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Everything posted by ex10
Back before he took himself waaaaaay too seriously, he could tell a pretty funny story or two.
Mary Poppins Speaking of someone who serves...... I heard through the grapevine that you hosted a close friend of mine from the 10th at your home last May or so. The other day, I got an email from him, and he is in the states, but we won't be able to get together I don't think. He has a full itinerary, and isn't coming anywhere near my house. :( But we were jokin around saying it'll probably be easier for us to meet up in the UK than here. Which is true.........I told him to let me know when he plans to be there next.
Hey Pete Can we do our next Greasespot BBQ at your house? :) I'll bring J and he'll be the grill meister. And your lovely Mrs. and I will chatter about with everyone. And you can be in charge of Beer. ;) Back to our regularly scheduled program........
Twinky, glad you enjoyed the phone call. I suspected you might get a kick out of it.
Well, Pipes and I just sent dooj on her merry way home. So sad to see her leave. :( We are so exhausted, we are both delirious. :blink: We did sit out on the deck, around the campfire til Pipes heard an interesting sound. After much deliberation, the consensus was, yes indeedy doo, that is a rooster crowing. OMG! Needless to say, Hap was right. We partied way too late for our advanced ages. I predict a nap in my immediate future.
Thanks so much, Twinky, for giving us the highlights of your week-end. Sounds like you had a lovely time, as did everyone.
George, Come anytime you wanna after noon or so. Our official BBQ time is 6 pm, but some people are coming to hang out in the afternoon before then. One of our guests is allergic to wheat, but I think there will be plenty of wheat free items for him to enjoy. Can't wait to meet you and the countess. I thought we'd do a short prayer/fellowship thing at about 9ish on Sunday morning for anyone who wants to be here. (No teachings, I promise. :) ) Then we'll do brunch at 11:00 am. But of course you know, being a Texan, all times are approximate.
Gosh, davey, wish you could be here. We live here in The Woodlands, because of our close proximity to the countryside, and all things non-city related. We decided to move to Houston, a few years ago, but since we love horses, dogs, and all such country related thangs, we moved to the outskirts of ......My beloved worked down in Houston, so we had to be within a reasonable commute, yet have access to horses and such. We chose the best of both worlds. Wish you could ride with me and Pipes, on Friday am.
Sorry pipes, no western saddles, but we'll manage. Wheee doggies!
Hey pipes, seriously, you wanna go riding Friday in the am? I will arrange it. There is nothing as awesome as seeing a TX sunrise on horseback, I promise. :)
Hey, I was kidding.....I'm not gonna make anybody get on a horse or nothing..........the worst thang I will subject anybody to is, bbq, I promise. :B)
Well, I was thinkin, if it's just a few of us here, maybe we outta just go out to the barn, saddle up a few horses, and go out for a trail ride. Anybody up for sore butts? and walking bowlegged for a few days? :D
Pete, So when Geer left The Way Int., did most of Europe follow him, or stay with TWI? Does Geer have any influence in Europe, especially the UK, currently? I suppose someone must be supporting him and his organization. I'm just wondering how prevalent his influence is among exwayfers there. Is it the later corps who finished their training at Gartmore who support him now? And there any of the corps who were trained in the US still with him? I know I have lotz of questions, but you know how nosy I am. It's hard to get a sense of what happened in Europe after Pop. It's fairly easy to see what happened in the US, from an American perspective. I have always wondered why on earth an American was sent to run things at Garmore? Anyway, thanks for talking, Pete.
Hey Mo. I pmed you, but you haven't read it yet, according to my message tracker. I need your flight info again, cause I accidently deleted the message that contained it. And the doorbell just now rang, and it was duntdadah!!!! Reindeer Sausage!
Oh, ok, I get it now. ;) The advantage of having a seperate forum, it seems to me would be, for those who want information about spin off groups. It would be easier to find the threads, if they are in one place.
Yeah, you guys, what is really going on in the UK that we haven't heard? Does Geer still have a following there? What is his status? Is he still considered the MOG or what? It's hard for us in the US to get word of him.
Just my opinion, but if the ex-way splinters don't want to take on a forum for their stuff, why should Gresespot? Nobody here can speak for anybody else, and if they (the splinters, groups, whatever) don't want to take the time to moderate it, answer questons, be patient with people, why should anyone here? It just seems to me if they wanted an open discussion forum, they would run it. Evidently, it's not that important to them. If they don't want to bother, why should we?
I hope you have a great week-end with your friends, Twinky. You'll have to tell us all about it, so we can know what we missed. ;)
This thread is so funny and timely. Just this week, I had to attend a staff meeting, and explain what I do. So...........boss said, will you pleeze make a flow chart explaining the processes you handle. I said, "uh, pleeze give me a blank canvas, and a new box of oil patels, and I will gladly draw what I do." "You knew when you hired me I was right brained." His response, "uh, ok, well, just keep doing what you are doing, and let me in on it, sometimes.....we'll move on." I love him for that.
Tom, I was just walking out on my believing. After all, positive confession yields receipt of confession.
Hi Twinky! So nice to see you here. Pull up a chair and I'll order us a cup of tea. :)
George, don't worry, we've got plenty of room, even if another Monsoon heads our way. And Tonto, no problem with heating stuff up. Cheers, ya'll!
Ok, here's the list of for sure BBQ Attendees: Mr. and Mrs. ex10 and kids Mom Mr. and Mrs. Tom Strange and Mom Ilovebagpipes Doojable Templelady Lori Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeSt.George Mr. and Mrs. JBarrax T-bone and Tonto Rumrunner Goey Mr. and Mrs. Rush7 Mr. and Mrs. Brother of ex10 and kids Another Brother of ex10 RichnCrispy (of Waydale fame) Exway friends of ex10 who live nearby Here's the maybe list so far: dmiller whitedove Mr. and Mrs. P-Mosh Various ex10 friends and relatives Mr. and Mrs. Ywhodoesn'tgotochurch And thanks to Templelady, we are going to be treated to Reindeer Sausage straight from Alaska. We will also sample Mrs. George's well reknowned potato salad. And some of our brisket will be compliments of the Tomball, TX Chamber of Commerce (who happen to be selling brisket for their annual fundraiser, so we bought a 10 lb. one) Rumrunner is bringing wine from chile, and of course, cheesecake. My Mom is bringing chips, queso, (Ro-tel, of course) and her famous 7-layer dip. My husband is making his stuffed jalapenos (not for the faint of heart) So we are also going to need: beverages, probably more brisket, cole slaw, and any other side dishes one might choose to bring. I have paper plates and napkins galore. Special thanks to Dooj who is helping me keep track of all this. ;) So anybody else who wants to join in the fun, now's the time to plan it. Our big day is Saturday, Nov. 4th. at my house in The Woodlands, TX. The weather should be perfect. Be there or be square.