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now I see

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Everything posted by now I see

  1. How come I feel proselytized after reading his letter? I wouldn't be surprised if it was penned just for the Greasespot community's benefit as an wierwille apologist's rebuttle. It is too bad he will not allow for an open discussion here on this forum, and has resorted to a rather one sided diatribe. It's also interesting that God gets very little credit in his letter, most of the credit is given to men, vp and Bullinger, and to the twi organization itself.... His beliefs concerning the rightness of twi teachings border on being offensive, he is hopelessly, and obliviously locked into the twi doctrinal treadmill repeating and believing the same errors over and over again, ad infinitum, with the arrogant assumption that it is us who are not in tune with God.
  2. Ha ha RumRunner, good comments, VP, Martindale and Geer should have been prosecuted and should have served time for their roles against the people. Too bad it never happened.
  3. Two verses come to mind, "a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump", and "Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought". I agree with LZ too, JAL rolled from one "leadership" legacy to another, if the lump has been thoroughly leavened, how are you gonna separate the fish from the bones? John also failes to give credit to BG Leonard who is the real one who put PFAL together, if God worked in anyone it would have been him, not the repackager, vp. If what was in that class was really the truth, wouldn't the one who God originally inspired (BG Leonard) be the spiritual one, not the theif who presented it as his own and used it as a cash cow marketing plan? Why laud vp as the spiritual one? He just regurgitated what others did and lied about it being from himself. How is it people like John refuse to acknowledge this? Does he not admit to the plagierism? Whom is fooling whom now? John also knows the truth regarding vp overtaking the Way East and the Way West, he knows vp also hijacked those ministries, the outreach never came from vp, it always came from others, in spite of vp. VP will have to answer to God for that one.
  4. You are correct! I remember watching this show as a kid!
  5. The reason why people object to serial rapists and adulterers being their minister is the same reason why parents object to pedifiles and rapists teaching their children in schools. If sexual practice had no bearing on teaching, or belief, there would be no problem with this.
  6. Ding, ding , ding!!!! You got it George!!!! Congrats!!! Sorry if I made that one too hard!
  7. I wonder what the satute of limitations are in Ohio for sexual assaults from twi employees? Or if there are other areas twi can be held liable for not protecting their members from twi employees?
  8. Oops! Sorry, WD, there were so many back to back posts from you, I lost my place and responded to the wrong statement. Thanks for grinding your displeasure in by pointing out I'm a no-name poster, (I know in the Way world you ascribe to, name, ranking, and hierarchy is everything) my comments to you were dumb, and that I made a mistake reading... Classy as ever, wd, I wouldn't put you in the category of a contributing poster, more of an annoyance. Why don't you just pick up your ball and go play elsewhere since you don't like anyone who doesn't agree with you?
  9. White Duv, speakie de Englis?? Would you like some cheese with that whine? Now if I called you, for example, let's say, a "moron", that would be name calling, but pointing out you were "owned" by DontWorry, is simply an observation, albeit, of which I was very happy to post, but doesn't fall into the name calling category you are trying to squeeze it into. I'm sure you are posting this because you are upset at me for pointing out to everyone that you've been owned and outed, which you are not handling well. I am simply posting my opinion, just like you have been posting yours. Although, you didn't handle the Kristin Skegell interview well either, as I posted on that thread, your comments there were inappropriate and out of place. I think your statements regarding my posts fall into the opinion category, I find no truth in them, no scripture, no relevant content, and do believe them to be unsubstanciated and untrue. I don't know where you come up with this stuff, I think you might have made up portions of your content, and pulled it out of thin air, in my opinion... Have a nice day.
  10. Welcome back Rascal! Good to see both of you back! Forget about a GS annual BBQ, there should be a GS annual Fish out!
  11. No, that's not it.....Ok, its a kids movie, and the first two pics make up one word in the title, there are two words in the title, which are the frist and last name of the character of which the film's about. These pic clues are the same as one of George's previous movie postings where he said, "remember that I don't always break words with clues. For example, if I wanted to do "I Spy," I would probably use ice and pie, not eye and spy."
  12. What happened here was akin to having a memorial thread for a friend or relative, and having someone who didn't like that individual come in and trash that person in their postings. It was good that the mods stepped in and deleted the chief offender's posts. Some people have a misguided sense of what's appropriate.
  13. Ha! Get over yourself WD, my opinion still is, you were owned and you know it, DontWorry tore thru your whole MO with brilliant logic and precision, in fact it was your own actions and words that convicted you. So get mad at yourself and not at us for outing you and your illogical viewpoints. For all your whining and disruptions, and verbal rampages on the "Losing the Way" thread, you owe all of us who posted there a big fat APOLOGY, maybe you should start there rather than pointing fingers at us! Deflecting the blame upon the rest of us here, rather than looking at yourself is a rather tired, but classic twi trait. I also think you live in a pretty closed world if you think you're the only one who gets to determine what's post worthy and what's not, your whole intent in the other thread was to tell us all Kristin's story was worthless and whatever you think and say is gold. Want to know what the redeeming subject content of my "owned" post was? We were right, and you were wrong!!! Maybe you should learn from it...The fact that every one of your posts on that thread were deleted clearly shows what the consensus here is regarding your posts. Dream on, perhaps you should start working on that apology.
  14. You can also buy a piece of the moon. Starting at $18.95!! www.lunarregistry.com
  15. PD, you've guessed all the words, its just that you've listed too many, take the simplist form of what the pic is, just one word per pic.
  16. Nice salmon recipe Jonny, at our house, salmon is about our most favorite thing to eat, we use the exact same grilling sauce recipe as you do, except we add a little honey to it, there are few things better than salmon!
  17. No offence to you Jonny, welcome back!
  18. White Dove gets OWNED!!!!!! HA HA HA !!!!!!! OWNED!!!!!!!
  19. If you say it fast, you'll get it, you've got all the words.
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