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Everything posted by ex10
Hope it was a wonderful day, BB!
Hope it was a great day for you, Top!
Waytrix I live in the Houston metro area, actually in the furthest north suburb, The Woodlands. I love living here, and am here by choice, and am not planning on moving away ever. The positives about living here are many for me. I love the climate, as it is sub-tropical. Yes, it is hot and humid during the summer, but 9 months out of the year are beautiful. The ocean is about 80 miles away, and the hill-country is awesome, and within a couple hours drive. Our family likes horses, so we can ride all year round. Where I live is perfect, because the city (and all its amenities) is just a half hour drive south, and the countryside (full of barns and stables and nice places to keep horses) is about 10 minutes in any other direction. Bush Intercontinental airport is one of the busiest in the world, in the top 5 anyway, and is a great place to travel from. Easy in, easy out, and because it's a Continental hub, there are many non-stop flights to many major European cities, not just American ones. Housing prices are low here compared to other big cities. It's still possible to find a great family home for under 200,000 dollars, less than that is some neightborhoods. The public schools here are great. as long as you aren't in the Houston city schools. There is no state income tax. Unemployment is the lowest it's been in decades. Don't know what you do for work, but the Construction industry, commercial as well as residential is booming here. I love the culture here, being from the South anyway. Folks are quite friendly. There are tons of churches, that play a pretty influencial part in the community, if you are interested. What I love about the "mega-churches" here, is that there is plenty of opportunity to volunteer and get involved in whatever your interest is, whether it's missions, outreach to the community, social programs, medical stuff, whatever. Houston has a professional sports teams for just about everything, a symphony, opera, museums universities. And of course, AMAZING BBQ!! Of course, like everywhere else, there are undesirable qualities about the place too. Did I mention it's hot in the summer? Hurricanes can be a worry, there are lots of snakes, spiders, creepy crawly things. The illegal population has to be reckoned with. Traffic in certain parts of Houston during peak rush hours can be grueling. If we get too much rain too fast, certain parts of the city will flood, since we are only 40-60 feet above sea level. But that's why I live a bit north of the city. Texans have a fondness for huge pick-up trucks and SUV's that guzzle gas, and don't do much for the air quality here. Happy hunting for your new home. Sounds like a fine adventure. ps I went WOW to Portland OR and loved it, except for the lack of sunshine, and having to wear a sweater at the coast during the summer. And it's farther to travel to places that interest me the most. Went WOW to Dallas as well, and loved it there too. Lotza friendly people, etc., but I love Houston better.
Hi, lovely Topoftheworld. As I was reading your post, I couldn't help but think how we've come full circle? in the past 2 and a half years. I love you immensely, intensely, relentlessly, my friend. Thanks for showing up here. Your voice counts.
Well, geeze, I've been reading this thread with much interest. I went to TFI in CA, and then when I got in the corps, I went to LEAD, but not til my 2nd yr. I was an experienced camper, backpacker, rock climber type person. (Who knew?) Not from the Way, way before that. My first year in the corps, I asked to go to LEAD. The corps coord in charge, told me that I wouldn't go, because I was experienced and they didn't want people like me there. Ok, fine. On 2nd thought, HUH? You don't want people who have experience being involved???? What the heck is that about? Whatever, as in all things way related, there was no rhyme or reason to anything they "leadership" did. It was as if, you had a natural inclination for something, that was evil. Instead of letting people do their thang, and make the most of who they (we) were, it was treated as a liability, instead of an asset. That is what I will never understand. Some people, got taken advantage of because of their talent and experience. Others, their talent and experience cursed them. I will never make sense of that. I also was into interior design, and had some experience and eduacation in that field. That was cool, and I got to do it in-rez. Why was that ok? If any of ya'll figure it out, pleeze let me know. It was some really convoluted thinking that went on. I chalk it up to total dumb people being in charge. And like someone else said, I don't know who......LEAD should have been optional, like Rodeo School was. It was stupid to make all of us go. Actually, it was beyond stoopid.....
You made the most memorable climb ever! Hope it's all downhill from here. Much love, good wishes, and fond memories for you on your special day.
Tonto, Gosh, I hear ya on that one. I suffered a family tragedy my freshman year as well, that messed me up way more than the way ever did. In fact, it was my being involved with the way, that actually got me back on track. Long story, but we do the best with what we are dealt. It's easy to look back and want to change things, but gosh darnit, do overs aren't part of the deal. I love your story, because you made choices that you are happy with now. Somebody was watching over you?
Well of course, Tommy, my mom asked if your mom will be coming with you. Mom so enjoyed the company, as did the rest of us. So pleeze, oh purdy please, bring your Mama. :wub:
I wanted to be an interior designer extraordinaire. Now, I've been there done that, and am doing something else, by choice. And I even did it going out Wow a couple times and in the Way Corps. I did get a bit sidetracked along the way, but by the grace of God, I got back on track. I figure when my youngest child gets through high school, I'll get back into it again.
Blue Sky, the Allman Brothers Eat a Peach
I showed this video to my dearly beloved, and it took me at least 5 minutes to convice him that, No, this is not a joke, it really is Way Prod. :blink: His comment: "Somebody needs to tell them the 80's have come and gone already." Well, I thought it was funny.
Tommy, After consulting Mom, I think the place you stayed was the Marriot Courtyard.
Tommy, ok I remember which place you stayed, just not the name of it. I'm gonna have to drive over there I reckon, and look at the sign out front. ;) Dooj and I are spreading the word, cause unless someone has looked at this thread, they probably don't know about the BBQ.
exwaycorps Realistic comparisons don't speak the same way figurative ones do. I thought that was the point of this thread. :B) It has nothing to do with "credibility." Most of us who hang around the cafe, were there. "Credibility" isn't much of an issue, cause most of us lived through the Waydaze.
Oh geeze, once again, Oak, you said what I was thinkin. A figure of speech isn't a "realistic comparison." The point of using a figurative comparison, as opposed to a "realistic" one, is to grab someone's attention, and to make a point that the verbage of a a bland comparison impedites.
I thought Dan M wrote that song sisex? But I also remeber short Mark wrote a song about Thessolonica, that was amazing.
Oh geeze, I was afraid you were gonna ask me that. :blink: Tell me what it was near and then maybe I'll think of it. Then again, maybe not.
Does anyone remember what year the last corps weddings at Emporia were? I know that they had ended by the time the 14th corps graduated in 1986. I'm just curious how many years they were held at Emporia.
So far the guest list is: Mr. and Mrs. ex10 and asundry family members Dooj NiKa NiKa and ex10's mutual friends Mr. and Mrs. George St. George Tom Strange (and hopefully his mom) Suda
Thanks for volunteering, Suda. I do believe Dooj will be showing up on Friday afternoon/evening to get food started. You are most certainly welcome to join us. I guess I should take this opportunity to let everybody know, that we are going to do things a tad bit differently this year, mainly due to my current schedule with work and such things. Last year, it was a blast having some of the girls stay at our house. But this year, we won't be able to accomodate anyone. Also, I won't be able to pick people up from the airport, so anybody who is flying in, will have to arrange transportation to and from the airport. There are tons of hotels within 15 or 20 minutes of our house. If anybody wants accomodation information, just pm me and I'll get it to you. Since the schedule last year seemed to work well, we'll do it the same way. After all, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. We'll start the BBQ around noonish on Saturday, November 3rd, and end ????? when the cock crows thrice? :o And Sunday morning we'll do a loose "fellowship" type thing at 9 am. Whoever wants to come can, (no pressure) and then we'll have brunch/lunch at 11 am. Then we'll kick everybody out late afternoon on Sunday. I can't wait!
Hey! Twinky gave me a "to die for" Sticky Toffee Pudding recipe! Wanna try that? It's posted around here somewhere, I do believe.
I saw that tiara around here someplace not too long ago. Guess I'd better find it and the feather boa.
Yep, nika, it's a go for November 3rd and 4th at my house.