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now I see

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Everything posted by now I see

  1. Here's some more nostalgia from a great episode the show, how bout this song: "It's the lure of easy money, it's got a very strong appeal You'd understand it better standing in my shoes It's the ultimate enticement, it's the smugglers' blues"
  2. There's also huge bonuses and higher active duty pay right now for those in Iraq. I have friends who served in Iraq recently, and couldn't believe the amount they got paid. If we had a draft or at least an abundance of active duty servicemen and women, I'm sure the incentives would be a lot less. Military people have been underpaid, especially in the lower rank rungs, for a long time now, and I approve of the combat pay increase, they also have had less than stellar Veteran's medical care, I gather that's improving as well, let's hope it continues. I agree with P-mosh's statements about the troops wanting the war to be over. They have more respect for Bush than they did for Bill Clinton, but they don't necessarily agree with Bush's war.
  3. I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.. Do you like movies about gladiators?
  4. You are very right Steve!!! Congrats!!!
  5. Oh, I forgot to add, need a name for each pic.
  6. I believe he went into the wc in '86, married Cathy S from the same corps, and moved up in twi food chain unbelievably fast in lightening speed, the last I heard of them they were still in. Check out the "Connecting" section of GS or do a search for his last name, there was a thread started in his name a while back..
  7. Congrats Raf, you are right! And George, you deserve honorable mention, those clues fit both of your guesses!!!
  8. This discussion also begs the question regarding posers: what if an innie twi person creates a sympathetic profile and then gets accepted onto this hidden forum, gleans information from the other truth tellers, and reports it back to twi? You are now more exposed than ever before. How are you gonna effectively screen this person out? We've already witnessed the wierewill apologists being relentless, to the extreeem, in their pursuit of what they "believe" is right...the twi innies would be worse. Either way, the worst that could happen would be the indivual or loved one gets expelled from twi, in the long run, how bad could that be? Just kidding, couldn't help myself on that one, in reality, ending the twi relationship is often devistating.
  9. How about a clue? I probably should have just put the first pic up and not the second. How bout just this?
  10. People can die of cancer before they look completely emaciated, fluid retention is a part of some cancer conditions, the person is actually bloated from it. Most I've known of have died pretty emaciated though. Morphine is a critical component in hospice dealing with terminal cancer. The amount of pain some cancers produce is unbearable for the patient and for the family and loved ones to witness. And if the person cannot eat or swallow the end is not pretty. With some cancers it would be very easy for the patient to overdose on morphene.
  11. Why not just get another username to post any sensitive comments, so that it couldn't be traced to your current handle? Of course you would have to be dilligent to never offer any incriminating information such as location, etc, and leave specific posts that would give that kind of info to the private message category. Maybe we could set up mentors here who could assist newbies and innies who want to vent, maybe a no read forum just for that or thru private messaging. I haven't been here so long to forget what it was like when I first found GS almost two years ago, with about zero knowledge of what had gone on behind the scenes and even about LCM's court case, it would have been nice to have something like that to ease the transisiton and have help in assimulating all the GS information.
  12. Does anyone know the timeline when exactly VP got his eye removed and how long in advance it was really bothering him? I wonder if the reason why he stepped down from running the ministry and chose a successor, and allowed his direct controll over the BOT to be given up, had anything to do with an early diagnosis of tumors and/or ocular cancer? WaterBuffalo, that speech he gave at lunch sounds like a classic narcissist's self centered pleas for attention and sympathy, with the classic mean spirited twists of guilt inducing manipulative whinings about disapointment in others for their lack of loyalty and support, while indulging in self aggrandizing claims when comparing himself to OT high priests (as if!), while promoting the illusion that he actually stood in the gap for people, when in fact he was the chief abuser! What a mass of rationalizations! Unbelievable, he should have been begging for our forgiveness, not even the prospect of death and cancer could humble this man, his words always came with a pricetag, even when he taught the bible, even in death and even after, from the grave, thanks to POOP.
  13. No, both movies are close though......and the clues would work for those too.
  14. Ok, I'm gonna take a stab at this.... Is it, "Beijing Olympics"? Dealing + Old + Limb + Pigs...??
  15. Deal, bet, poker dead, tree, branch piglets, pigs, double, two, cute, snouts, bbq...
  16. You should definitely tell Paw of your idea... I post on other websites where they have restricted entry forums, although often to get in, your credentials are validated and checked, such as name, address, or references, or employmental verifications are made if it is a proffessional website, sometimes fees and matching names and cc#'s are required. I don't know if we're set up here to do checks to verify whether someone is still an innie and if the person posting is really who they say they are......? Who would you let in and who would you keep out, and if so, based on what? Might prove to be as contentious as the Way Corps website. Is there a way to avoid these obstacals? Maybe the same thing could be accomlished with the private messaging feature here to individuals that are trustworthy "pillars" on the GS forums. Maybe some could volunteer to be mentors or something.
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