    I have to agree with ya, ex70'shouston. I was born and raised in Dixie, but have now fully converted to Texan. God bless Texas.
  16. ex10

    Stairway to Heaven

    Tis a sad, sad day. I just heard on the radio the other day, that Foghat was doing a concert here, and was gonna check out getting tickets. Thought it'd be worth it to relive my youth. I know every dang word on Fool for the City, and thought hearing Slow Ride in the flesh might shave a few years off. :D--> Ahhh, memories. Tis a shame. I spose now they'll cancel the concert.
  17. ex10

    Yankee or Dixie?

    Hold on a dadgum minute, sky. "Pa-con" is the correct pronunciation of "pecan." At least in the part of Dixie I'm from. ;)--> Why it's the same thing as saying "prawleen" instead of "prayleen." :)--> and sisex, if I'm gonna go "fix me a coke," that means I'm gonna pour it ina glass over ice.
  18. ex10

    Yankee or Dixie?

    naw, cowgirl, you got it backwards. Although my beloved happens to be a Yankee, through no fault of his own. ;)--> Just like my gramma said when she found out the sad news, "Well, we won't hold that against him, we just won't talk about it."
  19. ex10

    Yankee or Dixie?

    Nehi grape was best used for makin purple cows, though. :)-->
  20. ex10

    Yankee or Dixie?

    ha, belle. My favorite as a kid was kickapoo joy juice. ;)--> After that, Nehi orange. Mountain Dew was best served with a box of goobers, :D--> or in a pinch, a goo-goo cluster.
  21. ex10

    Yankee or Dixie?

    and did you slap yoursillyself so hard that you tumped over? ;)-->
  22. Flat Stanley has not shown up here yet, dangit. He missed the rodeo, but maybe he'll make it for the easter egg hunt this week-end?
  23. ex10

    Yankee or Dixie?

    I'm only 90% Dixie. The 13 years I spent in Michigan must've corrupted me. Lawsa mercy!!! That is so worrisome, I'm fixin to go git me a coke out of the ice box.
  24. ex10

    HAPpy Birthday Hap

    ohmigosh hap happy birthday to the older man in my life!
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