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now I see

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Everything posted by now I see

  1. Steve! or Mr Floppy, please, be my guest and answer the clue, you probably know the answer already.... <_<
  2. Hey George, I copied the link address and opened another browser, Firefox, and it loaded. :) The Dark Night?
  3. Can you post it again? I can't see it. Is it The Dark Knight?
  4. Mebee we're waiting for the Brain...
  5. Socks, why are you so offended if someone uses harsh language to describe their feelings toward vpw and twi?
  6. George the last pic is a pink link, right?
  7. Hey GSG, is this one open for all to solve, or are you holding this one out for someone?
  8. They woulda probably passed on Warren Buffet since he apparently lives in the house in Omaha he lived in 40 years ago.
  9. Sorry, LindaZ, just to clarify, my comments are not directed at the Kraut comment, I am speaking toward a specific undercurrent attitude present at GS, that I believe Socks has been alluding to for some time. It is directly related to the quote on my post. I actually think the racial slur argument is a little trivial since no one is gonna make Garth say he's sorry, he's stated that is the way he feels....the thread originally was about a more important topic than racial slurs in my opinion, but I digress. I am more upset the N word got spelled out in two separate sylables, but to be democratic, if we allow kraut we have to allow the N word spelling reference...so be it. (edited for clarity)
  10. Excathedra and T-Bone I agree with both of your observations, well said.
  11. Ok, I'll bite... Why can't people heal at their own pace, why does there have to be an attitude police here that mandates nothing derogatory be said about VPee? People react differently to the news of VPee's pervertedness, the many horrors of his life and twi's rule. Why is there this constant attempt to regulate everyone's own response to that? People will forgive when THEY'RE ready to forgive, everyone's timeline is different, I don't think it can be mandated by someone else. I think being an example of it (forgiveness) is a bigger witness than beating someone over the head with it.
  12. now I see

    Forum Upgrade

    WW, I use Opera 9.64.
  13. Yeah, I know of an early Corps couple whose teenage daughter LCM helped himself to, it's too bad they believed the hype, they shoulda been smarter. They were even campus coordinators, they probably made bad decisions though, especially the ones that allowed their daughter to be in proximity to LCM, even though they lived three hours apart.
  14. Yeah! Its not like he cheated on his wife or raped some young girl or even drove someone to suicide! Geez! Let's have some respect! If it wasn't so funny, it would be really sad. :(
  15. now I see

    Forum Upgrade

    I use Opera browser, I like it's features, not a huge number use it, other than that I use Firefox.
  16. Hey Bowtwi, Congrats on your birthday! Remember, we're not getting older, we're getting better!
  17. You know wetback has gone outa style, I haven't heard it used in quite a while, I hear "beaner" or "illegal" quite a bit more, those two carry the same sentiment as the first though.... ;)
  18. Wow, this is weird, I was listening to NPR today and they had a story about a federal judge who was impeached for continuous sexual harrassment of his staff, he's going to jail, but he's refusing to step down and intends to continue receiving his benefits and salary for a year while he's in serving his prison sentence...the public is actually debating about whether that's acceptable or not. The argument over whether he deserves to keep the taxpayer's money while he's in prison, reminds me of the same people who refuse to acknowledge that vpw did anything wrong and think he's their "father in the word"! Regarding the thread article, I too think this judge needs a lot more experience and should get a clue, I've had at least 4 friends, that are girls, tell me they were raped, maybe more if I think about it for a while, and all were telling the truth, none of them reported it to the authorities. It would take a lot of guts to bring this type of case to trial, most don't want to go thru it.
  19. I can't imagine anyone doing that, it would be irrational and unfair, I don't think anyone here views anyone else here like that....unless your inicials are LCM? :huh:
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