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Everything posted by LornaDoone

  1. True but it's not only shoot first, they will use a knife in a misunderstanding or any other weapon. Guns are for reasonable, sane people. If there were registrations, testing, training that alone would help get rid of the nuts. Now the nuts have the guns and most citizens do not. I would use Iraq as an example. If most of the Iraq people had weapons, I would think that Sadam would not have gotten where he did and caused the evil he did. Parents, men & women would have defended themselves against this type of invasion of their families. We need more people now to rise up and learn because evil is on our doorstep and if you are unprotected you're in trouble. The nuts are still out there and we get more each day. I think Florida is putting in a law that you can shoot anyone that threatens you or your family & I know it's on your property, but may even go beyond that. I believe the scripture says:(-->don't quote me) Because judgement against an evil work is not done speedily the hearts of men wax evil. OT somewhere. PS was on vacation and just got back so sorry I didn't post sooner.
  2. Ah, and I wonder if they still have to report two to three times a week to a plastic fellowship and tell all their miracles (not) (like starving to death & bingo there was a reataurant). Oh and having to keep track of all the people you HAD to witness to and give an account out loud at the fellowship and how the people responded and blah, blah, blah. It was so funny that we got to the point that if we spoke the word to our baby, we witnessed. Then they would say on the next SNS tape that over 50,000 people got witnessed to. Ha if they only knew the truth that the true believers spoke the Word when God inspired them and not their "twiglet" leader. What crap. We used to laugh like hell during the week when the believers in our area really fellowshipped together without our leader**** and laughed like hell about the stories we told. Actually most were true but we witnessed to each other. Duh! God must have been dancing & Jesus along side Him. Imagine all that legalism that we almost fell for. Boy did we have fun when that rule came out.
  3. Oh & don't forget Moses was a murderer "NOT".
  4. Every American Citizen has the right to bear arms. Every person in American should be brought up with guns just as they are brought up with knives, baseball bats etc. If the fear of guns was gone and the same respect & knowledge of guns was taught we would have less killers on the loose. I see kids 8 & up going hunting with rifles for deer etc., so if they can handle it all people can handle it. Then we shoot the bad guys..........You screw with my family you are dead....Kids should be taught, the nuts will be out there with their guns, knives, "box cutters" anyway so what's all the bs with the anti-gun idiots. All I can say is "we don't dial 911".
  5. Arthur Marshall, wide receiver of the Denver Broncos and later the NY Giants and his wife Angela, son and daughter.
  6. Yeah a few more George Muellers around would be a great asset to our world. I just loved his book Delighted in God.
  7. Aren't they so full of $hit. Good Lord if all those corps had owned homes they would have nice nest eggs now & nice downpayments if they had to sell and move. Where else can you pay yourself (rent, that's what a mtg. is), increase the value of your home over time and live in your investment at the same time. DUH. Will they never learn. Control freaks.
  8. :D--> Good Lord they were angels. We used to send (one neighbor in particular) pizza deliveries, trucks of gravel, chinese deliveries and anything else we could think of; all on the same night & sometimes 2 pizzas. Old nosey biddy. Little "devils" that we were. hehehe
  9. I just got to read the article from the paper and it's the same Mark. Good Lord people from all over felt so bad for him. I hope his young child has been taken away from him, bas"turd".
  10. Speaking of Megan's Law in NJ, wasn't Mark sent to NJ for a short time & didn't his baby survive? Seems to me at one point they took up a collection for him. He left headquarters right after her death. If this is the same Mark, I hope he gave the baby up for adoption, what more child abuse can you give your child than to grow up knowing your dad went to jail for abuse. THESE PEOPLE ARE NUTS! IMO
  11. You mean Mr. Peepers.. Hey seriously if Josh is a good stock broker on Wall Street, you can give him my e-mail. I could certainly use someone who can make me some money & so could the rest of us. His lifestyle speaks for itself.
  12. Good Lord, will they never learn. I bet the conversations at the class had to be about what they had just learned too, over and over and over and over again until it's barf time.
  13. If Catcup "heard" with her ears, then obviously she "saw" the person with her eyes as they spoke in tongues, duh, unless she was on the moon at the time.
  14. "He gave us a word-for-word translation of what I had spoken in Mandarin, and while the Word-for-word did not match, the message did. My 'interpretation' was like a para-phrasing of the exact word-for-word." So was it praise to God or was it edification to the body of believers present? I am still trying to clarify JAL's position on tongues being praise to God and it would help if you could remember. thanks,
  15. Catcup, you don't need to defend what you saw, the Word backs you up. It's either the language of men or of angels. Some people will never believe even if they saw it. By the way was it edification to the church or was it praise to God. That seems to be the essense of this thread. I still have trouble believing it could be God telling you to praise him when we have a heart and mind to do that from our own heart. I just cannot buy into praising God in the interpretation. So, that is why I asked about the language you heard and the interpretation, it would clarify something for me. thanks
  16. "For example, in the late 70s I was VIOLENTLY raped, at knife point, by a man in my twig, I was not the only woman he raped that summer. He raped and impregnated another woman in our twig....he also raped the 16 year old mormon daughter of the man he worked for at a local hardware store. That man, the rapist, changed my life forever that night, and I have the physical and emotional scars to prove it." Radar, without offending you might I ask why this continued without having been arrested. This seems so bizarre that he could do this again two more times? How in the world did he get away with it. I know this is off track but you did use this as an example. I am so sorry that happened to you.
  17. Jeff I read the article from John Lynn & it doesn't even make sense. First of all speaking in tongues is not unto men but to God. We were always taught that. It does NOT say that the interpretation is to God. It clearly says it will edify the church. Praise to God would edify God. In addition why would God have to give you words to praise himself, that does not sound correct. And you have to practice saying My Father? This seems as far off the ball as anything I've ever read. Sorry but edifying the church is clear.......Again, speaking in tongues is to God but it does not say the interpretation is. Now this is a new doctrine? It seems that some people's adgenda is to try to disprove the things that they have learned. Personally I do not see it nor do I agree with the concept. If I wanted to praise God I could do it with my own words. On the other hand if God wants to bless the people present, he can inspire me to do so. So someone tell me why God Almighty has to tell me what to say to praise him. If he reads the heart and I have a mind of my own, I certainly think I can think of many things to praise God with w/out him having to tell me. It's like God is talking to himself thru me???????
  18. Sorry Wacky you did not understand my meaning. The Father of lies, the devil is in control of his spirits (in this case lying spirits) which he sends to control people who are open to the spirits. Since JK continually lies then lies again to cover the lies, it is a sure sign that he has some help. I hope this clarifies my meaning.
  19. Kerry was the better speaker I will give him that. However; he lies. He tells people what they want to hear. He got to be senator then missed 79% of the meetings to vote on issues he was elected to vote on. He lied when he said he never said the "big word" (lie) because he said George Bush LIED (back in Sept 03) then he said the Bush administration LIED back in Dec. 03. So you cannot believe one word of this man who would give FUEL to IRAN to see what they would do with it? How stupid is that. He is against our bunker buster bombs. How stupid is that. You cannot trust HIM.............. So Bush was tired, he spent most of the day with the people who are recovering from a few hurricanes. DUH.......at least he was at the job. Kerry has missed 29 other voting meetings while on the campaign trail. I'm sure GWB was disgusted with Kerry for the same bs he's been trying to propound over this campaign. Bush is still way ahead of Kerry for Believability and Protection of this country So Kerry had alot of spirits helping him talk. BIG DEAL Remember the FATHER OF LIES. KERRY IS A BIG LIAR and he has proven that. I would never want a President who displayed my flag UP SIDE DOWN in a stupid book.
  20. Does anyone have the words to Magnify the Name of the Lord Praise Him for all we've been given, Now we have a life that's worth living. Let us join together in praise to the One, Who so loved the world that He gave us his son. Let us magnify his name, let us praise his holy word, let us magnify the name of the Lord. Let us maginify his name, let us never be ashamed, let us maginify the name of the Lord. I would sure like all the words, we had to get rid of all our old books back in the late 80's and it was a favorite of mine, introduced at Advance'd Class 79. You can em me if you don't want to post it all here. thanks in advance.
  21. "Has anyone ever verified that UH really did make a million dollars? You can't make a million dollars, at least in those days, without some hardness and shrewdness" Did you ever consider, "You can't make a million dollars, at least in those days without some hardness and shrewdness?", Not a very bright statement! Of course if God was working with UH, he could make a million. I know people back 'then' that were millionairs and who were not hard or shrewd. They did good honest hard work and happened to be very innovative.
  22. I wonder where "Wonder" went? Well, keep wondering, it will get you to the truth.
  23. And just for the record, remember when LCM told everyone when he was complaining about WOW's & believers not prospering that if he had to leave TWI he could be a CEO & millionaire before you know it. Ummmmmm. And Mom & kids live off TWI. Wonder if he abs's of his abundance?
  24. "Originally posted by imbus: My ? is: Why has TWI ignored other research material done by very knowledgable men and women? Why have they not embraced the academic community, the scholars, and all who could shed a bit of light on any given subject?" DAHLING, THEY ARE THE ELITE GROUP OR DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT?......MAKES GAWD BARF! "Why is the Dead Sea so Dead? Because it only has an inlet and no outlet". No truer words could be said as to what TWI has done to itself. A closed system that is so self absorbed, no outside challange or accountability and has no outlet for which to grow. Just a matter of time and it will be like the DEAD SEA.
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