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Everything posted by ex10

  1. Hi Johniam. Good to see you still have your sense of humor.
  2. Oh and another minor point. Paul was a murderer BEFORE he became a Christian. He met Jesus Christ, received His forgiveness and went on to become an apostle. VPW committed his atrocities when he should have been pastoring the flock. Instead, he chose to take advantage of his "position," and use people for his own lusts. I don't think the apostle Paul did that. So comparing VPW to Paul is ridiculous. Aren't we as Christians supposed to be followers of Jesus Christ? Somehow, I don't think Jesus approved of VP's behavior, regardless of whether or not he quoted scripture, or "taught the Bible." Another debatable factoid.
  3. Minor point really, because the idea of comparing VPW to men in the bible like David and Paul, is really offensive, BUT.... both David and Paul repented of their sin, and changed their behavior. VPW didn't.
  4. Hope you enjoy your day!
  5. Handel's water music....Perfect!
  6. Hope you have the most wonderful day ever! with much love, and many astounding surprises! Love and hugs, my dearest friend. :wub:
  7. Hope you two have the specialest of days together!
  8. Dearest Hopefull Have the most wonderful day! :wub:
  9. ex10

    Southern charm

    Ha ha Suda. I have that same shirt. Daddy bought it for me when I lived in Michigan, and was complainin about the lack of turnip greens and fried okra up there. :B)
  10. Sangat has taught his own class for years, as well as put his teachings in manuscript form for anybody who wants them. He did do some teachings for CFF, because they asked him to. But as far as being "affiliated" with them, he is "affiliated" with anybody who wants him to teach. Doesn't really matter who they are.
  11. Sangat was in the 10th corps, not the 17th, and he is not associated with CFF at all, except he spoke at some of their meetings. His church has grown independently of TWI or any of its offshoots. Sangat evidently has a pretty powerful gift for healing, according to the reports I've heard.
  12. Have a wonderful day! :wub:
  13. Much love and many hugs, my friend! Hope it's a fantastic day for you.
  14. I met my Beloved at Emporia, our last year in-rez. We met New Year's Eve, I mean like talked for the first time. He asked me to marry him on Valentine's Day, I accepted a couple days later. (Had to think about it, and not seeem too eager.) Then we got married in the Corps Wedding in July. This year is our 25th Anniversary, and my best friend (at the time) who was our Best Lady will be here this summer visiting from England, just in time for our Big Party. (She is British, and I haven't seen her since 1984.) I honestly can't say that all our years have been filled with wedded bliss, seeing as how we were in a cult and all, but if I had it to do over, I wouldn't do it any differently. :B) He is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I cherish my life with him. :wub:
  15. Happiest of days, George! Hope the sun comes out down your way...
  16. Hope it's a great one, Kath!
  17. ex10

    10th Corps

    I received an email from Doug and Rosie Harrison asking if there is any interest in a 10th corps reunion sometime in the future. If anybody is interested, email me at: jolise126@yahoo.com, and I'll forward you the information I have.
  18. Enjoy your outing, SV! And have the wonderfulest of days.
  19. Hope it's a memorable day for you and yours!
  20. Thanks QT. I couldn't remember if I had spelled his name correctly.
  21. I can't remember how to spell his last name. If anybody still has our graduating corps list (polar bear? Keynote? Cacoon chuckers?) it was be on there. But I it's Jan Henriksen.
  22. I admit to just now skimming through this thread. For what it's worth, Bumpy is telling the truth about the Oslo murders. I found about it after I had left the Way in 1989ish. It was quite shocking news to me, because I knew the murderer in-rez, better than I knew most people. We "dated" briefly. In fact, I had even introduced him to my parents. But when I googled his name, I didn't find anything about the incident. I just remember what I was told happened, way back when. So very sad........
  23. ex10


    Cheers! :wub:
  24. ex10

    GreaseSpot's Birthday

    Yeah! No more nekkid heineys.
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