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Everything posted by TrustAndObey

  1. I agree there are advantages.. But I think both have their unique advantages and disadvantages. Personally, a Forum allows a community to come together. Discuss. Share ideas and thoughts. Blogs are all about the blogger and his thoughts. And while that's stereotyping them, I'm sure there are exceptions. But like you said, someone needs to be able to share their story and not be bothered. It's about them, their thoughts and life. But now, you want everyone to share and come together, well, that's what forums/bulletin boards are for.. And then, you want immediate togetherness, that's what a chatroom is for. You want privacy, you have email or a private chatroom. You want fun, you add games. Or else, nothing beats actually physically getting together. Just picking the right tool for the job (Sorry if that may bring back memories of the Intermediate class with Howard Allen, it didn't originate from TWI) It's just some, especially new ones, are a little shy at first. Want to explore. Maybe add their 2 cents in, and not have to be publicly ostracized their entire life cause they used their "real" name but want to be "part" of the community. So a forum is great for that. That's my thoughts at least!
  2. Thanks for the clip... Now um.... I'm still wondering, is that a good thing?! lol
  3. Baba Waba... Interesting.. Never heard the term. So umm.. Is that a positive or negative having Barbara Walter's charm? Or does it depend on your political leanings too? lol. Well, it is for now at least.. Just trying to get a feel for what people would like.. And this is just a start/test site. Should have forums and chatrooms online manyana. Anything you can think of to make it better, let me know!
  4. I'm wondering if anyone who has read this book, if they also happened to read one of Frank Viola's OLDER books such as "Rethinking the Wineskins" (now out of print). Just wondering if they are pretty similar? Granted I think there is much to today's "church organization" structures that can hinder the body, but I also think the pendulum can be swung too far the other way.
  5. lol... I love some of the site names.. exchairstringers - Yeah, that'll bring back memories! Only, I was needing to register the name before Christmas, so prior to all the info about JL using exwayvision... Well.. I already registered and began setting 'er up.. So umm.. If you hate it, I'm sorry!
  6. Wow.. Now that's a lot of information.. A couple things I notice: A) Their interest on savings/CD/IRAs are low.. Especially their IRA's which is 3x less than the state average, their CDs almost half. Are they holding back money or what?! This is really sad.. I mean, most those at HQ, especially Corp are told about the wonderful benefits of the Way's CU IRAs.. And then to see that they don't compare to other banks and CUs, you wonder if anyone else is aware! Or maybe I'm just misreading that there info.. B) And they say they do offer "indirect" lending.. Interesting.. Thanks socks..
  7. And that was just a summary of some of the events.. You sure have put a lot of your time and others as well, and I'm very appreciative of that! Thanks for sharing how it all got started and put together.
  8. Interesting link there socks.. Thanks for the info. Course, after looking them up, I'm wondering if they forgot an extra 6 in their Charter number.. '66066'. I've thought for a long time that 666 was a good label for them.. Ahh well, what do I know. I believe your right as far as the $ they make. It's all in their asset investments which really is hard to make much off of these days. I'm curious as to in what they invest those though, but I'm sure that's pretty confidential, right?
  9. Wow.. I was busy for a day and look at all the suggestions.. Some really great ones.. Only.. Now for the bad news.. Most of those names are taken. The Twilight Cafe Out Of The way Way 2 Go Way 2 simple etc.. Course Biodeisel Diner is available.. But that's a lot to twist my brain into understanding... I like the whole campfire and all, which was part of my thought of bringing in the reference to the rock.. Tent City, The Camp grounds.. Way Woods.. Campfires.. A place to gather.. A familiar place.. But of course, out of TWI's control.. Just my thoughts. Still working on the site. Finished the basics of the front page. But I don't have any WayDale/GS documents to put in the WayDale/GS sections only cause I don't know the legality of just putting those up, or I need them submitted.. Hmm, just dunno..
  10. I agree with most here.. Unless it is someone I knew and had a close relationship with, or for some reason it might cause some sort of negative division in the relationship, I probably wouldn't go. But then if it was close family or relatives, I probably wouldn't blink an eye and go and be ready to discuss the top ten reasons I am no longer involved since the subject has always come up when I'm around TWI folks who know I left.
  11. After TWI requiring more and more money. 10%, over 10%, 15%.. 20%.. Geez.. I think a few bucks ain't much.. Certainly worth all the things we've learned here. But then again, one of my biggest issues with TWI was that they required the "donations" to hear what ought to be free (IMHO). Freely you have received, freely give. I know that doesn't work for corporations, and of course that was TWI's stock answer, we're a business! But then again, if I have information I think will help someone, I certainly am not going to require money so I can help. But that's me.. Well, if you decide to keep 'er open longer Paw, let me know.. I do appreciate all your work..
  12. I'm not a huge fan of Facebook myself with all the information floating around these days. Unfortunately, the account I did have had a lot of the information (even though it was all marked as private) copied to other "Personal data" sites I'm finding. Since then, I've not visited as much except to respond to those who only visit there. Still working on getting the new site up (Unless of course this one stays after January). I am still in search of a good name.. What does everyone think about The Online Rock? I'm not too "creative", I know... Should have chat, forums, personal profiles, and the front page done by New Years..
  13. Here are just a few of my thoughts.. I do agree, we could do two sites. One more "innie" friendly... The other for us hardcore greasespots. What I don't want to do though is trample on other people's thoughts and ideas. Greasespot Cafe is paw's baby. He came up with the name, and brought it completely into fruition. I'm not able to stand in his shoes, or WayDale's shoes. Only my own. And unfortunately, I really have to watch the legalities of these things. No one here has authorized me to copy their posts from the forum. No on has given me authorization to use their TWI documents, GS radio tidbits, or any other thing. So using them on a different site, I need to be cautious about. I am definitely no lawyer. Haven't a clue really. Although I have started thinking through hosting outside the US with more "friendly" countries that I have actual friends living that could help and that would be able to offer better liability protection to the site. Yeah, I just don't know.. But I am hoping to have a site up by the New Year (unless someone else is setting one up, but I haven't heard, so let me know if so!).. I have setup forums before, going all the way back to the BBS era in the late 80s as a co-sysop and sysop of different "boards". So I do have a bit of experience. But then again, everything's new for me.. My goal is to help continue the flow of information. To unhinder the voices that have been stopped, and help loose those who TWI and it's shoots have bound with their nonsense and unChristian activities. So, where ever I can help. Setting up this site, I believe can. But if you guys don't think so or if there's something else you think I could do, wake me up now!
  14. Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I love em.. As for taking over the current name.. That would definitely be up to paw and certainly I wouldn't rule it out. I like the ring of "Greasespot After Hours" myself... Only.. That's a pretty long name to be typing in! Course so is www.greasespotcafe.com.. I'm not sure the new site will have games to start, Bolshevik.. Hehe.. (Is there even a web based Doom?) Getting started, it will be hard enough for me to just get basic pages and the forums setup.. But your welcome to help! I'm thinking now that I don't want to scare those already in TWI away until they at least hear our side of the story, so we probably want to look for something a bit more subtle. lostwaycafe.com wayreststop.com I checked godaddy.com and those are available.. Still thinking.. I figure I have until Christmas eve to pick a name.. That ought to afford me enough time to finish setting up the domain registration/forwarding/dns, putting the name on pages, finalizing routing, etc, etc, etc...
  15. Well, I really hate to GSC go.. Hated to see WayDale dissipate too. But for everything there is a season. But knowing how much the 2 have changed mine and other's lives. And knowing that these sites have helped reveal some of the hidden secrets that ought to be known so people can be free, be healed, and move on with life. I've decided if no one does start a site up soon, I'll go ahead and set one up so the other side of the story can be told and there will be a place other than just "cached" old web pages, that people can come and see that there is no kinder, gentler, Way as some are still fooled into thinking. There never was. With that in mind.. What should it be called?! I figure it has to have a domain name that is available, simple, yet descriptive.. Any ideas?? My current searches on availability that came up as possibilities were... Way2Deep.com NoXWay.com FogRemover.com TheWayExposed.com Anyone interested in helping get this off the ground, have an idea? (Please search available domains first before posting..)
  16. Thanks for clarifying my misunderstanding of Blackburn's departure.. My "gotten rid" statement in no ways meant they had a falling out, but like most corporations that get rid of employees they no longer have on staff.. It is a common phrase used for laying people off. Sad, really.. You start putting your dependency in anything and next think you know .. yank.. You're out.. We can't afford you. Heck, many jobs are like that. Just sad.. With STFI, it's probably because they don't have the $53mil TWI has.. But then again, it's for their best. and with the 4 leaving voluntarily, you'd think they wouldn't need to lay anyone off.. Yeah, just sad.
  17. Well paw, Thanks for setting this up.. For getting people together.. For helping share the good news. And I'm sad to hear the state of affairs.. Now.. I don't know what everyone else would like.. But I'd be willing to setup a similar (or same) site... Just depends on what people want.. I have forum sfw and a server for web hosting.. But no sense in setting things up if people don't think it would be helpful.. Just an option..
  18. Recently STFI / CES has gotten rid of a number of staff including Blackburn, and is feeling a big financial pinch with more layoffs on the way. And with Lynn gone to do his own thing gathering what "followers" he can, it's the obvious division, the crisis will never go away, only they all will soon be conquered.
  19. Great discussion... Wish I had something to add.. But I don't.. Just enjoying the dialogue! "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
  20. Well, sad to say, or maybe happy for many, Texas lost.. Giants win their first World Series in a long long time.. Great job!! Only, I was hoping Texas might have won at least one more game.. But the SF team ended up having a much deeper and better bullpen, but we all knew that. What I didn't expect were the Giants to become such prolific hitters. Would it be because of the Ranger's terrible pitching staff (Game 2, 2 walks for scores in a row!) or because they ended up playing their best (Game 1 & 5 against the one Ranger's ace Cliff Lee for 10 combined runs)... Still surprised the Rangers didn't bring in their best closer [Feliz] much, especially when it could have won them a game. And their hitters were unusually quiet.. Great game!
  21. Course with all the talk about the incorruptible seed.. God's image.. "holy" spirit.. New man.. Born again.. While I understand TWIs take on it.. Has anyone ever considered they are all very separate things ? And that God's image isn't "holy" spirit.. Nor is the incorruptible seed... Or even the one new man. And that very possibly, God's image is actually something one does and can very readily SEE daily! An image that shows the very nature and heart of God? Rather than some invisible unknown that can only be known by some mystic manifestation which still keeps that image invisible. Well, that's my view..
  22. Make that the World Series! Go Rangers!
  23. Even more uncharted right now.. Up by 2 (3-1) in the final game of the series.. Can they do it?!
  24. Yup.. 95% of the "around 60" that went out this month are under the age of 25.. And most of them will be like those in Michigan.. Working at Mickey D's.. I mean, they were so excited they got jobs the first day.. Umm, yeah, at MCD! Wow.. What a kick in the devil's booty that was. Bet you couldn't have done better in your home town, right?! Ok, I'm not mocking them and all. We were all there. I worked at MCD my first WOW year.. Only one in my family that did.. Guess the rest of the crew was smarted than me! lol.. But the saddest part is that these kids, cause frankly, the majority of them are, will spend 6 months trying to convince people to take this boring class (No, not even as exciting as the old PFAL class), and try to prove their ego leaders are rights about the BS they've fed their kids.. And anyone who doesn't agree, they think has no brains.. Wow.. What a disconnect from reality!
  25. You mean it was ok for Jesus to "think" and not just parrot out the latest Pharisee babblings? Maybe it was cause he was "Jesus" and we're supposed to be lowly head table waiters/waitresses! I'm betting the Pharisees at least were sharing something interesting rather than reading from notecards for an hour..
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