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Everything posted by ex10

  1. ex10


    Hope you have the bestest of days!
  2. Ohmigosh! Sudo! You know you are talking about my alma mater?
  3. ex10

    Texas BBQ

    Well, so far we have about 30 "for sures" coming to our BBQ, and about 15 or so "maybes." Can't wait!
  4. ex10

    Texas BBQ

    Gosh, ok, I confess, to being from TN, borned and raised.
  5. ex10


    Sorry, we won't see ya, CA Dreamin. But you know you are welcome to come on down for a visit anytime. :wub:
  6. ex10

    Texas BBQ

    Jonny! I tell ya what. If you come down for our doo, I will suspend our "no skinny dippin in the hot tub" rule, just for you.
  7. ex10

    Southern Heritage

    Well, me being a Southerner, who grew up pretty close to where Sudo did, who now lives in Texas, (by choice) I feel as if I have the best of both worlds. My Grandmother and all her family are from East Texas, so I did grow up with a love for Texas that seems to be inbred here. Every summer, her family has a reunion, it's always the 3rd Sunday in June. When I was a kid, it was a treat to be one of the grandchildren chosen to go to the reunion with my grandparents. My Mom and all my brothers and their families live here in Texas. Once we all grew up, we all chose to live close to one another, and picked this place as our home. And none of us has any intentions on leaving.....ever. A couple of weeks ago, my daughter got us tickets for the TX A&M/Louisiana game. I don't think I've ever experienced Tradition, Pride, and a comradeship like I have at A&M. I am proud to have an Aggie daughter, yes I admit it. Experiencing a football game at Kyle Field is too awesome for words. (and yes, I've been to tons of college footballs games, in many stadiums across the country.) Texas is the only state that fought a War For Independence, and entered the Union as a Sovreign Nation. Hence, the rich history, and strong sense of TX Pride. Even my Yankee husband, has converted to Texan, and will admit it (if he's had enough whiskey and a cigar or two.) Ok, ok, the Michigan Fight song does bring a tear or two to his eyes, but he loves it here as well. God Bless TX! And I'm proud to be a Southerner.
  8. ex10

    Texas BBQ

    No freekin way, Jonny! Are you really gonna be here? or just pulling my leg........ And lori, you get immunity from bringing any food since you are flying in. We'll put ya to work when ya get here.
  9. ex10

    Texas BBQ

    Our TX BBQ will be held on Saturday, Nov. 4th at my house. We want to make it comfortable for people to just come over as they arrive in town. So starting at noon on Saturday, we'll put out munchies and a light lunch for whoever is around, and at 6:00 Saturday night, we will serve our BBQ. Then on Sunday morning, we'll do a brunch at 11:00 for anybody who spent the night in town. For all you who need directions to my house, email me at jolise126@yahoo.com. I also have a list of hotels in The Woodlands that I can email you. If you are flying in, please make sure you fly into Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. If you need a ride from the airport, let me know and we will see what can be worked out. (The other Houston airport, Hobby, is far from my house, so if you land there, you are on your own.) Pack a swim suit if you want to get in the hot tub. Hear that, Dmiller? And thanks guys for all the offers to help and bring stuff and all that. We didn't want this whole thing to be a burden for one person, and you guys have made it so easy to plan. Dooj is keeping a list of who's bringing what. Right Dooj? If there's anything else I didn't think of, let me know. Can't wait, can't wait, til the Big Day. We'll have blast.
  10. Hey that test was fun. I ended up being the same as Suda. ***Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence*** You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others. Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel. You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations. A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict. You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person. What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have? http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofintell...edoyouhavequiz/
  11. Dooj.....LOLOL! Can I be the Important Somebody Who Presents the Nobel Prize for Cheesecake? And just for the record, I most certainly can be bought! ;)
  12. Have a wonderful day, Tonto. Can't wait to meet you and your dearly beloved at our Italian BBQ. :wub:
  13. ex10

    6th (Sickth) Corps

    Hmmm, I remember details, but not the scenario. Funny how that works.
  14. ex10

    6th (Sickth) Corps

    Wow, not to intrude, but I was a lowly staff member, back stage gopher, at this pre Rock thingy, when you guys all showed up. I didn't have a green name tag, just a wood-grain one, and I was all of 19 years old, but I looked 15. I wasn't 7th interim corps, so there was nowhere for me to hide. I remember lotza stuff. That whole meeting was a major fiasco/dare I say? unprepared for ......mistake? Everybody was freekin mad, about everything. I quit my job on staff, and went WOW. Not a smart career move, but the lesser of many evils at the time. Love you guys.
  15. ex10


    Hey cool chef! I hope I'm not too late to wish you the bestest of birthdays. Love, hugs, and many happy meals.
  16. ex10


    Hey, hon! (as we say here in Texas!) Can't wait to meet you and taste the bbq. Wish your dearly beloved would come too. Can I help twist her (lovely, I'm sure) arm? We gonna have a good time! Don't want Deb to miss out. Mi casa, su casa.
  17. ex10

    White Dove

    Have a wonderful day, my friend. :wub: (How did we get this old, anyway?)
  18. Hope you have a wonderful birthday evening, dear Flow!
  19. ex10


    I suppose we could make it an Italian bbq. Brisket is a good thing, because it can be made ahead of time, and is easy to serve. By the way, dooj, I do have double ovens here, which will help. And of course we should have at least one Ro-tel dish, in honor of our Yankee friends, who've never experienced the greatness of Ro-tel.
  20. Much love to you and yours, on your special day! T
  21. ex10


    Hey cool, Mo!!! Now you'll have to email me a picture, so I know who I'm picking up at the airport. I spose I could just stand in baggage claim with a sign that says, "MO." :) Dooj, there will probably be at least a dozen of us from here in attendance, including moi and husband.
  22. ex10


    Hey ex70's, thanks for the offer. I've never had cabrito before. I don't know if butchering it in the back yard will work though. Our yard is pretty small and mostly taken up by the deck and hot tub, so it could be a challenge. And then I have no idea what we'd do with the uh, trash. But I'll check with my husband, and see what he thinks. Too bad we don't have a couple acres in the country, then it would be no big deal. One of the guys in our fellowship offered to roast a pig at his house. But he has the same problem we do. Small subdivision lot with not alot of room, and what back yard there is, is mostly deck and pool. We'll have to think on it, and see if it can be done.
  23. ex10


    OK, for those of you who haven't read all of this conversation, here' s the details on our TX Barbeque. (That I know so far.) It will happen on the first week-end of November. That Saturday is Novemeber 4th. It will be in The Woodlands, TX, just North of Houston right off I-45. I was thinking of starting around 1 o'clock or so on Saturday, and just going til whenever. We will probably plan a brunch or something on Sunday morning for those who spent the night and are still around. Everyone is welcome, whether you are a Texan, non-Texan, or wannabe Texan. Tom Strange and Dooj are in charge of food. So in order to plan properly and make sure our food is covered, we need to have a head count by October 10th or so I think. Dooj, I guess you two need to figure out how you want to organize the food. If anyone is coming here from out of town, especially if you are flying in, I can organize rides from the airport and all that, but of course, that all needs to be planned ahead of time. If anybody wants to come in on Friday night, November 3rd, we'll be here. Whoever doesn't want a hotel bill, and wants to stay at either my house, or someone else's, let me know, and that can be arranged as well. I know it's still a couple of months off, but we wanted to give people enough time to plan ahead, and the weather will be tolerable for outdoor activities by then. It will be lotza fun, and a good time will be had by all, I'm absolutly sure.
  24. ex10


    Yeah, we are on for my house, on November 4th. Suda come, Mom will be here! When the date gets closer I will post directions, etc. If you need a place to stay, and don't wanna do the hotel thing, just let me know. We have tons of room, as do our fellowshippers. Please come! Mom would love to see you guys, as would I! Love T
  25. One of the greatest things about church is that we all meet on equal ground. The thing we have in common is our faith in Jesus Christ. Seems it doesn't matter so much what one does for a living, or what one's social status is, outside of church. Everybody seems to be on equal footing. That's what I love about it. ;)
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