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Everything posted by ex10

  1. Oh good grief. Churches are where Christian type people meet. My experience in churches has been very humbling. I have met so many people, with so many gifts and ministries, that I can't even begin to describe. I have been put to shame so many times, by the amazing talents of those who profess Jesus as Lord, and even among those who don't. :D Tis humbling, to be among those whom God has called. Seems like they like to hang out in church. :B)
  2. ex10

    The Cone of Ernesto

    Hurricanes, suck, big time. If it makes ya feel any better, Raf, we all here are praying for guys, alot.
  3. Gosh, I'm a latecomer to this thread. But, I have to claim guilt as the one who suggested to pipes that our emotional make-up is the part of us that is created after the image and likeness of God. I think our emotional make-up is intricately tied to our free-will decisions to follow God, or not. We either choose to pursue the character, and unending generosity of our God and Saviour, or we don't. We have emotions, so that we can choose, good over evil, love over hate, selfless giving over, lust. We have emotions, so that we can cope with life in a fallen world, one where paradise does not yet exist, one where the consequences of our choices result in light or darkness. We have emotions so that, by the grace and mercy of our God, even when darkness prevails over light, we have hope, and we can choose, to an extent, what will happen. God desires right choices, which are defined by the knowledge of Him. Of this I am convinced. And I gotta understand what He is saying by His expression of Himself in His Word, which is pretty much drawn out for us, by words, that represent His heart, His emotions about us. And what's happening in this free will universe that He created.
  4. A 5x3 doesn't do shell justice. She needs an 8x10 for sure. She is a friend, that can LISTEN. Gosh, what a talent!
  5. Glad you liked my attempt at poetry, pipes. Amazing what comes from the heart when one can't sleep. Love yu too, darlin. Can't wait to see you.
  6. ex10


    Goey The first week-end in November is when. I believe that Saturday is the 4th. See ya then!
  7. Hey Pipes A poem in your honor: The distance between us, spans years, spans time and place, but the distance between us, is only a breath, only a trace. The distance between us, is nothing when we embrace, once again. The distance between us, melts into time and space. And the distance between us, brings us together, joining us in His grace. Love you, T
  8. Too funny, suda. We took oldest daughter to A&M today. I had many of the same thoughts. Got home, and brother called me. A childhood friend, that I knew through college, dropped his daughter off at Rice today. He is staying with bro, and driving back to Memphis tomorrow. It's so funny, how we relive our own goings off to college vicariously. Somehow, the connetions we had then, stick really well. Tony dropped his daughter off, we empathized, had dinner, all was well. But I must say, I agree with you. The way connections come through like no others. Meetin my firend was cool, but after a while, you run out of stuff to say. Not so with exway friends. :B) They go above and beyond the call of duty to friendship, it seems. Ya just never run outta stuff to say. Love to you and yours, darlin.
  9. I love Paw's absolutely wicked sense of humor. Being able to laff at the stupid stuff that happens in daily life is a great talent. (especially when it happens to one's serious self.) Paw, I MISS YOU IN CHAT!!!!
  10. Sorry if that wasn't your intent. Guess it's just me.
  11. WW, um, if I may say something......... How do you expect anybody who knows anything, to contribute here? Your attitude is contencious.
  12. Oh good grief. I think it's fairly obvious that the touting of the way as a "biblical research ministry," was not true. Pretty much nobody involved with the founding of The Way, Inc. was a "biblical scholar." Maybe some really smart people got involved, and moved on to other endeavers post way. But that's about as good as it gets, Mark O, as far as I can see. Hate to be such a realist, but hey, can't help it. :B)
  13. ex10

    Weenie Roast 2006

    dooj They are both Sudo. His avatar is a couple of years old. ;)
  14. I am a latecomer to this thread, but John S. had a bachelor's degree in Philosophy from ECU before entering the Way Corps. Mark G. is working on his PhD from Earlham. Ross T was a United Methodist Minister for a number of years before his involvement with the way. After leaving the way, in the late 80's, he went back to the UM church, and is again a minister there. In order for anyone to be adjunct faculty at the Way C of E, they had to have a bachelor's degree from an accredited university. Chip S was a pretty good "scholar," but I don't know what his qualifications were pre-way. John Z (who taught Greek to the corps at Emporia) got his master's degree while working on staff at the Way C of E. Uh, that's all I can think of off the top of my head. But to answer your original question, Mark, I don't think any "scholars" who were already there, got involved with the way. My opinion and experience, of course.
  15. ex10


    So T-Bone, this means you and Tonto will be here? Yes? I would so love to meet you guys in person. :wub:
  16. ex10


    No problemo, dooj!
  17. ex10


    Well, I guess it's a go for the first week-end of November. Our fellowship here met last night, and even though not everybody posts at GS, they are into helping out by hosting the doo at their home, (possibly) helping with food and cooking, whatever. They are a great bunch! I knew I could count on them to help. But we really do need a head count first off, so we can start planning. So if anybody besides Pipes wants to fly in and needs a place to stay or a ride from the airport, (Bush Intercontinental is on our side of town) we have plenty of resources. Anybody who needs help figuring out the logistics can pm me. A good time will be had by all, I guarandangtee!
  18. ex10


    Pipes, I promise to refrain from witnessing to you, and trying to convert you to Texan. ;)
  19. Ha! JL and Tommy. Can I be the event planner too? I don't mind being on the committee, just don't want anybody telling me how to do my job. Snort and guffaw......
  20. ex10


    Wheeee doggies, pipes. We's gonna have us some fun!!!
  21. OK, call me a rebel. But why would we need anybody to "run" anything? The question itself bugs me, because it implies that one person is needed to "run" things. Talk to me about anybody "running" anything, and I'm "running" the other way. harumph!
  22. ex10


    Ok, I guess since the food is sorted out kinda, we need to pick a date and then have a show of hands how many people can come. The first week-end of November is good for us. That's Saturday, Nov. 4th. I'll take care of the place, if you and Tommy can help out with the food, Dooj. I prefer to do it at someone's house, since it's nice to have a kitchen and bathrooms. We have many choices here. We can do it at my house, or one of my brothers', and some of the people in our fellowship here have said we could use their house. So it will depend on the size of the crowd whose house we use. But that I can figure out when we have a show of hands. But like I said, the first week-end of November works for us here. And the weather should be tolerable by then. This will be fun!!!
  23. ex10


    Seeing as how we are Texans, we must barbeque something......
  24. ex10


    Ok, so what do we do about food?
  25. Ohmigosh, free soul!! I love James Blunt. I can't believe you posted this song......
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