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Everything posted by ex10
Now that BBQ is drawing closer, and time for planning is shorter, could we have a show of hands who is definitely planning on being here this year?
Ok, I'm ignoring all the techy stuff, as I don't get it. Sorry. My mom and I cared for my bed ridden Dad for 4 years, here in the Houston area. Speaking from experience here.....(He is no longer living, passed away in 2003.) My Dad was bedridden, on a feeding tube, and oxygen. He also had a defibultor for his heart, and needed dialysis. Evacuation was NOT AN OPTION. We couldn't get him out on our own. And there was no help available. If we evacuated, he would have died. These are the kinds of choices people are faced with. Not everyone can just pack up and leave at a moment's notice.
Ha Twinky! There's a thought. Work for beer and BBQ?
Thanks everyone for the concern and thoughtful messages. About 9:30 this morning, our power came back on. From what I can tell, much of our town is up and running now. The power went out sometime early Saturday morning, and our landline phone worked until Sunday nite, then went out. Cell phone service is sketchy, and our cable and internet is working, obviously. It was really nice to hear from so many patrons of the cafe, and eased the discomfort of sitting around in the dark. Since my dearly beloved had to fly out Monday morning to Dallas for a business training, Jr. went and stayed with a friend that never lost power in Tomball, and I went to my brother's house in Spring. He has a generator to keep the fridge and a couple of other things running. So I was semi comfortable at his house. Mom and assorted other kin are at the lake house in New Braunfels, so they have been quite comfy, and actually haven't seen the havoc here. My place of work isn't up and running yet, though, so I'm having to operate from home as best I can. My boss talked to the mayor of the town where our office is, and all 3 power stations were damaged. The mayor said it could be 3 or 4 weeks before the electricity is restored there. I am the only employee (besides my bosses that are staying with their daughter) that has power now, so we'll see how that situation works out. One of my coworkers had her house flood and has had to move out. Nothing is salvagable. :( There are still very long lines at the gas stations that are open, but I expect that situation to abate pretty quickly since our town partially came up this morning. I just heard on the news though, that there are still 1.8 million without power in the Houston area. It will probably be a while before the tree gets off our house. Many of our neighbors had trees actually go through the roofs and cause structural damage to their homes, so they are the priority as far as removal goes. We are very fortunate that we didn't get any structural or water damage from the fallen tree. The bad news is, our insurance deductable is a pretty staggering amount, I just now found out. And it will be weeks before an adjustor comes out. George and Mr. P- I'm really glad you and yours are ok. Hopefully we will meet at the BBQ. Thanks again for all the kindnesses.
As long as Chrispy doesn't have to deliver any babies during the BBQ week-end, I'm sure she will figure out Skype for us. Otherwise, that can be Tom Stange's job assignment. It'll keep him out of trouble, maybe.
What I thought was interesting is, the questionaire at the end of the test asked if you know your Myer's Briggs type. I am very familiar with that test, as I have used it in many applications over the years. I am an ENFP. I've taken the Myers Briggs many time over the years, starting in about 1983. I had to take it for a job thingty about a year ago. It was my 5th time. I am solidly an ENFP, from 1983 til now. As far as these personality type tests go, I know by personal experience, it's the most consistent and heavily relied upon personality test, in business and psycological applications. The thing is, it usually has to be administered by a professional, and is much more detailed than the normal business type thing, bosses use to evaluate sales personel, etc. So if you really want to know where you stand, or get a personal evaluation, the Myers Briggs is used in many different arenas, from jobs to psychology. Ok, that's my plug, back to our regularly scheduled program.....
as is Don Henley. We so rock.
Ha, Seth. I agree. Sex outside of marriage was forbidden. But looking back, it wasn't because of the cult, as much as it was my upbringing. Somehow I joined the cult, bringing my deeply instilled values with me. Yes, they served me well, but also messed me up, as I assumed my "Christian" upbringing still applied. ie, The Way was a "Christian Organization."
I took the test. It was fun. I'm an artist, leader, enthusiast, helper. Hmm, does this mean I'm schizophrenic?
I'm really not in the mood for a hurricane. Yeah, I'm 80 miles from the coast.... and so? I still have memories of 2005, Katrina and Rita, and the evacuation of Houston, and the weeks of "brown outs," and the limbs and trees down, and the flooding and wondering what the heck? When can we get back to normal? Which has never happened by the way. Katrina and Rita redefined "normal" for me and mine, and the city of Houston. Having 18 foot ceilings in my house, glass walls, surrounded by lotza big trees....umm, shall I say? I am a bit concerned? Lord help you guys in FL......
Ah, Mr. P. I'm not so much worried about my stuff, as your precious cherub. ;) But when they are still that little, they cling to Mama and Papa, so I'm sure she will be fine. And loved and adored and ooohed and ahhhhed over.
And I just have to add for all you music fans, Lyle Lovett is an A&M alumnus. ;)
Getting back to Dooj's comment about kids, in case anyone is wondering.....The BBQ is definitely an adult time. Adult beverages are served, and adult conversation does happen. In the past, with my own teenage kids, certain questions came up about topics of conversation, (ie sexual abuse, adultery, intimidation tactics, things about former "leadership" who have been friends, etc.) and my beloved and I had alot of 'splaining to do. :unsure: So anyone who is bringing kids, please use your own discretion. It's not that they are not welcome, but this BBQ is not really a "family gathering." I'm just going by the flavor of the past 2 years. Mr. P-Mosh, I don't think a one yr. old will have any problems, except my house is not baby proof. I would love to meet your family. And I think we might end up with a much bigger crowd this year, by the inquiries I've gotten into hotels and flights. The more the merrier! Anyone who needs more information or discussion, please feel free to pm me. I haven't checked in much during the week lately, due to overload at work, but I always check in on week-ends.
And I thought I was being politically correct....Geeze, I don't know what the name of the airport is now. Some people know it as Bush, some as Intercontinental. IAH is the code. :B)
Thomas L B, You might not realize this fact, but I happened to be from Memphis, the true BBQ capital of the world. Pork rules, yes. But seeing as how I have TX roots as well, and now have chosen TX as my humble home, I still haven't totally resolved the BBQ issue. Beef brisket works pretty well, when you dress it up with oinions and jalapenos, and of course, Southern sauce. When my beloved cooks the BBQ, it is, of course always a pork shoulder in the smoker with thin vinegar based sauced, and mustard slaw. However, when in TX, do as the Texans. Our pork BBQ is reserved for special VIP's, when we do it our own selves. :B) We do what we must. ;)
I remember the toga party. :lol: And the keg party at some rock quarry? with a fire and all us Wows partying heartily as unto the Lord?
Jim, You ask a totally interesting question, which I can't answer. Approaching the question from the point of "Where wouldn't I be?" is amuch easier reply, for me anyway. I wouldn't be talking to you, cherishing the memories we share, looking forward to seeing you and meeting your beloved, and catching up on family news, from days long ago and faraway, where what we did together, brought us to where we are now. Ok, I admit, that's a convoluted answer to your question. But somehow, I don't mind being where I am today. In fact, I like the place in space I occupy. I can scootch over, and make room for you again. We wouldn't have that, not would we? We'll see where it leads us. That's what I love about where I am. :wub: Ok, if I'm made no sense whatsoever, just ignore the reply. We can do that here.
All this BBQ talk is making me think I need to get organized. But, since I wasn't born with the organization gene, we just take it as it comes. George is of course, correct in his synopsis of the weekend. Friday night is the pregame dinner for whoever happens to be in town, and wants to show up. The official BBQ day is Saturday, starting around noonish. The day is filled with food, and thanks to Tom Strange, beer. Dooj is the kitchen queen, my beloved her right hand, and they coordinate all the scruptous edibles. Tonto is the wine goddess, T-bone the photographer, and I usually end up helping folks figure out accomodations and flights. (And I might add, giving directions to all lost wanderers who didn't follow the directions I gave them to start with.) George keeps us all rolling our eyes with jokes, and the countess brings her famous potato salad. We usually stay up till the cock crows thrice, then sleep for 15 minutes. Then on Sunday, whoever can still hang out does. We do a loose, informal "not-a- fellowship" which last year happened at about 11ish I think. After that, lunch, and everybody gets kicked out by 4pm or so, so I can clean up. Of course, the folks that have Monday flights usually end up sticking around for a supper of leftovers on Sunday, and then hang out til we are all so bleary eyed, that sleep is not optional, but required. To do the Skype thingy, we need a techie volunteer. Any takers? ;) All I need is a head count a couple of weeks before, so Dooj and I can plan the food. Anybody who needs hotel and flight information can either pm or email me. Like George said, if you are flying into Houston, we are about 45 minutes from Bush Intercontinental Airport. I can't really arrange picking up people from the airport, but there is a shuttle to the big Marriot which is only a few minutes from my house, and close to where most of the hotels are, where most out of towners (with cars even) end up staying. If anybody else needs any more info, you know where to find me. :B) And Twinky, last year the hot tub had a leak, so we never got to do our soaking thing. And no, we haven't fixed it yet. It's been on my to do list all year, but then you know what a procrastinator I am. But of course if Dave Miller is coming, and insists on experiencing the hot tub........
Twinky, pleeze don't count it out this yr. After all, you never know what's around the corner. And Mr. P, and CA dreaming, it's a rockin good time. Mr. P especially, dear. How many years have we been talkin about gettin together? I would so love to meet your sweet, sweet family. And CA, geeze, it's about dang time...Old friends are the golden ones.... :wub:
Egads, Jim is right. The big regret of my wow year, is my way cool bike, getting ripped off. Long story, but when we went Wow, it was my most prized posession, and Jim made room in his, what was that black, sooped up car you had? anyway, Jim fit it in his back seat, and toted it for me from OH to TX. Oh with a stop at Mom's house along the way. Do you remember that, Jim?
Ok, t-bone, Kris is on garage detail. ;) I'm sure once we push all our junk up against the walls, we will be soundproofed. Jeff has a pa system with some awesome boze speakers, mix board and such stuff. It's old, but hey, it stills sounds awesome.
Oh yeah and I forgot to add......my beloved is not cooking this year, that's up to dooj, what he wants to do is jam with all you who play instruments. So, if you can manage, bring your instruments, and let us know what needs to be electrified. A jam session is totally in order; but I need to know if we need to clean out our garage or not for playing. If it's not too loud, we can jam on the deck, after we warn the neighbors. If it's gonna be loud, we have to clean out the garage, so let me know. ;)
Gosh, I guess I should respond here. It's official, my house, 2nd weekend in Nov. OK, that's like Nov. 8th, for all you calendar deficient patrons. We will do the usual, Friday nite pregame, Saturday is the big doo, Sunday morning fellowship at 9am, ok more like 10, and then brunch. All are welcome, bring food if you live near, otherwise if you want to contribute, see me and give me whatever funds you want to donate. Not required, but appreciated. Any leftoverbucks after food costs go to GS. And I must announce, my wow brother from 1978, who I don't think I've seen since then, will be here! Can't wait to see you, Jim. We so rock. Just tell me when you are going to show up, and we will have food and beer. (Alternative beverages are left up to the individual patrons.) Don't worry might be coerced into bring lobster once again. So he is exempt from the alternative beverage arrangement. Just let me know by pm if you need directions, hotel lists, plane info, etc. I am a true font of information.
Hey yeah. I have detailed notes, go figure.