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now I see

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Everything posted by now I see

  1. And let us not forget the classic, "Atack of the Killer Tomatoes"!! One of my childhood favorites is, "The Creature from the Black Lagoon." That guy in the gilled lizard/fish suit really was scarry in black and white! I concurr with Dan, I fell in love with "The Blob" and Steve McQueen from the first time I saw it when I was 12 years old, we were camping in Yosemite and the Park rangers thought it would be fun to scare all the kids by showing it at night in the outdoor amphitheater. I've watched it countless times since then, its a genuine classic, even the big blob of strawberry jam looks menacing.
  2. Interesting point, weird stuff, I suppose this would relate to Nephillum?
  3. The only thinker that comes to mind after Shakespear was Sir Isaac Newton, don't remember all the charcters names in Lost, so that does me no good...
  4. Dooj, you got it right! Midnight Express.....OOh Billy!
  5. I fact checked and found that the Ford Escape Hybrid electric motor kicks in under 25mph, except upon excelleration then the gas engine takes over. The Hinda Civic Hybrid has better mpg and have higher mph hybrid uses. The gas milage is stellar, but I'm still looking for larger vehicle....
  6. Good to see you! Ok, I'll repost it.. 2 pics
  7. I visit another web forum that's quite a bit rougher than this one and has a mix of amatuer and proffessionals, mostly male, that I visit, and quite often it draws posers, trolls, vultures etc. or as you say, vampires, that take over threads and drain the blood right out of the good contributing posters. The only way I've ever seen them dealt with is for the rest of the forum to "out" them and blow their cover and gang up on them. If the community is getting that affected by their negative or argumentative posts, then that's the only way to controll it sans time outs or banning by the mods.
  8. The ones I know of were Ermal Dorothy Owens, Harry's wife Emogene?, the George's, Mal and Jan, Howard and Mrs Allen, I'm not sure who else. Any of them, especially the wives, who lived at HQ would have found out eventually what the real story was even if they didn't when they first moved there.
  9. Around where I live most of the cars out on the road are trucks and SUV"s, I've been driving a small economy car and am tired of feeling dwarfed by the other vehicles. Most of them also drive 75 mph or more on the highways and it's quite humbling to have a big truck filling up your line of sight in front of you or trying to swallow you from behind...so I'm looking for something larger than a Prius. I've driven a Ford Escape Hybrid, I took it to Yosemite, pretty loaded, it had somewhat of a strugle at 10,000 ft doing the stop and go at the East enterance to the park. Since it has only 4 cyl I wasn't greatly impressed, and my mileage on the highway wasn't that impressive since it works the opposite of the Prius where, the electronic engine only kicks in under 15 mph I think. I do some long trips with gear, and a good part of city driving, but I don't know if there's a happy medium out there in the hybrid world. The extra $5,000 or so to buy a hybrid edition only pays off after 5-7 years or more of driving, I don't know if I can justify that extra expense. I have very limited knowledge of alternative fuels, if there was a way they would be accessable and affordable I would love that.
  10. I'm shopping for a new car and am investigating alternative fuel applications and also hybrid engines. Anyone here research/drive a hybrid or use altenative fuels?
  11. I haven't gardened in a long time, but I saw a tv commercial where they were selling these hanging tubes that you can grow tomatoes and other vegies and plants in. I was very inspired to try them, untill I started doing some research on them and found that they really don't have a good track record of working. So, I'm thinking I can do the same with some elevated planters, maybe just tomatoes in one and chili peppers in the other, I would love to do strawberries, but I think it gets too hot here. Anyone here have experience with planter vegies? I could use some tips.
  12. I think is exactly what happened when old vic was kicked out of and removed from the Van Wert church after impregnating his secretary. Well, I think vic, being the sly dog (wolf) that he was, decided whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. At that point he probably made up his mind that he'd never let that happen again. When he was successful in getting some of his former parisheners to follow him, he had the formula for success, he was able to pass himself off as a legitimate pastor, all the while being a low down dirty wolf in sheeps clothing. He also sniffed out complicent men like Ho-ward, Ermal and of course, his brother Hairy, as being men who would either tolerate his indisgresions, liked money, or were men of the same perverted cast, and set them up as trustees as his insulation against anyone who willed to expose him or depose him durring the twi years. Maybe he was delusional enough to think it would work, I also think his ego had no bounds. Aparrently you CAN fool some of the people some or most of the time....
  13. Goey, you're a genious! Although I'm glad the natures of vpee, ho-ward, and the twi culture are being exposed, I'm inclined to regard this thread as a sort of memorial to Sandra along the lines of what the first poster wrote, and cringe at the thought of OM et al, responding and dragging this thread through the mud again.
  14. Sorry bout that, I figured he wasn't coming back, where is he?
  15. now I see

    Gun Talk

    California has very restrictive conceal and carry laws, if you know a judge you might be able to get one, but pretty far out of reach for most nonproffessionals. Great states like Nevada, , Utah, Arizona, and Texas have relatively easy ways of obtaining permits where often the neighboring states (other than CA) honor them. The Dems always have the gun ban itch, I don't like it, but I can't see the country electing another GOP prez. I hope Obamba doesn't clamp down on gun owners if he gets elected, I am a staunch believer that personal gun ownership lowers crime.
  16. now I see


    Every sociopath I know is a master of manipulation and lying to get what they want, all done under a very sweet outward veneer. Having everyone under their personal controll is also a trademark for them, and was a trait present in all the ones I've known. Most of the people who knew them and were not aware of their dark side all thought they were the greatest guy, or girl, no one would ever believe otherwise, at least untill they actually got burned by the individual. And of course you wouldn't get burned unless you crossed the sociopath or refused to give him what he wanted. All of the sociopaths I know suffered strong abuse when they were growing up, didn't deal with it well, and started life mentally predispositioned to be off kilter from the rest of us. All of them that I know personally made critical life choices that reinforced the sociopathic behavior. One for instance became a male exotic dancer, the guy even stated he was incapable of being embarrassed, a tip off of the underlying ill, he also ran a herd of prostitues out of his home at one time too. One female I know uses her psychiatrist to further her hatred of mankind and then takes out her anger on innocent individuals, it wouldn't surprise me if she became a murderer one day. The world helps shape them, they finish up and set the behavior in concrete as adults.
  17. now I see

    Blanking out !!

    Could be caused by medications, there's a lot out there including over the counter meds that can contribute to all sorts of stroke related problems. I have a 40 year old girl friend who was taking birth controll pills and suffered a stroke because of it. I'm glad you went to the doctor.
  18. Del Duncan indeed left the ministry early on, perhaps someone who was around at HQ at the time can post more details as to why, leaving had to be a big deal, I do know he was a very respected and beloved leader.
  19. You are right!!!!!! Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Seems like our Prez likes to have his picture taken with corn, and with the duh look on his face...well, he sort of always looks like that anyway....
  21. Ding Ding Ding!!!! Steve! slips in and takes the win!!!! Steve! Your up.
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