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Everything posted by ex10
Hey, George, it all started with you and Tom Strange wanting to come for dinner. As long as you and your beloved are here, and Tom, it's a BBQ! We'll do it here, same place, the first weekend in November. Thanks for inviting yourself for dinner! You know you started this.
I'm sorry I missed it. I tried to get in, but there was a problem with my computer, and it wouldn't run the program. :(
Hey George, Your times are right for getting from the airports to the front of The Woodlands, but then you gotta add 15 to 20 minutes to get to from I-45 to the NW corner where I live. ;) The fastest I've ever made it from Bush Intercontinental to my house and vice versa is about 30 minutes. And that was flying down the Hardy Toll Road with no cops or traffic. The trip from Hobby totally depends on time of day and traffic. We are hammering out a few more details for the BBQ, and as soon as we get it all figured out, we will let everyone know, so ya'll have as much time as possible to plan.
Not to derail the weenie roast thread, but I've heard rumblings of some cows needing bbq-ing in TX. October or November works for me. But I don't wanna do it unless Tommy Strange comes....... Maybe we could transplant the BBQ to New England? Or the weenie roast to TX?
Hope it' a happy day for you, Dooj! :wub:
Lately it's been Snow Patrol and I'm tapping my feet waiting for the new Lifehouse CD in a couple of days.
Oh geeze. Being one of those in-rez corps persons who tutored Greek, and wrote some of those "literals" please take my word for it. What we did, with what we had, should by no means be considered as the be all, end all, do all for that stuff. We did the best with what we had, which wasn't enough to be the final authority on anything. Just trust me on this one. We were total novices, compared to the scholastic world which existed outside of our realm. Pax.
Hey, give me a date and I will totally work around it. The first week-end in Novemeber works, but if you guys want to do it sooner, let me know. I am totally flexible. If ya'll don't mind the heat of August or September, tis fine by me. I'm just accomodating the Yankees among us. :)
I must say, I have made some friends here, one or three, that I'm pretty sure I will keep forever. :wub: And the greatness of it all is, I can tell them how I feel about lotza different things in life, and most importantly, how I feel about them in particular. There's something really freeing about being able to say, "Gosh, I am so glad I know you, and you are my friend."
Ohmigosh, Kit. My great uncle fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He survived, but was taken as a prisoner of war, and spent the remainder of the war in a German prison camp. When he came home to his family, he weighed less than 90 pounds. I'm happy to report, that he is alive and well, enjoying the end of his days here on this planet. He has never spoken of his wartime experience to anyone, as far as we know. God bless him, and all like him. He has lived a full life, and is very thankful for all of it. Sniff.....
Oh geeze, Eagle. Just to clear up some confusion.......... Mick and Paddy are NOT, I repeat NOT, the same person. Mick was indeed in the 9th corps. His brother, Paddy, was in one of the family corps, I do believe. I know this for sure, as I spent some time with Mick last May, and asked after his brother.
Pipes, my friend. I have to agree with my friend dooj, and ask you very politely, and in the most loving way......to just SHUT UP. Enuff is enuff. You have a difference in the way an issue was handled. Ok. Handle it privately, or just live with it. The Way Inc., stunk at conflict management. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is having flashbacks.
So for those of us who missed it, :( how do we listen now?
Need help thinking this through: Agape? or Arrogance?
ex10 replied to Shifra's topic in About The Way
Ohmigosh! My old friend from, dare I say it? WAYDALE DAYS? Shhh....Has it been that long? To answer your question, maybe the love (and mercy, which I can't seperate from love) that we give out, is what we receive in the end? My own opinion is that God is Love, and we are created in His Image and Likeness. I think I've read that somewhere in the Bible, in a past life. Maybe, I don't know, I'm still testing the waters, but maybe, we have a much bigger capacity to LOVE, than we think we have? And maybe, just a thought, but maybe we will be measured some day by how much we gave? Could it be, that that's how much we will get back? And much, much more, just knowing how God is..... -
Black & White thinking and inductive reasoning
ex10 replied to another spot's topic in About The Way
Just FYI...Inductive Reasoning is an offshoot of Systematic Theology, and the Inductive Method of Bible Study is a whole topic in and of itself. It is just one of many hermaneutical approaches. It happens to be the approach that VP and company employed, and heartily endorsed as the only RIGHT WAY to approach the scriptures. If anybody wants to broaden their horizons, there are other ways to study, and approach the scriptures. I think that might be the point of this thread. Forgive me if I'm being presumptous. Another Spot, right on! -
Have a happening day, my dearest! :wub:
I can't believe I missed the party. :( But I'm listening now.
So is there going to be a party in chat tonight?
Have a wonderful day, Hope!!
Wow, Oak, you really know how to ask the questions. My short answer is, any "belief system" that treats people, and real life relationships as secondary, is suspect. Idealogies are great for discussion, teachings, debate, whatever, but when people don't understand the basics of family relationships, friendships, work, and basic things about getting along in life, forget about it. Talk all you want about how good God is, and how great life is supposed to be, but if you can't resolve conflicts that all humans have, something is really wrong. If people can't do things like make a decent living, love and support their families, have rewarding friendships............uh, what else is left? Yeah, I re-evaluated everything I was taught.
Everytime I think I understand "the scriptures," something happens in my real life relationships that reminds me, I don't know beans, and I was a total idiot for thinkin I did in the first place. :unsure: What good is "knowing the Bible" if my relationships with others are not good? For me, the Bible is a book about "becoming more like Him," and if I can't translate that into my day by day dealings with other sojourners here on this planet, whose space I happen to share, then what good is my "knowledge." Just my rant.
Wow, geeze, I was goin to reply, but something wierd happened. And Evan's post came up in my reply. So sorry. But what I was going to say, is the whole "sonship rights" nomenclature, seems to be pretty American in its essence. When talking to people of other cultures, the idea of "rights" doesn't quite communicate. :unsure:
Don't mind me, I'm busy. But it does occur to me, that maybe the real issue here is not VPW, and what he did or didn't do, etc. Maybe the real question, that maybe we all want the answer to is, (pleeze forgive me for being presumptuous) to be asked is: "Can any good thing come out of VP Wierwille's 'Ministry.'" Should I start a new topic? :B) Let me know, but it seems that there are many lately, that don't really get to the heart of the matter. I like cutting to the chase. :ph34r: Peace, love, dove.