Mary Cate
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Everything posted by Mary Cate
...and they'll probably pee on you...
...and to love, respect, honor everyone no matter what label has been applied to them.
To wake up everyday, look myself in the mirror and say: God, help me be honest and true to the creature you made me, to your child who chose to die a cruel, painful, humiliating death to give me a shot at a full life on this earth and an eternal life to never compromise what I believe to be true to take risks and every opportunity to know your heart, your truth and your love to act on what you tell me, no matter what the consequences.....
I don't trust anybody that: won't look me in the eye doesn't have or has had a dog (or some other animal companion) won't say things to my face that they say behind my back that hasn't taken any risks
LH, As long as you ain't cussin' or using any graphic anatomical references, it is all legal and good. Carry on my brothah.....
PSSSSSHT... Big difference between for profit, formula canned TV and grass roots live internet bulletin boards. Greasespot hasn't "jumped" anything unless it becomes sterile and homogenized by censors, exclusivity and people who see themselves as having more of a "right" to be here than anyone else. Since I have never seen an entire episode of Happy Days (I don't watch TV-am I un-American?), I can't buy into this shark jumping thing or see how it applies to GS.
Rascal, Got the boxers in the mail and have been wearing them. FAN F-ing TASTIC. I am ordering more and never buying regular women's underwear again. Also good excuse to bring this thread to the top. I REJECT UNCOMFORTABLE UNDERGARMENTS.
Just bringing this topic to the top because it is more interesting than rejection and agenda threads.
Rascal, You are a boxer evangelist. I am sure I'll like them. Vickles, I found them at a place called Wickers. They are a little pricey, but I signed up to be a preferred customer so they gave me a free pair for buying my first pair. Shipping by UPS for both pairs was $5.50. REI and Cabelas also had some. Figured I'd order from Wickers and then see if the local REI store had some.
Just have to bring this back to the top because it has been such interesting reading.
Hey Rascal, Just ordered two pairs of women's boxers online. Your witnessing about the more abundant life of boxers for women may have won me over to the boxers side of the underwear aisle. I'll see if I like these two pairs and may get some more. Keep on testifyin' sister.
I love Janis. I think I'll go listen to one of her CDs right now as I scrape paint. It's a shame she died so young. She would have been such a cool middle aged and older woman.
rascal, Are these boxers made for women or are they mens? Where do you buy them? They do sound like a very comfortable alternative undergarment. I can't believe the topics I've been reading about here on this rainy day - underwear, toilets, dangling anatomy...
Galen, This topic has been both entertaining AND educational. I will be looking at all toilets in a whole new light.
Ex, My ex-husband was more like my mother than my father. My mom is mentally ill and I spent my growing up years trying to cover for her as the mother to all of my siblings and make her happy. Of course it never worked. After my divorce, I realized I had done the same for my mentally ill husband. It took me a long time and hearing from several professionals to believe that my ex-husband was mentally ill and that I was never going to be able to make him happy, cover for him enough or help him get better. Both of my parents were extremely abusive, so being with someone like my dad is not at all appealing to me. Since I have gotten some post divorce emotional wellness, I find myself attracted to men that have personalities, characters, dispositions very similar to one of my brothers. This brother is the only one of the 5 that stood up to my parents (like I did), set some healthy boundaries, doesn't allow either of my parents to abuse him verbally or play emotional black mail games. This brother has always loved me unconditionally and is the most honest person I know. He is open about his Christian beliefs and lives them. He has told me he prays for me even when I couldn't believe in prayer and I believe him. He has been a big influence on me not giving up on men all together.
I am a native Minnesotan, but lived in Massachusetts for 13 years. Would you Maine-iacs hold that against me? I loved Maine when I was out there and visited frequently.
I have some very dear ex-Way friends in Maine. I am hoping to get out and visit them in the fall. When and what section of the state is this fair in? If I could squeeze in another GSC get together this year, I would.
Of course any thread that says "men only" I am going to have to check out. Have you ever considered just raising the seat? Many elderly people have those seat raisers that fit on top of the toilet bowl. My dad has one that raises him about 5 inches when he sits on "his throne" (that's what he calls it}. He got it because he has congestive heartfailure and arthritis and it is difficult for him to get out of a seated position. Seems like that would solve the problem of getting wet or dangling delicates in disgusting "pools".
I have seen very few TWI marriages survive. But then the marriage survival rate for the general population is not that high either. Some of the marriages that "survive", don't seem like they should have. Neither person seems very happy. My TWI originated marriage did not survive, but there were reasons other than TWI for that. My ex and I could have stayed living at the same address, having common property, appearing in public together, but does that constitute a marriage? If there is no love, respect, caring, laughter, playing, what's the point? It took me over a decade to wake up and realize that if a marriage didn't include love, etc, it needed to begin to include it or end. After two years of trying (marriage retreats, counseling) to figure out what it would take for the ex to treat me like a human, I realized it wasn't going to happen. So I got a tattoo, a motorcycle and rode off into the sunset. And never looked back. I had one relationship after my divorce. The guy was a Bhuddist. Nice guy, had some fun, but didn't feel a connection. The relationship ended when he tried to make me choose between him and one of my dogs. Easy decision. The dog stayed. That conversation showed me all I needed to know about the future of that relationship. When someone expects you to give up something that is almost as important to you as breathing, to suit them, they don't love you. They just find you useful.
Maybe they just expected the "believers" to believe that physical/chemical laws would be suspended in this instance and they could use any kind of light fixtures they wanted where ever they wanted. It was a "teaching practicing exercising believing opportunity". That's probably also what they figured would happen with the ice on the roof thing. It's not an architectural flaw, it's the fear/unbelief in the hearts of all the lowly worker believer bees. My dog peed on Camp Gunnison property. Does that cheer anyone up?
Well, maybe it should be a bonfire. Wouldn't want any humans or neurotic chihuahuas harmed by its hazards.
If the weather is decent I want to sleep outside under the stars. If not, I'll take a spot in Cabin 12. Unless the commons is a hazard, couldn't we put it to some good use? It wasn't finished until after I left, so I have no special fondness for it. I just hate to see something useful go to waste. Maybe we could turn it into a treatment center for neurotic chihuahuas. (I think to myself as I watch my chihuahua repeatedly trying to sneak up to her water dish and then jump back as she gets within one foot of it.)
UH, Love that idea. We should also have REAL Christmas parties and plaster the word Christmas everywhere. And we could have a GS Western Weenie Roast there during the first week of June.
Ex, I am sure the TPW wrote all kinds of nasty things about me that ended up in my secret file. Like most of the other TWI bullies, if you stood up to them, they didn't have the spine or gonats to respond to your face. They did the whispering, notes in the file, behind your back crap. I wonder if TJ's boys grew up to be just like him?
vicr uses all caps for werd. maybe it's a top secret acronym, perhaps a code used to signal the evil waygb or the martian sea monkey people. i am getting my coffee now... i will stop it....