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now I see

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Everything posted by now I see

  1. Julianne Moore The Big Lebowski Jeff Bridges
  2. Cheers Rascal! Happy B-Day!
  3. I like the dots too....dots are good....the other dot guy really, really likes dots...
  4. The X Files David Duchovny Evolution
  5. I didn't mean to infer the mods did it, just maybe the poster did, you have 12 hours after posting to erase or change posts, or its that I'm getting too old and not remembering correctly!
  6. You know I thought I read it here that DM had put the property in the sowers name, but I can't find the post, so either it was deleted and is not there anymore or maybe it was related to something else like setting up nonprofit status for the organization, so maybe the property is still held by the family. Is there a way to check whose name the property's in online?
  7. Catcup, it has been reported here that JP and Sarah with respective spouses have been associated with this endeavor, although, what's been reported is inconclusive concerning their roles. It is DM's family farm that all this takes place on, it has been reported here it is now under their ministry's name, which means he and his sister must have donated it over.
  8. Uh...that would be worse....much worse. Personal choices before, and the last 24 years have been harder on some than others. Why would anyone entrust their spiritual lives (let alone physical, mental and emotional) and vitality to someone who was a former vp bus driver? Pretty naive.
  9. I thought the Prince Caspian movie was much better than the first one. It followed the book pretty closely and the character development was far and away better than the first one. Even non Narnia lovers will be able to get this one. It was a little slow in parts of the beginning, but it picked up, Aslan was better, there was a fair amount of fight scenes, and the dialog was better too. Well done!
  10. Great clues, funny! Is it---GI Jane?
  11. now I see

    Cat whispering

    Twinky, you can buy cat repellant products from pet stores to help keep them from ruining your furniture and carpet. The natural ones usually contain cayenne, you can make up your own home remedy though, just put some cayenne in a spray bottle with warm water and use that, and you can add some liquid dish soap if you need it to stick to something or spray it on newspaper and leave that on the area you don't want them to go on. Good luck with your critters, they are cute kitties!
  12. King Okie strikes again!
  13. I always wondered why Don had such a dismissive attitude/dislike for his dad so much. It sure beats the heck out of me why he would ever give up his job as Dean of the Wisonsin institution (was it a college?), and go to work for his father's ministry.
  14. Did they really go hunting/fishing then? Or was it a rouse for scamming on girls? Did anyone ever see any fish or evidence of actuall hunting? He also used to go to California every year to see his tailor, to make his ROA suites, don't know if that was the real reason for him going there, he sure had a fondness for nice suites and tailoring to go clear out there to get them.
  15. Holding up heterosexual marriage up like some sort of testament of all that's good and pure is no beacon of truth, the facts are that 50% of all marriages today end in divorce, what's so good about that? I know plenty of good souls who happen to be gay, who have jobs, contribute to society and are over 40 years old and are as settled as any hetero couple. They do not operate on the frindge of society, are not pervs, some even have children. I just can't fathom why so many christians have this loathing obsession whith gay people, some sects even believe they will have no part in heaven, that kind of hatred shows through, it is no witness for God. Society's easy targets these days are gays, fat people and mexicans, somehow some people feel justified to loathe them. What California did doesn't rewrite the bible, in fact it has little to do with the bible, it has to do with a state recognized contract, and equality in terms of legal and human services afforded under that contract.
  16. I say live and let live, if this encourages gay people to get married, I think society benefits. If this helps to make people healthier by having access to med bennies, that's good too...In addition they'll be 100% responsible for eachother's debts, be able to form marital trusts for themselves and legally claim and protect their children etc., again, society benefits. All bringing more stability to this segment of society. Let's face it, gay people are here to stay, excluding them from having recognition as a family is discriminatory, on a human plane, its the loving thing to do.
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