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now I see

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Everything posted by now I see

  1. Angels with Fithly Souls.... not really a real movie... New one: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. What truth? There is no spoon. There is no spoon? Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself. I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.
  2. Ok, since no one else is solving this one, I'll go ahead, it was an easy one for me.... Home Alone.
  3. Exactly, he could only do this by keeping everyone in the dark, engaging the con, and lauding the congiver as everyone's father in the verd, glossing over everything else, instead of the ministry be not blamed it turned to wierwille be not blamed.
  4. Where I remember it was in residence in the Corps, we were told to "master" Piffle, get back to the word, and also told we were'nt doing a good job of it after 6 months of endless piffle reviews. It was all so nebulous, with no clarification, no direction, no explaination of the problems the ministry faced or where they came from or what they were, just that we had to get back to the verd!!! Try being sent out on the field after all this great training. They had no clue, they couldn't handle the training for what they proposed the corps to be. It was all a slight of hand shell game, the whole piffle material, classes, books, seminars, tapes, and much of the teachings from twi are bereft of authority and sound biblical training, education, heart, love, honesty, care of people, with little understanding of our relationship to Jesus and God Almighty and salvation. The best thing anyone can do is throw the whole kit and kaboodle out in the garbage or burn them in the nearest fireplace.
  5. Good points skyrider, I think G*er needs far more exposure for what he really is/was than he's gotten here. I find it interesting too that Ge*r only includes the trustees and later the Corps as viable to help bring us back to the word. In this letter in the GS archives, CLICK HERE he heartlessly tells everyone else who doesn't fit into those two categories, thanks, but no thanks, regarding offers to help, what can we do, and can I have a copy of the POOP too? He then goes on to say only the expertly trained and equiped can handle it, otherwise you peons can't cut it. Sorry, you don't have the right stuff to walk with God, he actually uses the word inadequate, uses a firefighting analogy (reminiscent of LCM's analogies btw), indicates only the Corps are the only ones trained enough to carry on the great outreach of the word and it is written lifestyle, firmly establishing the way hierarchy in stone..cement slippers, all others are dispensable undeveloped ne'er-do-wells not able to handle the spiritual significance of such great important matters, never mind according to Ge*r their own spiritual destiny hangs in the balance. The irony of it is those top leaders that responded to him were in it thick as thieves, on the downlow, keen on keeping the way of adultery, deception, and dollars, those that failed him either wanted their own symbiotic parallel ministries, or were the true ones, rejecting the whole shiester werewillian adultery deception package. As with so much of the correspondence, written, and taped information that came out of his mouth, you go away scratching your head, in a state of confusion with no answers, and certain that you have very little significance compared to others who are so much more important than you or anything you might contribute. Great leadership and teaching to God's people, this letter was sent to everyone.
  6. Education opens doors, both industries that my spouse and I work in currently require a college degree to advance, without a degre, doors are closed tight. Many higher earning jobs require the standard of a degree, in their mind it shows discipline, a broader viewpoint and exposure, and it's a rite of passage in this country for many employers. I have been in business for myself before, the entrepeneur road is a hard road, many more businesses fail than succeed, right now it is especially tough for small business. I would rather my kids get a college education than not, I want them to have open doors and options in life, to be able to contribute to society in any way they set their sights on, and not have to struggle to feed their family.
  7. now I see

    Sheriff Joe

    This one takes the cake, in this article, Click Here, Sheriff Joe had an actor who was featured on an opposing political ad arrested on Halloween on trumped up charges of impersonating an officer when he wore pink shorts, an I heart Arizona T-shirt, a smokey the bear hat and an umbuttoned DPS shirt with two kid's star badges on it. The Phoenix police refused to cite or arrest the actor when they were called, but shurreff joe's depidees did. Needless to say, the actor sued and won a lawsuit against the Sherriff's Office. Simply amazing...
  8. I think one of the reasons he said it was to increase our competitiveness as a country internationally, and continue as a country to be trailblazers of invention in all fields. I believe he also wants the poorest among us to improve their lives. With so many in all fields unemployed right now and with whole industries tanking, going back to school or getting a degree is what many need to get new jobs. Many people would like to go into new or second careers later in life, any assistance from the govt would be helpful. He also tagged on community service participation and giving back would be tied into affordable govt education programs....interesting stuff, I would go for that.
  9. now I see

    Sheriff Joe

    Here's some news articles corroborating Rocky's assertions, this one regarding the constitutional rights of a newspaper to report against joe being violated, reporters arrested, and the newspaper's reader's rights to privacy being violated by tracking their internet activity click here and here The Goldwater Institute compiled facts, data and statistics of the Sheriff's dept very telling, $30 million spent on lost lawsuits against the dept, and an additional $11.3 million spent on liability insurance as a result...he actually has a PR staff. click here to read pdf Also interesting to note lawsuites won against the Sherriff's office include mysterious deaths at the hands of deputies, inmate abuse, wrongful arrests, denial of medical services for inmates, falsification of documents by sheriff's office, mysterious expendatures to a vacation spot in Honduras, dept workers filling in overtime on time cards at the beginning of work week, current and ongoing countless federal investigations of inmate conditions, audits, civil rights violations of hispanic residents and illegal aliens...the list goes on.
  10. True Tazia, good point, I just think vpee made a caculated choice for his replacement, and it wasn't the best man or the man most able to continue the mission...which old vic's mission was quite different than the rest of us, but anyway, I'm not so sure the reasons were made public.
  11. Thanks for the added information everyone, I personally think one of the reasons why King Okie played the card of let's fire all the corps in the state in '89 is that he was so successful with that tactic in the previous years...I rember many individual firings in '88, even limb leaders and many corps were singled out individually with not much of a stir...many believers had never experienced this happening before and assumed there was a good reason for it. Next, King Okie pulled the loyalty stuff with hq staff and in residence corps in '88..and so on...I'm sure he believed he was doing the righteous thing, he learned these tactics from the best, his mentor, vpee. Skyrider, I can vouch for the fact that vpee encouraged competitiveness amongst the top leaders in twi, I had a conversation with one of the men who was in the running for the presidency of twi before lcm was named, and he verified that they all, even Geer, were competing for the top spot. Vpee was no idiot, he had to have seen what a weanie king okie was, how he was a lap dog for vp, but even so, he picked the okie over his best friend Geer. I don't think vpee wanted his replacement to succeed, he never liked anyone doing anything better than him while he was alive, I can't see he'd want to be upstaged by Geer either.
  12. Thanks to those who responded to my question, It is amazing that nothing has changed, as The Who said in one of their songs, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." That reflects poorly on all the former leaders from twi who are still "leading" in the offshoots. Thanks hap for your spelling lesson contribution to this thread, that is what I meant, I have changed my post. :)
  13. Does anyone remember the exact reason why California broke away from twi in 80's? Was it because of the abundant sharing issues, was it because of the many firings, the LCM loyalty letter, the adultery, or the plagerism? My memory is foggy, and I've been having conversations with someone who lives there and who goes to fellowships with the spinoff group that most went to there, and I'm interested if whether Doug S**d and those who led the departure from twi in california made a stand over the adultery and doctrinal plagerism issues, or was it over them getting fired en masse if they didn't comply with the loyalty letter and the ABS? Does anyone remember the details of why they all seceded from twi all at once?
  14. I've got to make a revision to my former post, regarding who was not involved in the adultery, I listened to the podcast of "Through the Fog" Click Here between Paw and RD, and found the spot where he states all save himself and Ricardo Cabellero, from the Yak twig, had never participated in the adultery, it's at the 15:20 time mark on the recording...he also states he had to confront everybody else in the Yak twig at times regarding specific people who were lining up at his door for counseling because of the sexual abuse that happened to them with those Yak twig members. He also indicates a hardness from them in seeing how it was wrong.
  15. Please forgive me if my memory is wrong, but wasn't it our dearly beloved (truly) Don'tWorryBeHappy poster who audibly said on the podcast that all other participants in the infamous "Yak" twig partook in old pervy vic's plan of each one win one adultery outreach ministry, save Art Pol*ing? How can it be more first hand than that? Lift the veil just a little and you might see all sorts of yuck.
  16. Hap, there has been many less than positive comments made on GS about JT by respected posters who've been around since Waydale days, this website serves a purpose of bringing the past hidden things of twi and it's leaders to light. Are you referring to their comments or are you referring to a specific poster's deleted post on this thread?
  17. You got it, Congrats!!!!! :) He's the cutest baby boy!
  18. There were some caught up in the vpee BS that realized the errors of their ways, changed and got out of it like Pat Ly*n...Commendable.
  19. Raf, your life as you knew it is over, but in a good way!!! :wub: :P !!!!!
  20. Make a living off of being a male gigalo? Hmm... :blink:
  21. No, of course not! But I figured with a hint I might be able to solve it on two pics, I just don't watch enough TV and am definitely not into sports... :) Good one Steve! I like your use of a sexy airplane!
  22. Townsend works with the Geer group, he lived in Ohio, I believe in Columbus, don't know if he's still there.
  23. George, this last pic as well as the Jen Aniston pic look like photo shopped heads on a different body...the heads look funny, are they for shizz? Don't know either girl in this one either...
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