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now I see

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Everything posted by now I see

  1. Then why aren't the archives available to those of us who've never read them? Are they worried about some sort of litigation if the information was still out there? I don't get it, why wouldn't they have sold it or passed it on to someone who'd maintain it? Everything on that website, for all intensive purposes, is now buried, and will never be known again except for the very few thread excerpts that have been reposted on GS. I, for one, would have liked to have had access to what was posted there, I wish I could have read it.
  2. I’ve been gone from the Greasespot for about a month, or I would have commented earlier on Don’tWorry’s original posts, but…..what I have to say is that I concur with Don’tWorry’s observations regarding the leaders of CFF. Concerning one of them mentioned above, I personally witnessed everything he named in this excerpt, in my brief but painful interactions with and in observation of the man. I watched as he climbed the TWI ladder of success over the broken bodies of believers above and below him in the TWI food chain, I also can attest to the fact that he righteously, obediently, fulfilled the commands of his illustrious leader against the brethren, as any middle manager, or should I say, administrator would, faithfully and swiftly, with little thought to the human damage left in his wake. I happened to run into this person about 10 years ago, he had no guilt or remorse and had conveniently forgotten much of his participation in those matters, and yet still bad mouthed some, I’m sure he never lost a bit of sleep over what happened to those whom lives he forever changed,… Thanks Don’tWorry, again, your insights are spot on.
  3. now I see

    Cat whispering

    Twinky, Here's a web site of someone who works with feral kittens, maybe there's some info there that can help, good luck! http://www.feralcatcaretakers.org/Caretaki...estKittens.html
  4. "If it's not Scottish it's crap!" Definition of "Tatties and Neeps"??-Mashed potatoes and rutabagas combined.
  5. Well, for now.... I kinda think the big forehead is just waiting in the wings for the right moment for a comeback, don't think RR is gonna let it happen anytime soon though, there's a plus!
  6. It is too bad, in one sense, that the lawsuit was settled out of court, if they had gone to trial all would have been exposed, as it is, they are allowed to continue to deceive and continue to practice error against the ignorant and naive.
  7. Number one, I wouldn't have called the big forehead my brother, more like a false prophet or wolf to the flock, and you could throw in all the top hq twi leadership into that pile too. Secondly, standing by and doing nothing more to stop it just allows evil to reign unchecked like it had for years, from it's heighth in the '70's-'80's clear back to the Van Wert days of the cornfield womanizer's ministry beginings. The Forehead's arrogance, his delusions regarding his position and his liberties procluded any outside source from mediating any resolution. Justice needed to be hard and swift, but even so, according to an account here on GS, he still hasn't changed his attitude toward his practices, he still thinks he's right...he's not sorry, gee, that doesn't sound too Christian, that sure sounds just like da debil, he's not sorry either. If you ask the Big Forehead, he'd probably say his actions were Godly and was acting on behalf of God to bless people...still thoroughly deceived, or should I say through-ly.....
  8. I think Kidnapping has already been done when the old vicster would lure girls to his motorcoach under false pretenses with help from his driver/bodyguards, drug them, then rape them and transport them across state lines for a visit to a campus or event somewhere. I wonder what the statute of limitations is on kidnapping???
  9. Ha, Ha!!!! Good one Skyrider!!
  10. now I see


    The key here is with their permission, you can legally act and get the POA. If dimentia/ahltzeimers is not a factor, if you cannot convince them to give their permission-you have no recourse, they are adults and can p*ss away their home and their living any way they want. I would definitely talk to an attorney, get some financial advise from a variety of sources, think about setting up their estate as a trust so that you can step in when it's necessary in the future, they should consent to that. (They can even name a third party as a trustee if they don't trust their children.) Can you gather their friends and relatives, your siblings, their brothers and sisters, anyone that they will listen to and conduct a financial intervention? Is your dad's stubborness a result of dimentia?? Do you know the signs?
  11. now I see

    The Truth

    Good post What the Hey! The thing is like Job, we must learn to listen to God rather than men who are telling us what they think we should do and think, that's the key, to develop sensitivity toward knowing God and loyalties to God only, and not what someone else has regurgitated for us as their verson of God's will as the miserable comforters did. Getting to the place which Job attained where it truely was just him and God, with no reliances on people or things is the big thing in life, I think few attain it under fire, it's not easy to resist and not succumb to the pulls from people, however well intentioned or sincere they are.
  12. When did the legalism start? I'd say it was always there as testified by Peter Wade's depature, but it never reared it's ugly head too publically in order to further the cornfield huckster's agenda. The legalism started en mass when Wierwille took control of Jimmy Do*p's and Steve He*fner's ministry and then kicked them to the curb, (where's the grace and love? apparently the practice of indescriminate firings so prevalent in the 80's and 90's got their start here) so he could keep all the money and the future free meal ticket of the people's ABS. He even rejected a plan from C Geer and EM in NY to only keep about 10-15% and let the twigs keep the rest, but even that amount was too low for him. He was also into trolling for skanks, hence the trip out to San Francisco, the questions he asked JD about orgies, and the lust for acquiring the huge numbers of the young free hippies from JD's ministry both for exploitation, all in order to fulfill his agenda of control, money, power, accolade and promiscuity. When did imposed legalism start? When Donnie Fug*t started wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase.
  13. My old offshoot friends that I've witnessed to about the goldmine that's here on Greasespot and the fullness of being a free agent, just don't get it, they are still under the spell and they simply can't see through the haze... reminds me of seeing, they see not, hearing, they hear not....well, at least they've heard. Hey D Miller, I like your signatory statement and the clip with it, I saw John Hartford perform twice before he died, once in Wisconsin at a big Bluegrass festival in the 70's, and once in Oklahoma when he was solo, a great old time performer and gifted musician and writer, so sad he's no longer with us. :(
  14. Great thread Twinky! I checked the box for seriously depressed after leaving, but should add that if there was a box for isolated and traumatized I would have checked that too. I concurr with what Waysider said, the "your the best and love yous" were all just lip service, absolutely fake, a cheap imitiation, and no reflection of God's or Jesus' love. I relocated and ended up in an offshoot for a while, then, I am happy to say, I left there too, a complete retread ministry, same foundation in error. I am happy to be a free agent now, and am thankful my path has lead me here. <_<
  15. Thank God for Greasespot, and the exchange of ideas, experiences and thoughts from those who’ve left TWI. Eyes & Twinky, it sounds like we three had very similar experiences in our departures from TWI. It was here, for me too, that I finally found the knowledge and understanding which enabled a lot of the healing from the devastation which TWI caused so many years ago. What I’ve found here too is that there’s been a constant wearing away of what I thought I knew that I knew about the bible. Sort of like how a stone gets polished and rounded in a stream by the constant flow of water slowly rubbing off all the rough edges. So much of what we believed in was based on fables from the right wing rhetoric of some obscure periodical and the drunken musings of an old has been plagerist charlatan, fables which he pontificated as truth and God breathed that really held no water. So much of what was fed to us seeped into our belief system and our own identity that sometimes it’s a painful process to be confronted here with perhaps another way of thinking about something biblical or relating to TWI.
  16. Mr Ham, I'm not so sure those who support or follow CG know about the vicsters bad habits. Whether the "leadership" knows of the dark side of der vey is questionable too. They sure have continued to swallow the Kool-aid, so either it's working for them to collect the ABS and continue to do bidnass as usual, or they are loyalist and won't hear of any disparaging remarks against their supreme poobah, the cornfield huckster. Maybe Alfakat can weigh in on this particular query, perhaps he has/had the ear of CG leadership and is more intimately informed? I would really like to see if CG is up to his old tricks still, I have friends that are still a part of CG's fellowships and I would love to give them a reason to rethink their lockstep allegiance.
  17. I think the nature of one’s departure from TWI and to what depth the individual drank the Kool-aid comes into play too. The more viscous, the more personally one was attacked, the more isolated the individual was, how public the dressing down was, how much one bought into TWI being the only ministry with the truth and where The Word was, and how much loyalty the individual had to TWI as an organization helped determine how devastated the individual was once they were given the bums rush and kicked out. If one had their whole life pegged around TWI and made a commitment of their life to the Way Corps, and then was told essentially they were a failure to God, to themselves, to the ministry, and with no mercy and no pardon was then stripped of their position, slandered and humiliated publicly and with their peers, then was cast aside to sort it out by themselves or were subject to the scarlet letter treatment by all their former friends and leaders…then I would say it might be harder to just get over it, one might never get over it….that is until they get to Greasespot and take the red pill…… I see Greasespot as sort of a rehab for a lot of people, the informal discussions we can have about our past might help restore many for the future. To censure those who are recovering would not be supportive in our little “group therapy”, those who would say get over it, or lets just talk about the good times, would be “blocking”, and not contributing to good sharing. Any good rehab will always bring up the past and take the skeletons out of the closet.
  18. Interesting thread... Jonny, you write about what kind of adventures??
  19. Bluzeman, not to beat a dead horse, but isn't this whole thread about trollish behavior? If the shoe fits...
  20. I see Dead People, er,.. I mean, I see Trolls.... Twinky, the definition of a Troll and Poser from the Urban Dictionary: A Troll is one who posts a deliberately provocative message to a web board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument. A Poser is one who attempts to appear to others as something they are not,..a charlatan. I think we have both trolls and posers here, the trolls cause more damage.
  21. I post on other web boards, and I remember when first coming here about a year ago, thinking how tame this board is regarding brawls, personal attacks and in general surliness. People here usually conduct themselves very civilly compared to other web boards. I have noticed though, there is some real hostility lately on some threads by some people. As a solution, one web board I visit employs a hockey type penalty box where the troublemaker can be benched and viewed by all, with 3-5+ day suspensions with their user name highlighted in red on all their posts. Very effective. On this board, more than anything else we get a lot of Trolls and Posers, they are real good at consuming whole threads with their rhetoric and fire setting. I am glad Paw's cracking down on personal attackers and the victims thru the mud draggers, they’re certainly bothersome….well done Paw. And remember, everything Groucho's ever said is as clear as mud, as his most memorable quote, "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
  22. Holy Sheet! He stole from EVERYONE!!!!! Even the chapters of "his" collaterals and I'm sure the content too. It's like the perpetual liar or thief, once he got away with the main batch of lies, he just couldn't stop, talk about debil spurts!!! LOL! He was the king of a conscience seared with a hot iron...incredible. And we all swallowed his sheet when he fed it to us, liked it, and asked for more, he must have been laughing all the way to the bank. Good one Skyrider, priceless comeback!! Slam dunk!!
  23. Patrick, I never said that nor intimated that nor even think that, funny how you read that into the scripture I posted. Do you see me mention salvation or heaven or hell in any of my posts concerning the scriptures in Philippians? I do think that acknowledging Christ is the key to being in harmony with God. I do think who has eternal life is not up to me or you or anyone else but God. I don't think the verses I posted are addressing who gets to have eternal life. You might be here to propound your doctrine, ok, then be straightforward about it. You also seem kind of passive aggressive with those of us who have commented on your assertions and have given comments and feedback. You say you're not arguing scripture, but you are, you say you are not attacking posters, but you're disparaging them, even when they agree with you....I don't get it?? What do you want? This is some hostile thread....
  24. Hey Waysider, do you remember the old vicster saying that about snow too? I don't know if it was a Dramboui daze revelation, or the far rightist Bircher prophecy, but it was a classic!!! LOL!
  25. Wow, Ok...this has got to be the weirdest thread I've ever responded to...all I wanted to do was post a quick funny quip, about elitism and Christianity, what a tempest in a teapot. You all are a little too dead serious for me…I don't think any of the responses to me have anything at all to do with what I posted..but here goes.. Patrick, I looked up that link, and they support Jesus Christ as the son of God and as our savior, same as me. What it looks like to me, from a brief perusing, is they believe all are saved and no torment in the gathering...ok, fine, never commented on that since it was not an issue with me, they can believe whatever they want. What I was trying to do was make a funny, by pointing out the fact that in the NT Jesus is the key to unlocking the door, since he's our redeemer...an elitist premiss-LOL! If some of my responders don't believe that, then fine, get another bible, maybe they're already using another bible, beats the heck outa me, but if the topic is Christianity, Christ is automatically involved, it is illogical to argue about that, if you are arguing that, then you're somewhere too far out there for me.
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